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Topic: Are the Republicans getting desparate?  (Read 2782 times)


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Re: Are the Republicans getting desparate?
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2011, 12:14:00 am »
Getting desperate? I would say they've been desperate for a long time. I feel a little bad for the more moderate Republicans. Their party is getting a bad reputation cause some of the more extreme members in particular.


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Re: Are the Republicans getting desparate?
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2011, 08:15:20 am »
I don't know if they are desperate or not--nor do I care. What I despair of is the totally non-functional government that is supposed to think about what is good for the country, not politics. We have jobless, homeless and hungry in our country in ever increasing numbers and not one of them is doing anything to solve the problems. Add to that that politicians are mostly all bought and paid for by some corporation or financial interest and you know who they represent. I do give the President credit for getting some meaningful legislation done against probably the greatest odds any president has been up against. We need to use our vote and speak loudly that this is not what they were sent there to do and see that we get good representation in DC that will bring improvement to all of our citizens.

Yep, having the same political party as his control both houses in congress for the first two years (out of not quite 3 years) of his presidency is a HUGE obstacle. I just wish he were as concerned with our economy during those first few years as he was in lining the pockets of union bosses and ramming health-care down our throats....


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Re: Are the Republicans getting desparate?
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2011, 09:03:50 am »
Accusing the Republicans of racism is such a common thing with Democrats it ceases to have any meaning. They have no real answers and they know it, so instead of bringing up facts, they just evade the subject by false accusations that are so worn out that I doubt many people take them seriously. I don't think Herman Cain has much of a chance because he's not well known, but I'd vote for him in a heartbeat because I like his political ideas. That is the only thing i look for, who is going to be the best for our country. Color doesn't matter one bit. If anyone is racist, it's the Democrats, because they hate whites.
I think that Perry probably had the best chance of beating Obama, which is why the media attacked him so much. They don't bother with the candidates like Ron Paul and Herman Cain, because they know they don't have much chance of winning anyway (since those candidates are really only looking out for the good of the country, and people are too brainwashed to vote for guys like that.


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Re: Are the Republicans getting desparate?
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2011, 08:08:28 pm »
I beg to differ with "abrupt".  I have consistently averaged between 140-145 with my IQ but agree with you that it isn't right to put faith in IQ tests.  Congratulations in your field of endeavor as far as computers go.  I decided to go with psychology and business.  I came up with the IQ/mental retardation statistics while following my field of endeavor which I believe to be closer to understanding levels of mental comprehension than information technology. I encourage other Psychologists/Psychiatrists to join this debate so that they can correct me and come from a background that works with such ratios.

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