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Topic: No credit for surveys  (Read 1007 times)


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No credit for surveys
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:20:52 pm »
It really makes me sad to complete a survey that I took an hour doing, not to get credit for it.  :-[ It happened twice today. I dont know what the deal is. I have always gotten credited for finishing them. I even leave the window open ten or 15 minutes just to be sure. But not today. They just didn't like me I guess.


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Re: No credit for surveys
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 07:50:49 am »
It really makes me sad to complete a survey that I took an hour doing, not to get credit for it.  :-[ It happened twice today. I dont know what the deal is. I have always gotten credited for finishing them. I even leave the window open ten or 15 minutes just to be sure. But not today. They just didn't like me I guess.

Don't take it personally. The crediting system is automated and is far from perfect but it's all we've got. In my experience, the daily surveys that have credited for me have varied in length from 3 minutes to an hour or so. You'll certainly have days like you did today where you are denied after spending way too much time on these. On the other hand, there will be other days when everything seems to go right.

If you are patient and persistent and attempt all seven of the dailies at least twice each day to give the automated system a chance to reset, you should have success with at least one survey crediting on any given day. Of course, some days nothing works but it all averages out over a month's time. I've had good days where three or four of these credited for me. Just be sure to clear your cookies and history before you begin each session and exhaust all your chances. By that I mean if you have the choice to take another survey or quit, always opt to keep trying. Often one of the later surveys in a series will credit for you.

The advantage to the credit for the daily surveys is that it counts toward your $15 in offers and you can attempt to get credited for each of the seven survey sponsors again after 24 hours have elapsed. Hang in there and shrug off days like today. Tomorrow may be a totally different experience.  :peace:

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