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Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251528 times)


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1350 on: October 03, 2012, 01:51:11 pm »
:heart: :heart: :heart:amen


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1351 on: October 03, 2012, 01:51:54 pm »


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1352 on: October 03, 2012, 04:06:53 pm »
Oh now, falcon, you're doing just as much "spamming"/"flooding" with your opposing posts (and are "requoted" as well!!).

No, the 'lesser number' of responses to the more numerous initial flooding isn't spamming in turn.  That's why they're called responses, (even though fewer in number because not all of the verse-flooding is responded to).

Okay, if you need to get technical, we'll call yours "responses" instead of "spamming", although still just as repetitious in some places (especially the images you like to post).  ::)

Posting the same responses to the same initially-spammed religious proselytizing posts isn't the same as INITIATING the spamming which elicited the responses however.

Okay, whatever!!  ::)  Now we're sounding very Jr. High-ish.....time to move on.

And honestly, why do you care so much that verses get requoted? Is it because you have already "slammed" those verses and need new content to slam?

These repetitious "verses" are available elsewhere, (which is how they're able to be cut & pasted here), so why keep repeating them here unless for the purposes of 'slamming' others with offensive religious propagandizing proselytization?

Falcon, I think those who enjoy this thread really don't care that verses get repeated. You seem to be the only one who has a problem with it.

Such repetition of religious propaganda constitutes overt proselytizing of an offensive superstious belief.  I'll oppose it if I choose to, regardless of whether others choose to, (and some have so, I'm not the only one who is offended by those expressions of blind faith which could remain private, instead of being publically posted and not exempt from public comment).

Why do you have such an issue with verses that are repeated? You're going to oppose anything that gets posted anyway, so what's the big deal? Perhaps you should just find new opposing content to a repeated verse or just ignore the ones that are repeated and stick to the new ones.

The content in this thread is not posted to be offensive....those who are offended take it that way, which is not our fault. If you are offended, then you don't have to frequent the's your choice right??

The viewpoints opposing such religious proselytization are not posted to be offensive, those who are offended take it that way, (which is the "fault" of the religious adherent offending others in the first place with repetitous "verses").  If the religious adherents are offended by views opposing thier faith-blindness, they can use the ignore function or not read the thread; that being their choice as well.

Point taken....the broom sweeps both ways, indeed!!  :thumbsup:

Nite, nite, falcon!! Was away from home for 11 days, and I'm pooped!!  ;D

The broom always did sweep both ways; I agree it's just that most xtians falsely believe they own the 'broom'. So do most atheists
"The eyes are useless when the mind is blind". ~Unknown

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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1353 on: October 03, 2012, 05:09:02 pm »
Why do you have such an issue with verses that are repeated? You're going to oppose anything that gets posted anyway, so what's the big deal? Perhaps you should just find new opposing content to a repeated verse or just ignore the ones that are repeated and stick to the new ones.

Perhaps the thumpers need to come up with new material ... oh wait, there isn't any - it's the same tired propagandized superstition.

....the broom sweeps both ways, indeed!!  :thumbsup:

The broom always did sweep both ways; I agree it's just that most xtians falsely believe they own the 'broom'. So do most atheists

Different brooms, different emphasis.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1354 on: October 03, 2012, 05:31:44 pm »
John 9:39-41

Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
  Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”
  Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.
 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1355 on: October 03, 2012, 05:32:52 pm »
Perhaps the thumpers need to come up with new material ... oh wait, there isn't any - it's the same tired propagandized superstition.

you are the radish eater


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1356 on: October 03, 2012, 05:36:19 pm »
"Perhaps the thumpers need to come up with new material ... oh wait, there isn't any - it's the same tired propagandized superstition."

you are the radish eater

Whereas you are demonstrably the short bus rider.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1357 on: October 03, 2012, 05:38:59 pm »
For pity's sake,Falcon,the act is getting old.You're outraged that Christians share Bible verses.Unless you can afford to buy FC from it's current owner,nothing's going to change.Grow up.Move on.Get over it.

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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1358 on: October 03, 2012, 05:39:35 pm »
d-d-d-d-did i st-t-t-t-t-tutter


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1359 on: October 03, 2012, 05:42:44 pm »
That pretty much sums up blind religious 'faith' alright.

Jesus said, “I have come into this world ... and those who see will become blind.”
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1360 on: October 03, 2012, 05:46:51 pm »
Unless you can afford to buy FC from it's current owner,nothing's going to change.

Unless you can afford to do the same, nothing is going to change in regards to opposing religious superstitions with reason.

Grow up.Move on.Get over it.

You first, immature fundie.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1361 on: October 03, 2012, 05:50:51 pm »
But He can choose to NOT BE all powerful for that time.

That's an illogical religious belief/conclusion based upon blind faith.  If such a hypothetical entity 'chooses' not to be "all-powerful" then it precludes being all-powerful according to that 'choice'.  The conclusion is that, if such a choice can be made, the one making it isn't "all-powerful" after all and not the hypothetical entity its believers bargained-away their ability to reason for.

The name Jehovah means he causes to become.

No. "Jivah - Sanskrit, 'sky god', (u=yava/java), same as Jihvah, a pagan 'g-d' preceding the judiac plagiarismm. Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh):

The tetragrammaton YHVH would then be "e-ah-va-ah."  With the Greek/Roman Jove we can see it would be pronounced as "J-ah-va-ah."  And taking the "Jah" and converting the "J" to a "Y" we would then have "Yah" and finally "Yah-va-ah."  If we convert the "v" into a "w" as is done between YHVH and YHWH the name would be "Yah-wa-ah" or "Yahwaah."

Jove is then none other than Yahwah or Yahweh."

The Aegyptian neteru "Xeper", which preceded judeo-xtianity by thousands of years, means "to become/to come into being", and was symbolized by the scarab beetle.  It has nothing to do with the, (much later), attempt to assimulate a pagan mythology into a jw cult's beliefs.

That is all precisely correct and, falcon, since you're already aware that I speak German, "Jehovah," is the final German translation of that name before translation into English.  In German it would be pronounced, "Yehofa."  "Yahveh" is probably the closest to the actual pronounciation, but we can't be sure because Old Hebraic didn't use any vowels, you just had to know.  New Hebraic added vowels, so they were already guessing.  After that everything was translated to Aramaic, Greek, Latin, German and into English, in other cases directly from Latin to English.  This helps to explain the numerous discrepancies between the "modern" versions of the bible and other ancient biblical tests, like some Coptic texts, or the Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in a cave in Qumran in 1949.

Anyway, "Jehovah" is a totally fictitious and made up name, it has no relation to historical reality or even biblical scripture.  Look up YHVH, El, Elohim or Adonai.  Of course I understand that this entire discussion will be far too complex for the microminiature intellect like hitch has proven to be.  It just amazes me how these christians would wish to school us when they know so little about about the history of their own religion.    
The main thing for a Christian is God is real.  You don't choose to believe that - that's your belief and choice.  Christians aren't trying to school as much as some of you are just trying to mock and be hateful to those who do believe.  Your smart alec speech is condescending and ridiculous.  

Now you're confusing yourself without any help from me.  My comment has to do with translations, history, archeology and the interpretation of literary evidence.  Try not to get so overly emotional and stay with reality, you'll just make yourself look like one more irrational religious fanatic.
I know exactly what you are talking about.  Christians believe in God first and most.  Some Christians don't know all of the history like what you are speaking of, unless they take courses, like I have, or they research deeply on their own.  You are getting way too technical for the average Christian who loves their Lord and studies His Word.

That is exactly my point.  I don't want to step on your shoes, because you seem to be getting a little emotional already, but how can you get "too technical?"  I mean, is there too much education in those ideas, would the research and learning be too disturbing, will it be too troublesome and difficult to learn the actual facts?

You just made my point for me, I'm too "technical," as you say, not really the appropriate word, but I guess you mean too "complicated" for the average christian, of course, I know the average christian is much too simple minded to understand such self-evident concepts, that's why they believe in a simple minded belief like christianity.
Nah, it's your condescending attitude that you think you know everything about it all, yet chastise Christians for seemingly not knowing as much as you.  There's a big difference, too, between knowing the history compared with knowing the history from the viewpoint of experiencing the knowledge of God first hand with being saved.  It takes on a totally different depth and meaning.  Your bias comes into focus, as well, for to deny God, Jesus, and their events and happenings, then you are denying much of the history you are trying to say Christians don't know enough about.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 06:02:57 pm by jcribb16 »


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1362 on: October 03, 2012, 05:51:23 pm »
why did Falcon9 cross the road?

He thought there might be another side,but he wouldnt believe it until he tested his hypothesis.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1363 on: October 03, 2012, 05:52:50 pm »
There is no valid basis for the superstitious concept of soteriolgy, ("sacrificing" so-called 'deities' in exchange for "absolution").  Blind religious faith is an invalid basis.

"For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Christ died for us.
Wow, you wouldn't really know that since you haven't experienced faith in Jesus Christ.  You have no idea what you are talking about.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1364 on: October 03, 2012, 05:53:56 pm »
Such reposting of religious superstition constitutes offensive spamming of proselytizing nonsense.

I wanted everyone to see the whole chapter. Also, KJV is the only completly accurate translation that I know of. I hope this is a real blessing to you all. I really enjoy this daily thread.
Ahh, such as your spamming against posters who enjoy posting verses and inspiration to each other.  Way to go with your nonsense!


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