All of the Republican candidates stink... but they all look like George Washington compared to the current clown in the WH.
What did he do that was so bad? Kill Osama Bin Laden? Save the American Car Industry? Try tirelessly to provide basic needs such as healthcare for everyone? Make consistent dents in the unemployment rate? Which of those make him a "clown"?
How is any of those things a good thing?
1. And yet we are still supporting illegal wars in the middle east. What was the point in killing Bin Laden if it didn't make any difference in our foreign policy? We could have took care of Osama much more quickly and effectively then we did. As a nation, we didn't have to go to war and cause the deaths of thousands for retribution for the deaths resulting from 9/11. We could have use the Death of Bin Laden as a turning point, and end to this on-going conflict, but instead it changed little. The only thing that resulted from it was what you just used it as, a glorification of our president.
2. Bailouts do not save Industries. They save billionaires who screwed up and should have become bankrupt, but instead are given money at the expense of taxpayers, and the billionaires worker's.
3. Healthcare isn't basic need. Our basic needs are oxygen, food, and water. All of which are provided by nature, freely (and can be obtained much more easily with some effort.) If we didn't need it at the dawn of our species, we really don't need it now. All human endeavors up to that point have been luxeries, and the problem is that we now see things like the Internet and Phones as a need for survival. Healthcare is a service, and not service can be considered a basic need. In order to get that need you need to get that service from someone else, or provide that service for yourself. Effective Healthcare takes a lot of skill and time to master. To assume we are all entitled to healthcare, assumes we are all entitled to enslave those who can provide it. Sure, the government can pay those people and pretend they are not enslaved. But allowing the government to get involved in healthcare would allow then the position to determine who gets the healthcare, what kind of health care is provided, how much those who provide health care get paid, whether or not a health care provider can provide healthcare (or not allow them to provide free healthcare to those insured by the government, allowing the government allows people to buy their healthcare.) The power is given to those who pays for it. I won't even go into how the government pays for it, which is through tax payer money (where taxpayers pay for it anyway) and printing (where everyone pays for it anyway.)
4. You could argue that our current economics policies are keeping the unemployment rate steady, and keeping a huge depressions with hyperinflation from happening. I could argue that its only delaying the inevitable, and by doing so will make our future situation even worse.
However, Obama is hardly the cause for any of this. He IS going along with it, and supports the currently policies the US Government is following. But I don't blame all these things on Obama, but if he did really care for the future of our country there is plenty he could do to help.