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Topic: why can't' we claim our pets like we can with our kids? It would really help  (Read 1252 times)


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boost the economy. In fact during the recession, the industry that stayed pretty strong was the Pet industry. Even though it was heart breaking to see many pet owners having to give up their pets due to losing their jobs, people were still buying the specialty, pet foods, toys, bedding, clothing, pet accessories. Some pets were still attending pet day care spas. Others were getting some kind cosmetic surgery done because Fido's, eye lids need to be lifted & his ears raised.Pet industry rack up sales in the in the billions in pet food & accessories alone. I mean forget 401K & invest into the pet industry! The pet is in the USA considered as part of the family. Fido, is not just a dog, he's one of the children. Sometimes the pet owner will leave his entire life savings & fortune to his loyal pet & none to this actual human family. If the government would accept pet insurance as well as humans being able to claim their pets during income tax times. I think the economy would be in a better place.


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Yeah that would be nice but than people would have a lot of pets and not take care of them and claim them for the money.  I have a lot of pets but I love everyone of them.  We have an old dog she is a poodle, she fell of the bed and now she is paralized I change her diaper and put onzee's on her everyday several times a day, she is not in pain so I don't see the need to put her down.  My husband made her a wheele chair like thing where it carries her back end while she moves it with her front end.  This way she can get around and I give her this exersize everyday twice a day.


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i recently read an article about college cospiracy nd how its unexplainable the high ees and student loans in the end the video showed people owing 100-150 thousand dollars.


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eh don't know if i agree with that or not. i mean would there be a limit on how many pets a person could claim? if not then you'd have the problem of some people owning tons of pets not properly caring for them and just using them for the money. now i could see service animals being claimed or used as a tax deduction if they don't already do that.


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It would be kind of hard to prove and there were would too much fraud.
I was lying in bed the other night, looking up at the stars, and thinking, "Where in the heck is my roof?"


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I agree with the other person who said that people would have a bunch of pets and not take care of them. Some people are just looking for the write off. It's sad.
I think it would be a good idea, but I think there would have to be limits.


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Yeah that would be nice but than people would have a lot of pets and not take care of them and claim them for the money.  I have a lot of pets but I love everyone of them.  We have an old dog she is a poodle, she fell of the bed and now she is paralized I change her diaper and put onzee's on her everyday several times a day, she is not in pain so I don't see the need to put her down.  My husband made her a wheele chair like thing where it carries her back end while she moves it with her front end.  This way she can get around and I give her this exersize everyday twice a day.

Yea, but people do that with children now! And almost everyone I know who files has claimed children of a friend or relative whom they havent so much as spent a dime on!


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Yeah that would be nice but than people would have a lot of pets and not take care of them and claim them for the money.  I have a lot of pets but I love everyone of them.  We have an old dog she is a poodle, she fell of the bed and now she is paralized I change her diaper and put onzee's on her everyday several times a day, she is not in pain so I don't see the need to put her down.  My husband made her a wheele chair like thing where it carries her back end while she moves it with her front end.  This way she can get around and I give her this exersize everyday twice a day.

Yea, but people do that with children now! And almost everyone I know who files has claimed children of a friend or relative whom they havent so much as spent a dime on!

No, actually they can't.  You still would need their SSN to claim someone, and if more than one person claims someone with the same SSN number, both will automatically be audited.  Pretty easy way to get yourself in a lot of trouble.


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It would be kind of hard to prove and there were would too much fraud.

Yes fraud.  How would claiming a pet for a deduction help the economy?  A deduction is less money that you have to pay in taxes so how would that help add money to the economy?

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