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Topic: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?  (Read 27341 times)


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #45 on: January 08, 2012, 06:06:50 pm »
All of the Republican candidates stink... but they all look like George Washington compared to the current clown in the WH.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #46 on: January 08, 2012, 07:49:40 pm »
I think Ron Paul should win the Nomination. He is focused on our freedoms and getting the budget fixed. He wants small government, which is what many Americans want to see. If your tired of the banker bail outs and the lack of concern for the direction the country is going towards, vote Ron Paul. IF you want more of the same vote for anyone else. Simple.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2012, 02:11:41 pm »
All of the Republican candidates stink... but they all look like George Washington compared to the current clown in the WH.

What did he do that was so bad?  Kill Osama Bin Laden? Save the American Car Industry?  Try tirelessly to provide basic needs such as healthcare for everyone? Make consistent dents in the unemployment rate?   Which of those make him a "clown"?


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2012, 03:44:57 pm »
All of the Republican candidates stink... but they all look like George Washington compared to the current clown in the WH.

What did he do that was so bad?  Kill Osama Bin Laden? Save the American Car Industry?  Try tirelessly to provide basic needs such as healthcare for everyone? Make consistent dents in the unemployment rate?   Which of those make him a "clown"?
Aside from continue to tank the economy... I'll respomd to your silly list.
1.  Obama didn't kill OBL... the military did. 
2.  He saved the Autoworkers Union, not the US car industry.  The US car industry could have recovered without taxpayer 'help'.  Ford didn't take a bailout and is doing better than GM.
3.  Everoyone had basic healthcare before ObamaCare.  Now we are being forced to buy health insurance.  See the difference?  Not to mention it is totally unconstitutional for the government to force a citizen to buy something as a condition of being alive.
4.  Dents?  The unemployment rate has been higher is every single quarter, even with the WH fudged numbers than it was in any quarter under Bush, Clinton, Bush I, or Reagan.

I won't even mention the bloocking of new energy exploration, squandering billions on non-existent 'green jobs', the disastrous stimulis package, the division of Americans as a campaign strategy, multi million dollar vacations, dozens of rounds of golf, non-recess recess appointments, avowed Marxists in his cabinet and appointed as czars, a massive addition to the national debt, 1.5 trillion dollar annual deficits, an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc...

Yes, he is a sad and dangerous clown.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2012, 03:57:45 pm »
I dont think any of the candidates Dem. or Rep. are worth their their weight in salt.  I Think someone needs to STANDUP for this country that is REALLY for this country or we could be in real trouble. :crybaby2:


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2012, 04:25:34 pm »
Aside from continue to tank the economy... I'll respomd to your silly list.
1.  Obama didn't kill OBL... the military did. 
2.  He saved the Autoworkers Union, not the US car industry.  The US car industry could have recovered without taxpayer 'help'.  Ford didn't take a bailout and is doing better than GM.
3.  Everoyone had basic healthcare before ObamaCare.  Now we are being forced to buy health insurance.  See the difference?  Not to mention it is totally unconstitutional for the government to force a citizen to buy something as a condition of being alive.
4.  Dents?  The unemployment rate has been higher is every single quarter, even with the WH fudged numbers than it was in any quarter under Bush, Clinton, Bush I, or Reagan.

I won't even mention the bloocking of new energy exploration, squandering billions on non-existent 'green jobs', the disastrous stimulis package, the division of Americans as a campaign strategy, multi million dollar vacations, dozens of rounds of golf, non-recess recess appointments, avowed Marxists in his cabinet and appointed as czars, a massive addition to the national debt, 1.5 trillion dollar annual deficits, an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc...

Yes, he is a sad and dangerous clown.

1.Ummm the Military didn't DECIDE to put down OBL, that was our commander in chief's call.
2. Ford DID take a bailout. So, number two simply isn't true.
3. Rush Limbaugh's talking points?  We are forced to own automobile insurance to drive cars, forced to immunize children to go to school.
4. Just not true.

- Blocking new energy exploration... spin talk for "drilling for oil"
- The stimulus package has yet to be proven "disasterous"
- Multi-million dollar vacations are not exclusive to this President or any public figure.
- Non recess appointment are not uncommon. He has I believe 50 less than Ronald Regan did in his first term.
- "an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc..."   It is NOT illegal no matter what Rush tells you.

Drink the kool Aid man.  I don't see how a republican in the oval office benefits you unless you are a millionaire with substantial capital gains income. And if that is the case... why are you clicking for pennies on fusion cash?


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2012, 09:03:22 am »
Aside from continue to tank the economy... I'll respomd to your silly list.
1.  Obama didn't kill OBL... the military did.  
2.  He saved the Autoworkers Union, not the US car industry.  The US car industry could have recovered without taxpayer 'help'.  Ford didn't take a bailout and is doing better than GM.
3.  Everoyone had basic healthcare before ObamaCare.  Now we are being forced to buy health insurance.  See the difference?  Not to mention it is totally unconstitutional for the government to force a citizen to buy something as a condition of being alive.
4.  Dents?  The unemployment rate has been higher is every single quarter, even with the WH fudged numbers than it was in any quarter under Bush, Clinton, Bush I, or Reagan.

I won't even mention the bloocking of new energy exploration, squandering billions on non-existent 'green jobs', the disastrous stimulis package, the division of Americans as a campaign strategy, multi million dollar vacations, dozens of rounds of golf, non-recess recess appointments, avowed Marxists in his cabinet and appointed as czars, a massive addition to the national debt, 1.5 trillion dollar annual deficits, an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc...

Yes, he is a sad and dangerous clown.

1.Ummm the Military didn't DECIDE to put down OBL, that was our commander in chief's call.
2. Ford DID take a bailout. So, number two simply isn't true.
3. Rush Limbaugh's talking points?  We are forced to own automobile insurance to drive cars, forced to immunize children to go to school.
4. Just not true.

- Blocking new energy exploration... spin talk for "drilling for oil"
- The stimulus package has yet to be proven "disasterous"
- Multi-million dollar vacations are not exclusive to this President or any public figure.
- Non recess appointment are not uncommon. He has I believe 50 less than Ronald Regan did in his first term.
- "an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc..."   It is NOT illegal no matter what Rush tells you.

Drink the kool Aid man.  I don't see how a republican in the oval office benefits you unless you are a millionaire with substantial capital gains income. And if that is the case... why are you clicking for pennies on fusion cash?

Ford did not take a bail out.  Produce your evidence or quit lying.  The did take advantage of a 2009 DoE campaign designed to get automobile manufactures to update operations to provide more fuel efficient automobiles.  All of the money they received for this they have repaid with considerable interest.  This was not a bail out of any sorts though it was a campaign to motivate manufacturers to comply on an earlier schedule to the fuel economy standards.  I didn't like this campaign either as it isn't any of the governments business but I can understand why a company would take advantage of it especially when its competitors were doing such.

We are not forced to buy automobile insurance by the federal government.  We are not even forced to buy automobile insurance by the states and they do have authority over that area too where as the federal government has no authority over health or automobile insurance.  States each have their own laws regarding automobile insurance while operating a vehicle within their borders.  I am not aware of any federally enforced immunizations but  I know states have these laws and they vary state to state.  It is within the states authority to do this while attending public schools, but it is not a power possessed by the federal government.

Ronald Reagan never made a non-recess appointment, much less the 51 you are lying about above.  Personally I am in shock that no matter how much you might admire someone you would still actively advocate a dictatorship over our Republic.  I know that I wouldn't care if it was my favorite person in the world as president, if they go against the constitution I will be adamantly against that position.  I will bend my knee to no man.

I don't understand people like you that want to be "ruled over".  How could you so voluntarily desire to give up your freedom?  You consume whatever they suggest and you agree to whatever they propose without any indication of possessing a will of your own.  They shackle you and any progeny you might have and you seem delighted at the prospect of being a slave.  Such foolishness isn't even displayed by the most apathetic people I have have ever encountered and so I can only assume you are either brainwashed, beguiled, an enemy of The Republic and The Constitution, or possessing some mental defect(s) that prevent you from possessing willpower, reason, and clarity of thought.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 09:05:49 am by Abrupt »
There are only 10 types of people in the world:  those who understand binary, and those who don't.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2012, 09:21:55 am »
All of the Republican candidates stink... but they all look like George Washington compared to the current clown in the WH.

What did he do that was so bad?  Kill Osama Bin Laden? Save the American Car Industry?  Try tirelessly to provide basic needs such as healthcare for everyone? Make consistent dents in the unemployment rate?   Which of those make him a "clown"?

How is any of those things a good thing?
1. And yet we are still supporting illegal wars in the middle east. What was the point in killing Bin Laden if it didn't make any difference in our foreign policy? We could have took care of Osama much more quickly and effectively then we did. As a nation, we didn't have to go to war and cause the deaths of thousands for retribution for the deaths resulting from 9/11. We could have use the Death of Bin Laden as a turning point, and end to this on-going conflict, but instead it changed little. The only thing that resulted from it was what you just used it as, a glorification of our president.
2. Bailouts do not save Industries. They save billionaires who screwed up and should have become bankrupt, but instead are given money at the expense of taxpayers, and the billionaires worker's.
3. Healthcare isn't basic need. Our basic needs are oxygen, food, and water. All of which are provided by nature, freely (and can be obtained much more easily with some effort.) If we didn't need it at the dawn of our species, we really don't need it now. All human endeavors up to that point have been luxeries, and the problem is that we now see things like the Internet and Phones as a need for survival. Healthcare is a service, and not service can be considered a basic need. In order to get that need you need to get that service from someone else, or provide that service for yourself. Effective Healthcare takes a lot of skill and time to master. To assume we are all entitled to  healthcare, assumes we are all entitled to enslave those who can provide it. Sure, the government can pay those people and pretend they are not enslaved. But allowing the government to get involved in healthcare would allow then the position to determine who gets the healthcare, what kind of health care is provided, how much those who provide health care get paid, whether or not a health care provider can provide healthcare (or not allow them to provide free healthcare to those insured by the government, allowing the government allows people to buy their healthcare.) The power is given to those who pays for it. I won't even go into how the government pays for it, which is through tax payer money (where taxpayers pay for it anyway) and printing (where everyone pays for it anyway.)
4. You could argue that our current economics policies are keeping the unemployment rate steady, and keeping a huge depressions with hyperinflation from happening. I could argue that its only delaying the inevitable, and by doing so will make our future situation even worse.

However, Obama is hardly the cause for any of this. He IS going along with it, and supports the currently policies the US Government is following. But I don't blame all these things on Obama, but if he did really care for the future of our country there is plenty he could do to help.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2012, 03:24:49 pm »
Aside from continue to tank the economy... I'll respomd to your silly list.
1.  Obama didn't kill OBL... the military did. 
2.  He saved the Autoworkers Union, not the US car industry.  The US car industry could have recovered without taxpayer 'help'.  Ford didn't take a bailout and is doing better than GM.
3.  Everoyone had basic healthcare before ObamaCare.  Now we are being forced to buy health insurance.  See the difference?  Not to mention it is totally unconstitutional for the government to force a citizen to buy something as a condition of being alive.
4.  Dents?  The unemployment rate has been higher is every single quarter, even with the WH fudged numbers than it was in any quarter under Bush, Clinton, Bush I, or Reagan.

I won't even mention the bloocking of new energy exploration, squandering billions on non-existent 'green jobs', the disastrous stimulis package, the division of Americans as a campaign strategy, multi million dollar vacations, dozens of rounds of golf, non-recess recess appointments, avowed Marxists in his cabinet and appointed as czars, a massive addition to the national debt, 1.5 trillion dollar annual deficits, an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc...

Yes, he is a sad and dangerous clown.

1.Ummm the Military didn't DECIDE to put down OBL, that was our commander in chief's call.
2. Ford DID take a bailout. So, number two simply isn't true.
3. Rush Limbaugh's talking points?  We are forced to own automobile insurance to drive cars, forced to immunize children to go to school.
4. Just not true.

- Blocking new energy exploration... spin talk for "drilling for oil"
- The stimulus package has yet to be proven "disasterous"
- Multi-million dollar vacations are not exclusive to this President or any public figure.
- Non recess appointment are not uncommon. He has I believe 50 less than Ronald Regan did in his first term.
- "an illegal absence of a Senate passed budget for over 1000 days, etc etc etc..."   It is NOT illegal no matter what Rush tells you.

Drink the kool Aid man.  I don't see how a republican in the oval office benefits you unless you are a millionaire with substantial capital gains income. And if that is the case... why are you clicking for pennies on fusion cash?

I believe abrubt said it all... you are either totally misinformed or are lying.  Either way not worth any added effort. 


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2012, 03:37:10 pm »
We have no good choice...neither republican and definitely not the democrat!


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2012, 03:47:39 pm »
Ford DID take a bailout. They secured a 9 billion dollar line of credit form the government and took a 5.907 Billion dollar loan from the department of energy.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #56 on: January 10, 2012, 03:49:03 pm »
Ronald Reagan made 243 recess appointments


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #57 on: January 10, 2012, 03:51:05 pm »
Flackle... when your kid needs to go to the doctor and you can't afford it, THEN you can tell me healthcare isn't a basic need.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #58 on: January 10, 2012, 03:52:05 pm »
lol @Abrupt thinking Republicans don't want to "rule over" us... ummm who drafted the Patriot Act?


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #59 on: January 10, 2012, 03:58:03 pm »
Also @ Abrupt... No I am not possessing a mental defect. I'm simply a person with good sense. I'm not racist, homophobic, or closed minded. 

At the billionaire level sure, a Republican wants to stay out of your life. But for most Americans, yourself included, Republicans want to CONTROL your life. They want to tell you that you cannot form a labor union, marry the person you love, terminate an unwanted pregnancy.   I'm sure in your simple little southern town you don't see poverty up close so it isn't a real issue to you. 

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