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  • Who do you think should win the Republican nomination? 3 4
Topic: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?  (Read 27490 times)


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #135 on: January 27, 2012, 09:13:33 pm »
I showed you the numbers, Democrat.
When? What numbers?

I walked you through the US Constitution, Democrat.  

Nope, you told me what YOU think is in there though.

All you can do is retreat to that imaginary world that liberals have to create in order for their ideas to make sense.  

Yep, that imaginary world where we thought it wasn't right to segregate blacks, so we got that changed. Where we thought women should be able to vote, so we got that changed.  But you are right, changing things that we don't think are right is just a fad.

You have to be retarded.  Eisenhower had as much to do with desegregation as Truman.  Also, what kind of idiot claims that women's suffrage was opposed by Republicans/Conservatives?  Did you forget that Lincoln wsa a Republican, moron?  Jesus are you a dolt.  And yes, you live in an imaginary world. 

You're also right that only liberals resort to name calling when proven foolish. Republican/Democrat isn't relevant here.  I am talking PROGRESSIVE vs CONSERVATIVE.  Yes, CONSERVATIVE people fought Women's suffrage and Civil rights tooth and nail.  The parties have changed and morphed. There used to be whig and tory and federalist parties. Lincoln was a Republican? Sure. By name only. He was a PROGRESSIVE though.  Your flat Earth/keep things the same mentality would have kept slaves still working and women unable to vote. PROGRESSIVE vs CONSERVATIVE not Democrat/Republican. Parties Change, people typically do not.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #136 on: January 28, 2012, 06:31:40 am »
I find it ironic that so many people that bash "obamacare" might end up voting for a guy that basically installed it in his state.

Amen to that, sigmapi1501. Just say no to Romneycare.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #137 on: January 28, 2012, 06:34:34 am »
Yup, I'm even more in favor of Santorum now. He totally dissected Romneycare and took Romney and Gingrich to task for supporting the bank bailout in the last FL debate. While I respect your pick, Paul doesn't really want to be president. He's trying to get enough delegates to have a say on the party's platform at the convention.

After the last two debates, I'm leaning towards Sen. Rick Santorum.

Hi trucktina.  :wave: Do you still favor Senator Santorum?

There are things I like/dislike about all four candidates but I am hoping it will be Ron Paul.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #138 on: January 28, 2012, 12:16:53 pm »
I showed you the numbers, Democrat.
When? What numbers?

I walked you through the US Constitution, Democrat.  

Nope, you told me what YOU think is in there though.

All you can do is retreat to that imaginary world that liberals have to create in order for their ideas to make sense.  

Yep, that imaginary world where we thought it wasn't right to segregate blacks, so we got that changed. Where we thought women should be able to vote, so we got that changed.  But you are right, changing things that we don't think are right is just a fad.

You have to be retarded.  Eisenhower had as much to do with desegregation as Truman.  Also, what kind of idiot claims that women's suffrage was opposed by Republicans/Conservatives?  Did you forget that Lincoln wsa a Republican, moron?  Jesus are you a dolt.  And yes, you live in an imaginary world.  

You're also right that only liberals resort to name calling when proven foolish. Republican/Democrat isn't relevant here.  I am talking PROGRESSIVE vs CONSERVATIVE.  Yes, CONSERVATIVE people fought Women's suffrage and Civil rights tooth and nail.  The parties have changed and morphed. There used to be whig and tory and federalist parties. Lincoln was a Republican? Sure. By name only. He was a PROGRESSIVE though.  Your flat Earth/keep things the same mentality would have kept slaves still working and women unable to vote. PROGRESSIVE vs CONSERVATIVE not Democrat/Republican. Parties Change, people typically do not.

The problem I see here with both you, Sigmapi1501, and Joeyramone is that we are assigning labels to entire political ideologies. You cannot describe any one person's views on society, governments, and economics in total with one word.

You could say that because I opposed Lincolns methods of "freeing the slaves" that I am a conservative, but in fact I believe that war and aggression to solve ones problems is one of the oldest (and therefore conservative) forms diplomacy. In fact I don't think Lincoln had much to do with freeing the slaves as he did with trying to "preserve the union" by disregarding state's ability to secede. If we didn't end the confederation, perhaps they would have kept slaves longer than they did. But I believe that the end of slavery didn't come about from the decisions of a few people in power but a general consensus in that it is wrong to enslave other people. You could say that because I believe the civil rights act of 1964 should have never been passed that I am some racist over-the-top conservative, but in fact the reason I believe so is because the benefit of the elimination of legalized prejudice in the government does not out-weight the elimination of a business owners freedom to decide who may or may not do business with them on their own private property. I simply think the civil rights act of 1964 went too far. I could argue that the declaration of ownership the government places on ones business in regards to whom they do business with is a show of force as old as humanity itself (and therefore very conservative).

The point I am making is that it words like Progressive or conservative, democrat or republican, left-wing liberal nutjob right-wing conservative nutjob have meanings that are too opinionated and diverse that they have no real meaning at all. Instead of talking about labels, one should focus on actual issues. How should society be run? Who should run it? Is our federalized system of government not strong enough, or should we falter to a more oligarchical system of power by one ruling section of government? Should the free market dictate goods and services, or should those be left to a small number of people (whether elected or not.)? And everything in between these ideologies.

Our federalized system of power is the best way to ensure that no single section of the government has complete power over all its people. That a free-market system with little government interference and a fair-playing field for all involved is they best way to ensure that no single group has any ruling power over another (I believe economic power is only as powerful as one is willing to consent themselves to it being, and that government interference gives business the power to use the governments laws, military, and police to give them an advantage). A republic (a system of laws beyond the power of any single human being) with a touch of democracy (the ability for those to elect whom should represent them in specific matters) is the best representative of the peoples best interest, as opposed to an oligarchy (small number of people ruling over everyone else) or a true democracy (the mob ruling over everyone not in the mob.)

So far I have had difficult in ascertaining what either of you truly believe in regards to these matters because of all this name-calling that does not belong in this forum.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 12:26:26 pm by Flackle »


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #139 on: January 28, 2012, 12:37:44 pm »
I'll agree here Abrupt that name calling and mud slinging does less than very little, in fact it's counter productive. I'm guilty of it and it tends to strip my argument of credibility.

As far as civil rights law in 1964, I just fundamentally disagree with you.  I also don't believe your reasons.  It's nice to say that you disagree with a civil rights law because you feel it strips business owners freedoms. However, Just because you are not CONSCIOUSLY being racist, doesn't meant you aren't being racist.

You've probably tricked yourself into believing that the reason you don't support same sex marriage is the ideal family benefit (we give incentives to married couples because that's the ideal way to raise a family). Because that's more acceptable than "It's weird and I don't understand men/men marriages"

Don't admit it. Don't vehemently deny it.  Examine it. Honestly. Just you and your thoughts.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #140 on: January 28, 2012, 03:09:21 pm »
I liked Rick Perry but I will take Newt over Mitt.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #141 on: February 01, 2012, 04:01:42 pm »
Been watching a lot of TNG lately and I stand by my earlier comment that Lt. Commander Data is, by far, the superior choice.



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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #142 on: February 01, 2012, 05:11:20 pm »
Been watching a lot of TNG lately and I stand by my earlier comment that Lt. Commander Data is, by far, the superior choice.


Lore would be funner.  What do you think about Seven of Nine as president?
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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #143 on: February 01, 2012, 06:30:34 pm »
What do you think about Seven of Nine as president?

Resistance would be futile?
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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #144 on: February 01, 2012, 07:23:33 pm »
What do you think about Seven of Nine as president?

Resistance would be futile?

I remember seeing a photo of her with the caption "Resistance doesn't even make sense".
There are only 10 types of people in the world:  those who understand binary, and those who don't.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #145 on: February 02, 2012, 01:40:25 am »
I remember seeing a photo of her with the caption "Resistance doesn't even make sense".

Any hetero-male, (and likely some females), who has seen her in that 'sprayed-on' body suit from the series would have to agree.
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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #146 on: February 02, 2012, 04:13:44 pm »
What do you think about Seven of Nine as president?

I don't know about President, but she has my vote for First Chancellor of Trek Hotness.  Counselor Troi can be her Vice-chancellor.

Come to think of it, Seven was pretty much the only decent thing about that god-awful Voyager series.  What a waste.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #147 on: February 06, 2012, 10:16:37 am »
You know, I don't think anyone that has not done any research on any of them - republican or democrat - should even have an opinion. Most of what is posted here is simply repeating what they heard. I pray that the man that is elected will seek GOD's will and not his own. The man there now is a god in his own mind and that of his followers. To be honest, my heart is breaking for this country and her fate.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #148 on: February 06, 2012, 10:33:10 am »
I pray that the man that is elected will seek GOD's will and not his own.

What you dub 'god's will' is the will of what the man wants. You can get away with anything as long as you throw the most popular god into the mix. It's very dangerous and is a major reason why there's a separation of church and state.

The man there now is a god in his own mind and that of his followers

How so? Got any sources on this? Fox News does not count.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 10:54:24 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #149 on: February 06, 2012, 05:23:34 pm »
Well, it seems to me, that no matter what, the winner is the one with the most bucks. I think people really don't do there own thinking anymore and just go by what the ads, commercials and news pundents say. I think our congress all the way to the President is basically bought!
But that is just my opinion.

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