Why do you need a pile of evidence to understand that ARSENIC ( which is posion) is detrements to your health??
I don't need evidence to understand that Arsenic, by itself, in significant enough quantities is detrimental to my health. What I request is reputable scientific evidence that the arsenic in apple juice, if consumed at reasonable levels, is detrimental to my health both short-term and long-term. Since you fail to supply such information I did some research on my own. Here is some data from Dr. Oz's own website, the person who restarted this whole arsenic craze:
http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/university-arizona-study?page=4#copyIn order to properly understand this chart we need to break it down and understand all the symbols. Its first important to note the difference between the different forms of arsenic as indicated by
www.ead.anl.gov/pub/doc/arsenic.pdf. Inorganic arsenic (denoted by as III and as V) are the most common forms of arsenic. They come from rocks and enter the earth's water naturally. The body can easily take in these forms and metabolizes (through the metabolism) them naturally into their two organic forms. In said report it is stated that both dimethyl arsenic acid (DMA) and monomethyl arsenic acid (MMA) of arsenic (being the two organic forms) are absorbed (about 90%) through the gastrointestinal tract and we dispose of it through our urine. Organic arsenic is simply easier for our bodies to naturally process. Now that we know the difference of organic and inorganic arsenic to really be negligible since our bodies can naturally handle either form we have a better understanding of what those arsenic symbols actually mean.
The chart states that the amount of arsenic in apple juice ranges from 10.67 ug/L (micro grams per liter) and 29.52 (micro grams per liter). These really are not results that are way abnormal. Grape juice has anywhere from 6.96 ug/L to
47.59 ug/L. Although 47.59 would probably be ignored since it is nearly twice as big as any other result, if we averaged the result of apples juice, grape juice:
Apple juice: 18.24
Grape juice: 20.51 (if we removed the 47.59 test result we would get an avergae of 13.65. Of course if we removed the 20.52 from the apple juice's result we would get an average of 15.42)
Beef Broth: 10.88
So now that we know the average amount of arsenic in apple juice let us compare it to, say, water. The chart that we found does not do this so I will use some other sources. Both EPA (
http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/arsenic/index.cfm) and FDA (
http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm271595.htm) set the standard for drinking water be 10 ppb (parts per billion). (Remember that natural spring contain close to these amounts, probably more since they come into contact with inorganic arsenic from rocks containing arsenic that are broken down by erosion) Of course to compare this to our findings from grape and apple juice we need to convert ug/L to ppb. The problem with this conversion is that density plays a factor. The density of water is of course close to 1 g/cm^3 (
http://www.simetric.co.uk/si_water.htm) and the density of arsenic is 5.727 g/cm^3(
http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=density+of+arsenic&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8) remember that arsenic is a METALOID so it would have a different density. Micrograms/Liter does not take into affect density, while parts per billion does. Thus this conversion is difficult to make. I think Dr. Oz assumed that you could simply go for 1 UG/L = 1 PPB so water has less arsenic than apple juice. But this doesn't actually hold up.
I am no organic scientist, or chemist, so I really don't understand how to do an actual conversion. I have yet to find a comprehensive study of this specifically on the Internet, but it would be interesting if someone can. I'd say its easier to just assume that the difference is really negligible. Drinking too much of anything can be harmful. If I intake to much iron it can be deadly, but I need iron to survive. Same goes for arsenic.
Let me also say that the FDA test for juice of levels above 23 PPB. Although 23 PPB is higher than 10 PPB, I don't think we consume as much apple juice as we do water. Water is found in apple juice, so its safe to assume that although water might have a lower amount, it affects us more.
No one is in PERFECT HEALTH today and tomorrow they SUDDENLY wake up with CANCER or some other FATAL DISEASE !! We get sick gradually ( little by little) as we slowly take in the various posions...
I agree. No on is in perfect health. No one has been in perfect health, and there will never be someone with 100% perfect health. A doctor may say you have perfect health, but they are being very general. Cancer is actually really difficult to prevent, and many people have died from cancer way before it was discovered. Its a fact of life, and has been for millions of years. People have gotten illness and sickness from many things for thousands of years. The rate of death for these illnesses and the amount of knowledge we have of our bodies and how it deals with sickness has led to the discovery of the cause and treatment for these illnesses. It hasn't shown an increase in the amount of illness and anyone telling you such doesn't understand progression.
What if I made your favorite dish, and told you that I put JUST a little doggie poop in it, HOW MUCH WOULD YOU EAT???
This is clearly a straw man argument and I will not respond to it further.