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Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251359 times)


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1395 on: October 03, 2012, 07:40:32 pm »
You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God ...

Non sequitur.  It isn't required to have leprosy to understand the disease from without and attempt to treat it.  The blind faith of religious adherents is an infectuous 'mind disease' whic is 'treated' with reasoning, not to cure the infected but, to prevent being infected.
You are misguided and wrong.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1396 on: October 03, 2012, 07:43:27 pm »
Your presumptive belief, (blind faith), that the various 'bibles' are "g-d's word" is unsupported by valid evidence and remains unproven nonsense.

God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  

Of course it does, to you - you are a dis-believer.

No, logical reasoning applies generally and particularly; it isn't my personal unsupported opinion.  On the other hand, illogical blind faith isn't a valid basis for reaching conclusions because it doesn't rely upon reasoning and is based on irrationality instead.

But you will NOT cut down believers like this with your hateful spewing when they are free to believe in Christ  Not to mention, that their decision to accept Christ is NONE of your business ...

It's actually no one's business but their own what irrational, blind faith-based superstitions religious adherents choose to adhere to however, once it leaves the confines of their self-delusions and is voluntarily posted in a public forum, that religious propaganda inflicts itself upon others. It's a religious adherent's choice to announce their ignorance to the public, just as it is the choice of others to oppose such proselytizing or ignore it.  Some have chosen to oppose it and you've chosen to oppose that opposition with irrational outbursts of "hateful spewing" characterizations.  That's your perogative; such irrationalities remain ineffective.

You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God, and that's your choice.  

Not coincidentally, you remain unaware of the workings of logical reason and rely instead upon the irrationality of blind faith.
Wrong.  Are you reverting back to childhood "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?"  It's not working.  I am very aware of the workings of logical reason of the inner workings of the study of Christ, and what faith is.  You are free to think what you want, but you are not calling my beliefs and views irrational without hearing feedback.  Mind your own views and I'll mind mine.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1397 on: October 03, 2012, 07:45:47 pm »
You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God ...

Non sequitur.  It isn't required to have leprosy to understand the disease from without and attempt to treat it.  The blind faith of religious adherents is an infectuous 'mind disease' whic is 'treated' with reasoning, not to cure the infected but, to prevent being infected.

You are misguided and wrong.

Your empty assertion does not constitute a refutation in any way.  If you can provide a rational counter-argument, with reasoning substantiated by logic, that would be a different matter.  As it stands, your bland contrary assertion remains an empty opinion.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1398 on: October 03, 2012, 07:49:08 pm »
I am very aware of the workings of logical reason of the inner workings of the study of Christ, and what faith is. 

Then you are either in severe denial or, consciously choosing to be irrational because "faith" is a belief which lacks evidence.  Holding such baseless beliefs is irrational and knowledge of the workings of logic readily reveal that.

You are free to think what you want, but you are not calling my beliefs and views irrational without hearing feedback.  

That "feedback" has consisted of unsupported denials and unsubstantiated assertions of religious claims.  As such, they are irrational by definition.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1399 on: October 03, 2012, 07:55:39 pm »
Nope, the Bible threads aren't spamming anything - they are allowed, and even have their own forum - you can't stand that.

First off, there's a difference between allowing such biblical spam and claiming such posts aren't spam.  Secondly, the spamming proselytizing threads so NOT have their own forum, they are posted in the "Off Topic" forum and "Debate + Discuss" subforum.  There is no separate 'religious proselytization/bible-thumping' forum.

So once again, please stop with the ridiculous whining about threads/topics allowed in FC, that are not spamming threads in the first place.  Sheesh...  

You religious adherents have access to what you're requoting via cut & paste repetitious spamming therefore, it consists of spamming proselytization.  As the Monty Python character asked, "have you got anything without spam in it?"
I will say this.  At one time, the forums, when listed, included "Religious Debate" within the Debate and Discuss Forum, including the words to the effect of "Enter at your own risk."  I am noticing, since you said that, that it is set up differently - I have not noticed that particular change until now.

Even so, religious threads are NOT spamming in the first place - they are one of hundreds of topics allowed in this forum.  So you are wrong in calling those "spamming."  You just don't like them and that's your opinion, but your opinion of them being "spamming" is simply that, an opinion, and not truth for all.  Get a grip - those threads are not hurting you, especially when you do not have to even force yourself to open them.

In the same respect, that's why you are being accused of "initially spamming religious threads."  You don't like them, and that's fine.  But you don't have to be so intolerant of threads allowed in the forum.  If they were truly "spamming" threads, Kohler wouldn't allow them in the first place.  So, your opinion is not truth for the forum, just your view.

And as far as copying and pasting things, please show me where that is not allowed, especially when credit is given to the posting, and the fact that many of those posted help to make clearer points or help to back up points, etc.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1400 on: October 03, 2012, 08:02:38 pm »
You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God ...

Non sequitur.  It isn't required to have leprosy to understand the disease from without and attempt to treat it.  The blind faith of religious adherents is an infectuous 'mind disease' whic is 'treated' with reasoning, not to cure the infected but, to prevent being infected.

You are misguided and wrong.

Your empty assertion does not constitute a refutation in any way.  If you can provide a rational counter-argument, with reasoning substantiated by logic, that would be a different matter.  As it stands, your bland contrary assertion remains an empty opinion.
To you it's an empty opinion.  That's your opinion to think that.  By the way, assertion is based more on fact - shouldn't you have called it "your empty assessment?"  An assessment is not based on fact - isn't that more of what you are trying to accuse me of?  It doesn't matter, however, to me, because you have your life and thoughts on the matter, just as I have mine. 

Your words don't deter my faith and beliefs, which in turn, my faith and beliefs don't have anything to do with your life, so it shouldn't matter to you what I believe.  It shouldn't bother you as much as it seems to bother you, actually.  Maybe I should say "thanks for your concern" for my spiritual decision, but I won't because your "concern" isn't the kind of concern you really are doing and isn't the kind I want or need.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1401 on: October 03, 2012, 08:04:43 pm »
I will say this.  At one time, the forums, when listed, included "Religious Debate" within the Debate and Discuss Forum, including the words to the effect of "Enter at your own risk."  I am noticing, since you said that, that it is set up differently - I have not noticed that particular change until now.

Such a designation must have changed longer than two years ago since it wasn't in place when I arrived on FC.

Even so, religious threads are NOT spamming in the first place - they are one of hundreds of topics allowed in this forum. If they were truly "spamming" threads, Kohler wouldn't allow them in the first place.

Your unsupported opinion has no substantive basis and doesn't refute the contention that repetitious requoting of material not even authored by the posters constitutes 'spamming'.  I contend that it does however, such is manifestly permitted under FC's poting policies and TOS until such time as they decide it isn't.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1402 on: October 03, 2012, 08:05:10 pm »
I am very aware of the workings of logical reason of the inner workings of the study of Christ, and what faith is. 

Then you are either in severe denial or, consciously choosing to be irrational because "faith" is a belief which lacks evidence.  Holding such baseless beliefs is irrational and knowledge of the workings of logic readily reveal that.

You are free to think what you want, but you are not calling my beliefs and views irrational without hearing feedback.  

That "feedback" has consisted of unsupported denials and unsubstantiated assertions of religious claims.  As such, they are irrational by definition.
If that makes you so happy to say those words, then feel free to think them.  They don't affect my beliefs or standards, or studies and research, in any way whatsoever.  You are hitting your poor head on a brick wall to no avail.  You've made your choice and I've made mine.  We can agree to disagree and move on.  I just know, though, that moving on won't happen.  *Sigh*


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1403 on: October 03, 2012, 08:08:34 pm »
To you it's an empty opinion.  That's your opinion to think that. 

No, yours is an empty opinion due to being unsupported by evidential facts or valid reasoning, not because that's my "opinion" of it.

By the way, assertion is based more on fact ...

Yours remains unsubstantiated by valid evidence, eschews logical reasoning and depends entirely upon blind faith alone.  That's what makes it empty/irrational, not just my "opinion" substantiated by logical reasoning.

Your words don't deter my faith and beliefs ...

That's precisely what makes your 'faith' blind.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1404 on: October 03, 2012, 08:12:03 pm »
They don't affect my beliefs or standards, or studies and research, in any way whatsoever. You've made your choice and I've made mine.  

Again, such an attitude implicitly embodies blind faith and an unwillingness to question your own unsubstantiated assumptions.  At any rate, posting dissenting/opposing viewpoints isn't especially intended to penetrate the wall of darkness put up by self-inflicted blind faith but, on the off chance that others will utilize what reasoning skills they have to decide what's irrational superstition and what's not for themselves.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1405 on: October 03, 2012, 08:21:37 pm »
They don't affect my beliefs or standards, or studies and research, in any way whatsoever. You've made your choice and I've made mine.  

Again, such an attitude implicitly embodies blind faith and an unwillingness to question your own unsubstantiated assumptions.  At any rate, posting dissenting/opposing viewpoints isn't especially intended to penetrate the wall of darkness put up by self-inflicted blind faith but, on the off chance that others will utilize what reasoning skills they have to decide what's irrational superstition and what's not for themselves.
That's my business, not yours.  I don't get why you can't seem to understand that people are free to make their own choices, based on several different things.  Keep using those words towards me - if they make you feel stronger and bigger - go for it.  It's my personal choice what I do, and what I do does not affect you in your life - so whatever you want to think - fine, think it. 

Have a good evening.  4:45 a.m. will be here too soon.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1406 on: October 03, 2012, 08:44:33 pm »
They don't affect my beliefs or standards, or studies and research, in any way whatsoever. You've made your choice and I've made mine.  

Again, such an attitude implicitly embodies blind faith and an unwillingness to question your own unsubstantiated assumptions.  At any rate, posting dissenting/opposing viewpoints isn't especially intended to penetrate the wall of darkness put up by self-inflicted blind faith but, on the off chance that others will utilize what reasoning skills they have to decide what's irrational superstition and what's not for themselves.

That's my business, not yours.  

Yet, you made it 'public business' when you posted your religious beliefs on a publically-accessible forum.  That means such superstitious proselytizations posted by adherents such as yourself run the 'risk' of being opposed/agreed with/promoting more proselytizing or, ignored.  You don't get to choose which of those options other members choose.  I've been 'encouraging' such personal choice all along, whereas a faith-blinded standpoint does not encourage challenging inherent assumptions and arriving at conclusions based upon reason in lieu of superstitions.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1407 on: October 03, 2012, 09:11:32 pm »
They don't affect my beliefs or standards, or studies and research, in any way whatsoever. You've made your choice and I've made mine.  

Again, such an attitude implicitly embodies blind faith and an unwillingness to question your own unsubstantiated assumptions.  At any rate, posting dissenting/opposing viewpoints isn't especially intended to penetrate the wall of darkness put up by self-inflicted blind faith but, on the off chance that others will utilize what reasoning skills they have to decide what's irrational superstition and what's not for themselves.
That's my business, not yours.  I don't get why you can't seem to understand that people are free to make their own choices, based on several different things.  Keep using those words towards me - if they make you feel stronger and bigger - go for it.  It's my personal choice what I do, and what I do does not affect you in your life - so whatever you want to think - fine, think it.  

Have a good evening.  4:45 a.m. will be here too soon.

What happens at 0445?  Hope you can understand a joke every once in a while, because some of us don't use clocks anymore, and don't get up until we feel like waking up.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 09:52:32 pm by alaric99x »


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1408 on: October 03, 2012, 11:48:35 pm »
I don't know any versus specifically by name and location, but I think the one that is most important to me is the one where Jesus talks about the importance of the Golden Rule.  If everyone treated each other the way they want to be treated, it would be a great world to live in.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1409 on: October 04, 2012, 11:34:33 am »
I don't know any versus specifically by name and location, but I think the one that is most important to me is the one where Jesus talks about the importance of the Golden Rule.  If everyone treated each other the way they want to be treated, it would be a great world to live in.
I agree!  :thumbsup:


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