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  • daily Bible verse 3 21
Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251504 times)


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1365 on: October 03, 2012, 05:56:38 pm »
Oh now, falcon, you're doing just as much "spamming"/"flooding" with your opposing posts (and are "requoted" as well!!).

No, the 'lesser number' of responses to the more numerous initial flooding isn't spamming in turn.  That's why they're called responses, (even though fewer in number because not all of the verse-flooding is responded to).

Okay, if you need to get technical, we'll call yours "responses" instead of "spamming", although still just as repetitious in some places (especially the images you like to post).  ::)

Posting the same responses to the same initially-spammed religious proselytizing posts isn't the same as INITIATING the spamming which elicited the responses however.

And honestly, why do you care so much that verses get requoted? Is it because you have already "slammed" those verses and need new content to slam?

These repetitious "verses" are available elsewhere, (which is how they're able to be cut & pasted here), so why keep repeating them here unless for the purposes of 'slamming' others with offensive religious propagandizing proselytization?

Falcon, I think those who enjoy this thread really don't care that verses get repeated. You seem to be the only one who has a problem with it.

Such repetition of religious propaganda constitutes overt proselytizing of an offensive superstious belief.  I'll oppose it if I choose to, regardless of whether others choose to, (and some have so, I'm not the only one who is offended by those expressions of blind faith which could remain private, instead of being publically posted and not exempt from public comment).

The content in this thread is not posted to be offensive....those who are offended take it that way, which is not our fault. If you are offended, then you don't have to frequent the's your choice right??

The viewpoints opposing such religious proselytization are not posted to be offensive, those who are offended take it that way, (which is the "fault" of the religious adherent offending others in the first place with repetitous "verses").  If the religious adherents are offended by views opposing thier faith-blindness, they can use the ignore function or not read the thread; that being their choice as well.

Point taken....the broom sweeps both ways, indeed!!  :thumbsup:

Nite, nite, falcon!! Was away from home for 11 days, and I'm pooped!!  ;D

The broom always did sweep both ways; it's just that most xtians falsely believe they own the 'broom'.
You initially started the "spamming" nonsense against Christians.  Your broom is labeled for that, in your own specious honor.


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Re: daily non-biblical non-verse
« Reply #1366 on: October 03, 2012, 05:57:45 pm »
There is no rational correlation between a non-sacrifice of a non-deity, (the so-called soteriology pseudo-hypothesis), and some supernatural 'redemption/absolution'.  This remains a specious religious myth since it has no evidentiary basis, (blind faith is specifically a lack of evidentiary basis).

Jesus paid the price, and our reward is to be with our Father in Heaven for eternity.
So go enjoy your own myth of denial, and leave the believers to their beliefs.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1367 on: October 03, 2012, 05:57:49 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

Wow, you wouldn't really know that since you haven't experienced faith in Jesus Christ.  You have no idea what you are talking about.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1368 on: October 03, 2012, 05:59:19 pm »
Oh now, falcon, you're doing just as much "spamming"/"flooding" with your opposing posts (and are "requoted" as well!!).

No, the 'lesser number' of responses to the more numerous initial flooding isn't spamming in turn.  That's why they're called responses, (even though fewer in number because not all of the verse-flooding is responded to).

Okay, if you need to get technical, we'll call yours "responses" instead of "spamming", although still just as repetitious in some places (especially the images you like to post).  ::)

Posting the same responses to the same initially-spammed religious proselytizing posts isn't the same as INITIATING the spamming which elicited the responses however.

Okay, whatever!!  ::)  Now we're sounding very Jr. High-ish.....time to move on.

And honestly, why do you care so much that verses get requoted? Is it because you have already "slammed" those verses and need new content to slam?

These repetitious "verses" are available elsewhere, (which is how they're able to be cut & pasted here), so why keep repeating them here unless for the purposes of 'slamming' others with offensive religious propagandizing proselytization?

Falcon, I think those who enjoy this thread really don't care that verses get repeated. You seem to be the only one who has a problem with it.

Such repetition of religious propaganda constitutes overt proselytizing of an offensive superstious belief.  I'll oppose it if I choose to, regardless of whether others choose to, (and some have so, I'm not the only one who is offended by those expressions of blind faith which could remain private, instead of being publically posted and not exempt from public comment).

Why do you have such an issue with verses that are repeated? You're going to oppose anything that gets posted anyway, so what's the big deal? Perhaps you should just find new opposing content to a repeated verse or just ignore the ones that are repeated and stick to the new ones.

The content in this thread is not posted to be offensive....those who are offended take it that way, which is not our fault. If you are offended, then you don't have to frequent the's your choice right??

The viewpoints opposing such religious proselytization are not posted to be offensive, those who are offended take it that way, (which is the "fault" of the religious adherent offending others in the first place with repetitous "verses").  If the religious adherents are offended by views opposing thier faith-blindness, they can use the ignore function or not read the thread; that being their choice as well.

Point taken....the broom sweeps both ways, indeed!!  :thumbsup:

Nite, nite, falcon!! Was away from home for 11 days, and I'm pooped!!  ;D

The broom always did sweep both ways; I agree it's just that most xtians falsely believe they own the 'broom'. So do most atheists
Good points, IceKitty!


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Re: daily non-biblical non-verse
« Reply #1369 on: October 03, 2012, 05:59:43 pm »
Rationality and the application of reasoning are not 'religious' myths.  They actually work, as opposed to the false attributions of religious 'mytho-iilogical' superstitions.

So go enjoy your own myth of denial, and leave the believers to their beliefs.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1370 on: October 03, 2012, 06:01:45 pm »
Why do you have such an issue with verses that are repeated? You're going to oppose anything that gets posted anyway, so what's the big deal? Perhaps you should just find new opposing content to a repeated verse or just ignore the ones that are repeated and stick to the new ones.

Perhaps the thumpers need to come up with new material ... oh wait, there isn't any - it's the same tired propagandized superstition.

....the broom sweeps both ways, indeed!!  :thumbsup:

The broom always did sweep both ways; I agree it's just that most xtians falsely believe they own the 'broom'. So do most atheists

Different brooms, different emphasis.
God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1371 on: October 03, 2012, 06:04:21 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

Wow, you wouldn't really know that since you haven't experienced faith in Jesus Christ.  You have no idea what you are talking about.
False.  Your reasoning is faulty, at best.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1372 on: October 03, 2012, 06:04:46 pm »
You initially started the "spamming" nonsense against Christians.   

No, xtian spammers started this thread by spamming with repostings of requoted remedial myths.  After that spamming of proselytizing null verbiage, others began to present dissenting viewpoints.  As time progressed and xtian fundies failed to reply to the context of opposition to their superstitious spam, it became a waste of time to go into too much depth for such shallow mind-blinded fundies and their repetition was met with some in return.  This sequence of events is documented in FC archives which clearly shows the religious adherents started these spamming threads.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1373 on: October 03, 2012, 06:07:45 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

False.  Your reasoning is faulty, at best.

That's not a logical rebuttal or refutation since you merely made an unsupported/unsubstantiated claim and failed to provide any reasoning or evidence whatsoever to back it up.  If you cannot present any, it will remain your speciously-empty opinion and that does not refute the reasoning which invalidated your premise of bias.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1374 on: October 03, 2012, 06:13:47 pm »
Your presumptive belief, (blind faith), that the various 'bibles' are "g-d's word" is unsupported by valid evidence and remains unproven nonsense.

God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1375 on: October 03, 2012, 06:13:59 pm »
You initially started the "spamming" nonsense against Christians.   

No, xtian spammers started this thread by spamming with repostings of requoted remedial myths.  After that spamming of proselytizing null verbiage, others began to present dissenting viewpoints.  As time progressed and xtian fundies failed to reply to the context of opposition to their superstitious spam, it became a waste of time to go into too much depth for such shallow mind-blinded fundies and their repetition was met with some in return.  This sequence of events is documented in FC archives which clearly shows the religious adherents started these spamming threads.
First, "they" (believers in Christ) are NOT shallow mind-blinded fundies, so stop the childish name-calling.

Next, they are posting to those who also enjoy those kinds of posts.  You don't like it?  Fine - no one is forcing you to open that thread or threads, and no one is making you place your fingers on the keyboard to respond with a lot of hateful nonsense, just because your beliefs don't match.  Whining gets you nowhere - you are the one who has a problem with believers, and you are the one showing your immaturity with your hateful "spamming" responses that don't relate to you, since you choose to have your own dis-beliefs/beliefs in whatever you want/don't want.
Go start your own thread, why don't you!?  You are thoroughly hateful to believers, intolerant of people's opposite views with regard to God and the Bible, and are very disrespectful with your nonsense to those who aren't bothering anyone.  Pick and choose your threads - we all do.  People are not putting up with your nonsense way of showing how the "golden rule" works.  You are an "initial spam starter" towards believers - things indeed have a way of coming back at you and haunting you - you should choose your words carefully, wisely, and respectfully.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1376 on: October 03, 2012, 06:16:57 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

False.  Your reasoning is faulty, at best.

That's not a logical rebuttal or refutation since you merely made an unsupported/unsubstantiated claim and failed to provide any reasoning or evidence whatsoever to back it up.  If you cannot present any, it will remain your speciously-empty opinion and that does not refute the reasoning which invalidated your premise of bias.
False.  You aren't interested in debating proof/no proof of either Creation or Evolution.  You are only interested in denying anything a believer says - you are enjoying trolling and bothering believers way more than you want to debate.  You have proven this, even in a simple Bible verse thread for daily inspiration.  If something doesn't pertain to you, that is as simple as that, then ignore, fly by, or start your own.  You are being the intolerant one.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1377 on: October 03, 2012, 06:17:32 pm »
OH he eats Rad ish es
From the dawn to the night

Hes so proud of what he says
That his eyes are still gleaming


And the postings red glare
His posts bombing in air
Gave proof to us all
That hes full of hot air

O say does that ath e ist always post Non-SENSE!!!
From the boards of Fusion cashhhh
To the comps..of us....allll

Put to tune of Star Spangle Banner Abbr version


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Re: daily bible in reverse
« Reply #1378 on: October 03, 2012, 06:19:02 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

That's not a logical rebuttal or refutation since you merely made an unsupported/unsubstantiated claim and failed to provide any reasoning or evidence whatsoever to back it up.  If you cannot present any, it will remain your speciously-empty opinion and that does not refute the reasoning which invalidated your premise of bias.

So then falcon9, I must assume you agree with Spock on this one:

How come it won't play?


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1379 on: October 03, 2012, 06:21:14 pm »
OH he eats Rad ish es
From the dawn to the night

Hes so proud of what he says
That his eyes are still gleaming


And the postings red glare
His posts bombing in air
Gave proof to us all
That hes full of hot air

O say does that ath e ist always post Non-SENSE!!!
From the boards of Fusion cashhhh
To the comps..of us....allll

Put to tune of Star Spangle Banner Abbr version

How come it won't play?


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