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Topic: Government/State Spending  (Read 687 times)


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Government/State Spending
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:41:09 pm »
I know most of us have an opinion of the dog and pony show the Reps and Dems put on for us the last few days. Not to mention what an absolute child our President acted like in the middle of it by walking out on talks. The lower and middle class taxpayers are the losers in this scenario. Now that they have this closed door committee that has been appointed to find other ways to make cuts (like we needed another committee), hang onto your hats. They will start pushing legislation through in the middle of the night, or tacked onto other bills that will affect you and me (drastically), and we won't even have a chance to vote on it. They screamed about making cuts to SSI and Medicare, etc. What people don't know is that cuts have already been made since Obama has been in office. Medicare no longer pays anything for Vision, Dental, and a lot of co pays now for Seniors. People on SSI have not had a Cost of Living Raise (COLA) going on 3 years now, but everything else has gone up for them. Did you know that SSI takes out a Medicare Insurance Premium out of every SSI check it cuts every month. I think it's up to approx. $130. This premium keeps going up every year, even though the Seniors are living with no increase in their income. Everybody thinks that Seniors get everything free.....not true. Don't believe the Washington rhetoric. However, Government keeps voting themselves raises every problem.

California (where I live) just passed the "Dream Act", along with a few other states. This means that illegal aliens can compete with American students for the already scarce educational grants to further their education. There is also going to be Federal help (your tax dollars at work) thrown in for good measure. Not only are our kids entering college facing sky high tuition costs, they now have to compete for educational funding with illegal aliens. What's wrong with this picture? Also....Obama is pushing to give aid (SSI, food, housing, etc.) to Muslims who want to relocate to the US. He is pushing this through in bits and pieces tacked onto other bills that have nothing to do with the bill being walked through at the time.

The Obama Administration just filed lawsuit against Alabama for passing strict immigration reform in their State. What? Now the term "illegal alien" isn't illegal? Obama has lost a lot of approval among American people and is now going after the Hispanic vote. This man is going to ruin our country. He's already done a good job already. The lackeys we have in the house are no better. If we don't get involved with what is being done right under our noses, we will not have an America to pass to our children and grandchildren.

Vote him out in 2012!!  The American people can't afford another 4 years of his closet agenda.  Do your research and find out how each Rep. and Dem. voted on past issues and recent issues. Study their habits like how many times have they been present when the house convenes. What are their pet projects that their lobbyists want them to support. What PORK spending have they voted in favor of. Get involved in your country. Ask yourself why the House is taking a month long vacation now in the worst economic times. Find out the monthly salaries versus how much work they actually do.  It's "WE THE PEOPLE". We have a say in our country and where it's headed.

Now before anybody jumps on the "racist" bandwagon, I have no problem with any nationality coming to the US in search for a better life for themselves and their families. Just do it legally. When you do it illegally, it's deceptive and stealing.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 06:48:24 pm by Annella »


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Re: Government/State Spending
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 08:46:05 am »
My father passed away over 1 1/2 years ago and still havent got the check for his burial. now I owe everyone got to love the goverment. :angry7:


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Re: Government/State Spending
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 10:29:43 am »
There is defintely too much wasteful spending by city, state, and federal governments that's why their millions, billions, and trillions in the red.

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