I've had this happen too -- the total "bait and switch" thing. The other day I clicked on one of the Fusion Cash surveys on the offers page; it stated that it was a survey about cable television services. However, when I got into the survey, they asked me all kinds of questions (20 minutes worth for the love of gawd!!!) about financial products, insurance, and health care! After that much time (and it was NOT just demographics), I felt I should've been compensated. Then, of course, it disqualified me.
It's extremely frustrating to spend that much time, especially when I could easily spend that same 20 minutes elsewhere doing a real survey that lets me finish and PAYS me. In this case, their questions had nothing whatsoever to do with the indicated topic. It seems to me that they got the answers they wanted, in a back-door way, and got out of having to pay for it because they misrepresented the survey in the first place. A total ripoff, in my not-so-humble opinion.
All this makes me not want to bother wasting my time with the surveys here in the first place. There are so many other sites that give you credit for at least trying -- and pay far more per survey than what FC does.
Funny thing happened to me yesterday. I received an FC email to try a $2.10 survey for smokers. I clicked the link and proceeded to fill out the qualifying questions including some about smoking. The 'next' screen took me to Sampilicious where I was asked if I wanted to join a discussion group about computer technology. I didn't b/c I am not interested in it much.
Boggles my mind how it could go from smoking to computer tech. Nevertheless it was odd.