Please provide proof as to where I mentioned faith.
Quote from: SurveyMack10 on September 26, 2011, 06:05:30am:
"Belief in God requires faith"
Obvisouly I've mentioned faith in regard to Christianity as it is a critical part of the belief system. However, we were discussing atheism so when I asked for proof of me mentioning faith I meant as relevant to the current conversation, the one regarding atheism.
Just as obviously, your quoted mention of faith is relevant in the context of your attempt to characterize atheism as a "belief system", (which would inherently include "belief" & "faith" concepts). Therefore, the quote was contextually-relevant.
If that were true it would mean that EVERY belief system involves the idea of "faith"
Name one which does not.
You asserted that "atheism IS a theory or belief system", (via an appeal to authority: webster definition). Unless you're implying some unspecified differentation between "belief" and "faith" in the religious context, the direct implication of your comments was that 'atheism is a belief system that requires some sort of "faith", (noting that this assertion was challenged as lacking substantiation, not that it was webster's definition but, that you used it as support for your contention and that your contended assertion remains unsubstantiated).
Nowhere in the above quotation did you show that I mentioned faith as related to atheism.
Unless you're implying some unspecified differentation between "belief" and "faith"in the religious context, the direct implication of your comments was that 'atheism is a belief system that requires some sort of "faith". (appendum: atheism is listed by merriam-webster as an _antonym_ of "faith").
1). You just asked me to prove a negative claim (something you have repeatedly reported as illogical)-
Not quite; you invented a false dichotomy, (namely, "
If that were true it would mean that EVERY belief system involves the idea of "faith""), as if to imply that there are _religious_ belief systems which do not rely upon faith - or, more likely an implication that there are philosophical schools of thought which are not inherently religious, (and there are non-religious philosophies which are not religious belief systems ... which is the context of discussion). The challenge for you to name one was not a request to prove a negative claim, (since you didn't make a negative claim in that instance).
... this severely hurt your credibility as you asked me to do something you claim to be against
You've attempted to pull this deceit several times before; claiming that something you don't like insulted you and thus "hurts my credibility", (illogical conclusion since credibility does not rest upon your subjective and highly biased empty opinion). Next time you get the hankering to try pulling that crap again, remember your hypocrisy in this context.
2). Belief and faith are not the same thing, by DEFINITION.
noun bə-ˈlēf
1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
2: something believed; especially: a tenet or body of tenets held by a group
3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence"
-- merriam-webster
verb ˈfāth
transitive verb archaic
a: believe, trust
a: belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof
(b): complete trust
something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs" --merriam-webster
Note the "belief and trust in and loyalty to God" part under the definition of "faith". These definitions contradict your contention which shows that your contention is false.
Although, it has been proven you choose your definition over webster's so maybe they are the same thing to you.
On the contrary, no such thing has been "proven" since I'm using the quoted definitions from merriam-webster to substantiate the interrelated concepts of "faith" & "belief", (exception: merriam-webster's "conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence" under 'belief' contradicts the definition under 'faith' which delineates faith as belief without evidence).
3). We are not going to agree, so I agree to disagree. I doubt you will do the same, but this is a waste of both of our time.
Given that you aren't actually debating but, merely blandly disagreeing without supporting your disagreement with anything other than empty opinions, I concur that it is a waste of time to even agree to disagree with you.