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Topic: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?  (Read 2277 times)


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If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:25:44 am »
 :sad1: I usually use school computers and library computer because I don't have my own computer. So some time time limitted. So can I post a day for another day too? Requirement is 30 post in 30 day, not meant a post a day only? 1 / day that is it.


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 02:37:13 pm »
:sad1: I usually use school computers and library computer because I don't have my own computer. So some time time limitted. So can I post a day for another day too? Requirement is 30 post in 30 day, not meant a post a day only? 1 / day that is it.


Two things regarding your post here....

First of all, you should not be using 2 different computers (locations) to log on to FusionCash as the requirements are that you log on from your home computer (YOUR IP address) to complete offers. As far as I know, it doesn't matter where you are if you are logging in to post in the forum.

Secondly, it doesn't matter how many times you post in one day as long as you meet the requirements to request your monthly bonus.... at least 30 posts AND they must be contributory posts. Click on "Are you getting paid to post yet?" at the top of the forum for complete rules/instructions.
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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 08:36:45 am »
Thank you so much!
What do you comment me for post some short story? I would like to introduce about American culture. For modern today, American go as farther than habitats, they try to catch up with fast modern society. I am a Vietnamese, and we not respect much our culture.
What did I done for our cuture? But what I learn in American culture as well as History and others, I would like to contribute for something can help building American's faith :wave:. Please join with me! :heart:


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 01:21:16 pm »
:sad1: I usually use school computers and library computer because I don't have my own computer. .......

You've been lucky so far. 

The reason for the statement that you should log in on your own computer is that there may be only one FC account associated with a given ISP/computer /household.  You CAN access FC from multiple PC's/ISP's but you must be certain that you are the only FC member who is using that computer/ISP connection  -- ever -- in the past and in the future.

That is difficult/impossible to control this on public computers (library, school, work, hotel, hot spots).  If another FC member happened to use that computer in the past, both your accounts will closed down.  If another FC member happens to use that computer in the future, both your accounts will be closed down.

I suspect that even if you get your own computer, if you use a hot spot (computer cafe) to log in you may still have a problem.   Suggest you contact FC support about your specifics  because it is only a matter of time that this will cause a problem for you.


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2011, 10:55:41 am »
Thank you so much!
What do you comment me for post some short story? I would like to introduce about American culture. For modern today, American go as farther than habitats, they try to catch up with fast modern society. I am a Vietnamese, and we not respect much our culture.
What did I done for our cuture? But what I learn in American culture as well as History and others, I would like to contribute for something can help building American's faith :wave:. Please join with me! :heart:

Can I use my Netbook even it thats not my usual computer?


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 03:31:03 pm »
Thank you so much!
What do you comment me for post some short story? I would like to introduce about American culture. For modern today, American go as farther than habitats, they try to catch up with fast modern society. I am a Vietnamese, and we not respect much our culture.
What did I done for our cuture? But what I learn in American culture as well as History and others, I would like to contribute for something can help building American's faith :wave:. Please join with me! :heart:

Can I use my Netbook even it thats not my usual computer?

Yes, you can!! As long as you're using your home network (IP address). I have 2 computers running every desktop which I do all my normal stuff on and other GPT & PTC sites, and my netbook, which I do my FusionCash on. They're both on my home network using MY IP address, so it's okay.
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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2011, 05:21:38 pm »
When my DSL was off I used the wi-fi at the library on days that it was open and the one at the Super 8 Motel when the library was closed.  I haven't had any problems.   :wave:


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2011, 08:24:59 pm »
When my DSL was off I used the wi-fi at the library on days that it was open and the one at the Super 8 Motel when the library was closed.  I haven't had any problems.   :wave:

That's kind of taking a chance because you really don't know if anyone else with FusionCash might be using that same IP address (at the library or motel) or may use it in the future.
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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2011, 09:19:27 pm »
When my DSL was off I used the wi-fi at the library on days that it was open and the one at the Super 8 Motel when the library was closed.  I haven't had any problems.   :wave:

That's kind of taking a chance because you really don't know if anyone else with FusionCash might be using that same IP address (at the library or motel) or may use it in the future.

I'm not worried.  In my case the source code would still show that I was using my own computer.  However, I'd be rather upset with FC if they discriminated against those too poor to have their own computer or DSL.  After all that would be contrary to having a site for people to make money.  I'm sure the public wi-fi at libraries, hotels, cafes, etc. has something in their source code to let FC know it's a public source.  The next town over broadcasts free wi-fi to all residents in a two mile radius of city hall.  Someday my little town will do the same.  Does that mean FC will only allow one user per town?  Ridiculous.  They wouldn't make much money if they did that.


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2011, 02:15:55 pm »
I copied article vi from the Member Requirements so that you know:

Users must log in and use FusionCash on their own personal computer and internet connection only. The use of a FusionCash account on a public or shared computer, or public internet connection is grounds for disqualification. You may not access your FusionCash account on the same computer or internet connection as your referrer, referral, or any other FusionCash user. Violation of this term may be considered grounds for disqualification of any and all users involved.


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2012, 02:34:57 am »
I think they should reconsider that rule. I understand they don't want any crazy stuff going on but there are alot of people that can't afford their own computer and internet. I have it now but not sure for how long. My husband was layed off and we may have to shut down for a while. That would be awful!!!! My library is walking distance from here and when we didn't have internet before I used to go there to do fusioncash. I didn't know it was taboo. Hopefully nobody ever uses FC on that computer!!!


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2012, 03:15:44 am »
I think they should reconsider that rule. I understand they don't want any crazy stuff going on but there are alot of people that can't afford their own computer and internet.

No i don't think they can or should reconsider this rule. How do you think they would be able to keep track of the offers and users to give us credit for offers? Only one account per household is allowed, and a lot of the places that the offers are from use our IP address to make sure we aren't double-dipping, so to speak.
That's why people can't scam and do an offer more than once by using different email addresses, and a good part of the reason why the verification of all these things takes so long before we are paid.
How come it won't play?


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2012, 06:01:53 am »
Yeah, I understand the rule can be a drag when  you're away or traveling for an extended period, but the good part about it is, it's what's kept FusionCash alive and kicking when so man similar programs have closed up. By reducing the number of scammers and bots, it helps keep the program running. 

I went through a few times last year when I couldn't log on due to moving, and then I even had a really irritating situation where my apartment building switched over to a shared wireless environment which meant hundreds of people all had the same IP address. I didn't want to log into Fusioncash because I was afraid there may be other FC members in the same building, so for a month I just forfeited my daily email and PTC earnings until I was back on my own private IP address.


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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2012, 10:16:14 pm »
Yeah, I understand the rule can be a drag when  you're away or traveling for an extended period, but the good part about it is, it's what's kept FusionCash alive and kicking when so man similar programs have closed up. By reducing the number of scammers and bots, it helps keep the program running. 

I went through a few times last year when I couldn't log on due to moving, and then I even had a really irritating situation where my apartment building switched over to a shared wireless environment which meant hundreds of people all had the same IP address. I didn't want to log into Fusioncash because I was afraid there may be other FC members in the same building, so for a month I just forfeited my daily email and PTC earnings until I was back on my own private IP address.


Actually, when you're traveling you can still do your stuff here by using a free application called TeamViewer (thanks to oldbuddy who gave this tip), which allows you to remotely access your computer at home. You need to install TeamViewer on both your laptop and your computer at home, and when you're away, just make sure to leave the computer on at home with TeamViewer running. I've used it many times and it works like a charm!!
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Re: If I use public computers that close on sunday nearest me?
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2012, 05:10:42 am »
@IceKitty - thank you! And an extended thank you to OldBuddy as well :)

A long time ago I had considered using something like gotomypc or remotepc to use fusioncash when away, and then totally forgot about it.

I'm going to be visiting relatives in February or March, so I'll give that a try then. Thanks again!

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