History tells us that virtually every civil rights and social rights bill was penned by a Republican. What are some of the social bills democrats penned...oh yeah jim crow, segregation are two of their biggest. That has always been the democratic way, executive with force at the expense of the freedom and liberties of the people.
Past vs. present. The D's even supported the KKK way back in the day, but now? Of course not. D+R's have changed a lot just in the last 20 years alone, and the amount of blatant racism and sexism still coming from republicans is mind boggling when weighed against the Democratic party-- Sigi is 100% right when he says the R's are still in the stone age when it comes to social qualities.
Democrats actually created the KKK, it was their militant arm. There was even ex KKK grand wizard as a senator of the democratic party as recent as 2010 (he publicly used racial slurs as late as 2001 so when he changed his ways I am not quite sure). Yeah times have certainly changed. Most republicans today seem more like democrats of 20 years ago and most democrats seem like a major left shift from what they used to be.
I don't see much, if any, racism and sexism from the republicans but I see quite a bit of it from the democrats when a woman or minority is a republican or sides with the republicans in an issue. It honestly seems to me that democrats treat women and minorities as property. I don't know if our difference in how we see this is ideological or what but what I described is as unbiased as I can be describing what I see. Sure the democrats are more apt to give 'free' (*cough* since anytime the government gives something away for free it is through enslaving or stealing from others) stuff to minorities, or special privileges above and beyond everyone else. This seems to be a clever and long thought out vote buying process if you ask me though. Republicans seem to me to treat everyone the same regarding race and gender with no special considerations given based on such.
I try to check multiple sources of media to get a feel of what is all out there. I don't trust any of them as they all have their bias (I would relish the old days when it was the media for the people against the government...). I just don't see the racism you describe. I do see quite a bit of accusation of racism but no evidence is ever provided, or if it is it always seems to be in the form of "..doesn't want to give special privileges...". Maybe you could expand on some examples as there could be things I have missed.