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Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251527 times)


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1320 on: October 02, 2012, 02:48:54 pm »
It goes on and on.Jehovah gave Satan the chance to break Jobs integrity.If Satan knew that God already knew Job would remain faithful why would Satan have continued to try?


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1321 on: October 02, 2012, 02:52:43 pm »
The blind faith-based belief remains irrational and is not a platform for proselytizing specious religious virii.

1 last thing RE the self control of knowing.....
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1322 on: October 02, 2012, 02:54:39 pm »

Giving the witness was worth it.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1323 on: October 02, 2012, 02:56:48 pm »
We need not focus on the things of this earth, but rather look to the heavenly rewards our Father will supply us with. This earth and everything in it will pass away.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1324 on: October 02, 2012, 03:01:38 pm »
Such religious proselytizing remains offensive, presumptive and a self-righteous attempt to propagandize superstitions.

Giving the witness was worth it.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1325 on: October 02, 2012, 03:02:46 pm »
There is no crediable evidence to support such a blind faith-based religious belief.

We need not focus on the things of this earth, but rather look to the heavenly rewards our Father will supply us with. This earth and everything in it will pass away.

"I suggest that the anthropomorphic g-d idea is not a harmless infirmity of human thought, but a very noxious fallacy, which is largely responsible for the calamities the world is at present enduring."
-- William Archer
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1326 on: October 02, 2012, 03:21:26 pm »
"I suggest that the anthropomorphic g-d idea is not a harmless infirmity of human thought, but a very noxious fallacy, which is largely responsible for the calamities the world is at present enduring."

This is true with religeons that claim to teach bible but still teach man-made and demonic doctrines.Babylon the Great as it is mentioned on in the bible...the false empire of christendom which will be devoured at Armagheddon and usher in Gods kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1327 on: October 02, 2012, 03:27:28 pm »
 "I suggest that the anthropomorphic g-d idea is not a harmless infirmity of human thought, but a very noxious fallacy, which is largely responsible for the calamities the world is at present enduring."
-- William Archer

This is true with religeons that claim to teach bible but still teach man-made and demonic doctrines.

Since that's what the jw cult, (and any 'bible-based' religion does; "teach man-made doctrines" and falsely claim "divine inspiration"), "demonic doctrines" are equivalent to biblical ones.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1328 on: October 02, 2012, 06:51:02 pm »
There is no crediable evidence to support such a blind faith-based religious belief.

We need not focus on the things of this earth, but rather look to the heavenly rewards our Father will supply us with. This earth and everything in it will pass away.

"I suggest that the anthropomorphic g-d idea is not a harmless infirmity of human thought, but a very noxious fallacy, which is largely responsible for the calamities the world is at present enduring."
-- William Archer
How can "God," not being real to you, but is instead a noxious fallacy, be responsible for all of the calamity? (Oh I know you are quoting someone else.)  If He didn't exist, then "He" couldn't be a fallacy, so it's not responsible.  People, themselves, with their choices, are responsible for the calamities.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1329 on: October 02, 2012, 06:57:34 pm »
Satan and his demons are also responsible for much of the evil as well.

And they have been thrown out of heaven...woe to the earth cos the devil knows his time is short.....happened in 1914.....beginning of WWI

Many put the year 1914 the year the world went mad

Bible students in the 1800s pointed to the year 1914 when Gods kingdom would start to rule and satan ousted from heaven with his hordes.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1330 on: October 02, 2012, 07:34:45 pm »
But He can choose to NOT BE all powerful for that time.

That's an illogical religious belief/conclusion based upon blind faith.  If such a hypothetical entity 'chooses' not to be "all-powerful" then it precludes being all-powerful according to that 'choice'.  The conclusion is that, if such a choice can be made, the one making it isn't "all-powerful" after all and not the hypothetical entity its believers bargained-away their ability to reason for.

The name Jehovah means he causes to become.

No. "Jivah - Sanskrit, 'sky god', (u=yava/java), same as Jihvah, a pagan 'g-d' preceding the judiac plagiarismm. Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh):

The tetragrammaton YHVH would then be "e-ah-va-ah."  With the Greek/Roman Jove we can see it would be pronounced as "J-ah-va-ah."  And taking the "Jah" and converting the "J" to a "Y" we would then have "Yah" and finally "Yah-va-ah."  If we convert the "v" into a "w" as is done between YHVH and YHWH the name would be "Yah-wa-ah" or "Yahwaah."

Jove is then none other than Yahwah or Yahweh."

The Aegyptian neteru "Xeper", which preceded judeo-xtianity by thousands of years, means "to become/to come into being", and was symbolized by the scarab beetle.  It has nothing to do with the, (much later), attempt to assimulate a pagan mythology into a jw cult's beliefs.

That is all precisely correct and, falcon, since you're already aware that I speak German, "Jehovah," is the final German translation of that name before translation into English.  In German it would be pronounced, "Yehofa."  "Yahveh" is probably the closest to the actual pronounciation, but we can't be sure because Old Hebraic didn't use any vowels, you just had to know.  New Hebraic added vowels, so they were already guessing.  After that everything was translated to Aramaic, Greek, Latin, German and into English, in other cases directly from Latin to English.  This helps to explain the numerous discrepancies between the "modern" versions of the bible and other ancient biblical tests, like some Coptic texts, or the Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in a cave in Qumran in 1949.

Anyway, "Jehovah" is a totally fictitious and made up name, it has no relation to historical reality or even biblical scripture.  Look up YHVH, El, Elohim or Adonai.  Of course I understand that this entire discussion will be far too complex for the microminiature intellect like hitch has proven to be.  It just amazes me how these christians would wish to school us when they know so little about about the history of their own religion.    
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 07:36:29 pm by alaric99x »


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1331 on: October 02, 2012, 07:46:53 pm »
But He can choose to NOT BE all powerful for that time.

That's an illogical religious belief/conclusion based upon blind faith.  If such a hypothetical entity 'chooses' not to be "all-powerful" then it precludes being all-powerful according to that 'choice'.  The conclusion is that, if such a choice can be made, the one making it isn't "all-powerful" after all and not the hypothetical entity its believers bargained-away their ability to reason for.

The name Jehovah means he causes to become.

No. "Jivah - Sanskrit, 'sky god', (u=yava/java), same as Jihvah, a pagan 'g-d' preceding the judiac plagiarismm. Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh):

The tetragrammaton YHVH would then be "e-ah-va-ah."  With the Greek/Roman Jove we can see it would be pronounced as "J-ah-va-ah."  And taking the "Jah" and converting the "J" to a "Y" we would then have "Yah" and finally "Yah-va-ah."  If we convert the "v" into a "w" as is done between YHVH and YHWH the name would be "Yah-wa-ah" or "Yahwaah."

Jove is then none other than Yahwah or Yahweh."

The Aegyptian neteru "Xeper", which preceded judeo-xtianity by thousands of years, means "to become/to come into being", and was symbolized by the scarab beetle.  It has nothing to do with the, (much later), attempt to assimulate a pagan mythology into a jw cult's beliefs.

That is all precisely correct and, falcon, since you're already aware that I speak German, "Jehovah," is the final German translation of that name before translation into English.  In German it would be pronounced, "Yehofa."  "Yahveh" is probably the closest to the actual pronounciation, but we can't be sure because Old Hebraic didn't use any vowels, you just had to know.  New Hebraic added vowels, so they were already guessing.  After that everything was translated to Aramaic, Greek, Latin, German and into English, in other cases directly from Latin to English.  This helps to explain the numerous discrepancies between the "modern" versions of the bible and other ancient biblical tests, like some Coptic texts, or the Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in a cave in Qumran in 1949.

Anyway, "Jehovah" is a totally fictitious and made up name, it has no relation to historical reality or even biblical scripture.  Look up YHVH, El, Elohim or Adonai.  Of course I understand that this entire discussion will be far too complex for the microminiature intellect like hitch has proven to be.  It just amazes me how these christians would wish to school us when they know so little about about the history of their own religion.    
The main thing for a Christian is God is real.  You don't choose to believe that - that's your belief and choice.  Christians aren't trying to school as much as some of you are just trying to mock and be hateful to those who do believe.  Your smart alec speech is condescending and ridiculous. 


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1332 on: October 02, 2012, 07:47:09 pm »
Satan and his demons are also responsible for much of the evil as well.

And they have been thrown out of heaven...woe to the earth cos the devil knows his time is short.....happened in 1914.....beginning of WWI

Many put the year 1914 the year the world went mad

Bible students in the 1800s pointed to the year 1914 when Gods kingdom would start to rule and satan ousted from heaven with his hordes.

Right, Satan and his minions, and zombies are the next threat that we need to prepare for.  There have been a number of predictions for the end of the world from the Jehovah's witlesses.  Tell me what's the latest, when is the next end of the world event?  I want to know when to conclude some more insurance policies, so when will it be time to drink the magic kool-aid?


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1333 on: October 02, 2012, 07:54:51 pm »
But He can choose to NOT BE all powerful for that time.

That's an illogical religious belief/conclusion based upon blind faith.  If such a hypothetical entity 'chooses' not to be "all-powerful" then it precludes being all-powerful according to that 'choice'.  The conclusion is that, if such a choice can be made, the one making it isn't "all-powerful" after all and not the hypothetical entity its believers bargained-away their ability to reason for.

The name Jehovah means he causes to become.

No. "Jivah - Sanskrit, 'sky god', (u=yava/java), same as Jihvah, a pagan 'g-d' preceding the judiac plagiarismm. Jove - Hebrew/YHVH (Yahweh):

The tetragrammaton YHVH would then be "e-ah-va-ah."  With the Greek/Roman Jove we can see it would be pronounced as "J-ah-va-ah."  And taking the "Jah" and converting the "J" to a "Y" we would then have "Yah" and finally "Yah-va-ah."  If we convert the "v" into a "w" as is done between YHVH and YHWH the name would be "Yah-wa-ah" or "Yahwaah."

Jove is then none other than Yahwah or Yahweh."

The Aegyptian neteru "Xeper", which preceded judeo-xtianity by thousands of years, means "to become/to come into being", and was symbolized by the scarab beetle.  It has nothing to do with the, (much later), attempt to assimulate a pagan mythology into a jw cult's beliefs.

That is all precisely correct and, falcon, since you're already aware that I speak German, "Jehovah," is the final German translation of that name before translation into English.  In German it would be pronounced, "Yehofa."  "Yahveh" is probably the closest to the actual pronounciation, but we can't be sure because Old Hebraic didn't use any vowels, you just had to know.  New Hebraic added vowels, so they were already guessing.  After that everything was translated to Aramaic, Greek, Latin, German and into English, in other cases directly from Latin to English.  This helps to explain the numerous discrepancies between the "modern" versions of the bible and other ancient biblical tests, like some Coptic texts, or the Dead Sea scrolls, discovered in a cave in Qumran in 1949.

Anyway, "Jehovah" is a totally fictitious and made up name, it has no relation to historical reality or even biblical scripture.  Look up YHVH, El, Elohim or Adonai.  Of course I understand that this entire discussion will be far too complex for the microminiature intellect like hitch has proven to be.  It just amazes me how these christians would wish to school us when they know so little about about the history of their own religion.    
The main thing for a Christian is God is real.  You don't choose to believe that - that's your belief and choice.  Christians aren't trying to school as much as some of you are just trying to mock and be hateful to those who do believe.  Your smart alec speech is condescending and ridiculous. 

Now you're confusing yourself without any help from me.  My comment has to do with translations, history, archeology and the interpretation of literary evidence.  Try not to get so overly emotional and stay with reality, you'll just make yourself look like one more irrational religious fanatic.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1334 on: October 02, 2012, 07:57:16 pm »
Satan and his demons are also responsible for much of the evil as well.

And they have been thrown out of heaven...woe to the earth cos the devil knows his time is short.....happened in 1914.....beginning of WWI

Many put the year 1914 the year the world went mad

Bible students in the 1800s pointed to the year 1914 when Gods kingdom would start to rule and satan ousted from heaven with his hordes.

Right, Satan and his minions, and zombies are the next threat that we need to prepare for.  There have been a number of predictions for the end of the world from the Jehovah's witlesses.  Tell me what's the latest, when is the next end of the world event?  I want to know when to conclude some more insurance policies, so when will it be time to drink the magic kool-aid?
Like I said, you choose to believe your way and not worry your mind on those questions.  If you don't believe it's going to happen, that is your choice, and you shouldn't have to drink any magic koolaid, right?  If Christians choose to believe the Rapture is coming, along with the rest, then that's their choice to do so.  Everyone is free to decide what they want to believe and shouldn't have to answer to anyone else for their decision.


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