We have become a country where medication is the answer to everything. Healthy living?
Good nutrition? Too hard. Take a pill for the consequences. Don't get me wrong; there have been advances that have provided relief for long term conditions such as diabetes, muscular dystrophy etc.
But, every day we are sold a bill of goods by the pharmaceutical industry whose only interest is their own benefit. We have been conditioned to think we need a pill for every glitch in our physical condition.
We frequently hear of adverse effects from previously touted medications. The medical community has also promoted medication over other alternatives. Easier to write a prescription rather than to treat the whole person. I have no doubt that addictions have been brought about by this and that is horrific. But what about rendering good medical care?
I am encouraged to see that our local pediatricians no longer promote cough/cold remedies to my grandsons. Rather, they recommend a teaspoon of local honey as local honey carries the antibodies the kids need. At least there are some who recognize the benefits of such treatment and hopefully the next generation will not be so over-medicated and dependent.