I just spent 45 min - 1 hour doing a loooonnnnggg survey for GiveUsYour2Cents that was at first about beer but then also asked questions about sports, movies, radio, grocerys, shopping, ect... it was more like 3 surveys in 1! then when the bar got to 99% complete it asked "Are you the Head of Household?" i answered and clicked next and the next page was completly blank execpt for saying this:
Connection: close Cache-Control: no-cache Pragma: no-cache
WTF! so it let me do the COMPLETE survey which was extremely long, then after i answer the FINAL question at 99%COMPLETE it stops working so now i dont get any credit but they got there FULL survey!! This is BULL!!
any suggestions on what I can do about this or did I just get F'ed over?
Got to be careful with the use of the term
Scam, most people use this term incorrectly. There is a difference between having a problem and a company intentionally ripping you off. I know that with FC's reputation and how long they have been in business that they would do their best not to partner with companies that practice unethical business practices. I also know that the web, and sites running on the web are not going to be 100%, 100% of the time. There are simply too many technologies working together (web hosts, webservers, html, browsers, operating systems, pc system hardware, ect, ect).
The best thing to do is submit a support ticket, clear out your browsers cache, reboot your computer, and try another one. If you have same problem from same survey company and get same message, update your support ticket and don't attempt any more surveys with that company until the problem is resolved.