Little by little lets take everything away from this country that elicits pride, bravery, love, etc., for our country. Lets be like the nations that spit, march, burn, and dirty the American flag. Lets defame everything that made this country great and join those with a voice who want to destroy her. Destroying a country from within is so much more effective than waiting for someone to destroy from outside. Lets take away her citizens rights one by one.
Lets let other nationalities take over our cities and towns one by one and sit back and claim their right to do so. Lets hate all those who love this country and love God, because after all they are the enemy right? How dare they pray for God to heal America and make her fruitful, how dare they pray for the peace and wisdom for her leadership to lead with wisdom. Lets make sure that those same Christians are verbally assaulted when we get every chance and opportunity. Lets blaspheme the very God they serve, and poke fun at their faith. How dare they have something called "Faith" that they can't explain because it's supernatural and personal between them and their Creator. Lets make sure they are ridiculed for their belief in God and His Word, knowing that they will not ridicule back, but only stand up for the love they have for their Savior. How dare they!
Lets make sure that we throw our Nations morals out the window and adopt an "anything goes" attitude. Lets kill our unborn, take from the poor, give to the rich, call right wrong, and wrong right, lets oppress the innocent and pure in heart, Lets take prayer out of the schools, no Bibles either, lets take everything we can about God off our money, our Pledge, and anything else we can think of. In fact, lets start a movement that God does not even exist, and the Bible is nonsense. Lets argue every point of life, and explain away every miracle or call it a lie.
Then......when God turns His back on this Nation, lets blame everybody but ourselves when America falls.