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Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251816 times)


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1140 on: September 25, 2012, 06:13:47 pm »
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved and your house. Acts 16:31


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1141 on: September 25, 2012, 06:19:31 pm »
"Kheper, or (Xeper) is a transcription of an ancient Egyptian word meaning to come into being, to change, to occur, to happen, to exist, to bring about, to create, to become, etc. Egyptologists typically transliterate the word as 'ḫpr'. Both Kheper and Xeper possess the same phonetic value and are pronounced as "kheffer". Kheper is the root of the name of the Egyptian deity Khepri."

This is not the name of the jw "g-d", not only because the Aegyptian usage predates the jw one by thousands of years.  Such cultural thefts are rejected as plagiarism and basically dishonest.  "jehovah"

Lord & god are titles.God has a personal name that means He causes to become.

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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1142 on: September 25, 2012, 06:24:53 pm »
Falcon,the 1975 ending of the world a real crock and NOT bible supported.You claim to know bible but obviously dont.Dont you remember Jesus saying only the father knows the end of the system?So wouldnt discernment tell you how would a mere mortal know?There are wolves among the sheep...get  it? of them

Jcribb thanx for answering and i wasnt a bit surprised by your answers.The bible doesnt support any of them.Many scriptures show how God feels aboute eating blood.12/25 a pagan holiday.Jesus only said to memorialize his death NOT his birth.God intended for us to live forever on earth and that will be fulfilled.Only 144000 rule with Jesus in heaven.
Lord & god are titles.God has a personal name that means He causes to become.

You dont need to answer back i dont want this to turn into a debate.The Watchtower society has many publications that breakdown bible if u r interested.Mathew 24:14 being fulfilled for many years about preaching work.You never said what sect you are.
You have a habit of picking and choosing what you want to respond to.  I respectfully disagree with you by your saying the Bible does not support "any of them."  Your examples are actually ridiculous ("eating blood?")  You said transfusions, not vampire sucking - I support blood transfusions for the purpose of helping to save someone's life.  It's a real shame to know that if one of us in here needed some of your blood (with it being the same type) in order to live, and that you would actually let one of us die.  

I'll see fit to answer or not answer, not because you tell me not to.  Also, I've read your Watchtower publications and do not need to re-read them and do not need to go there on some things we disagree about.

Do you have a degree in Bible?  I have a Music Education/General Education degree, as well as a degree in Bible Theology.

Why does it matter what sect I am?  I am of the Baptist sect, if that makes you feel any worse or better.  But there again, there are different sects within the Baptist - Southern, Independent, Fundamental/Conservative, Primitive, and many more.  I've been in Southern Baptist Churches, and in Independent Baptist Churches.

 My grandparents (on my mom's side) were Primitive Baptist and my grandparents (on my dad's side) were Episcopal (my grandfather had his own church) and later after he died, my grandmother moved onto the Greek Orthodox.  

I wasn't allowed to go to church as a kid - my dad wouldn't let me until I was a Senior in high school, and then only because I was in a singing group, and he liked the director and his family (I babysat their children) and I could only go with them when they went.  

I also couldn't bring up the name of God or Jesus in my home growing up, or would get a smack across the face/mouth for it.  I learned to not say His name.  On his deathbed, though, my dad did get saved, asked forgiveness to my mom, me, and others he had wronged and was ugly to.  There is always hope for a loved one to accept Christ.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1143 on: September 25, 2012, 06:25:15 pm »
I dont understand why those that think they will go to heaven when they die.So why not jump off a bridge now instead of pro-longing your life on earth.Pretty silly.

Bible says at death we dont exist and go back to dust.What did Lazarus say after Jesus resurrected him?He spoke of no heavenly bliss or hell fire.He was thoughts as bible says.

The bible says meek shall inherit the earth and the earth lasts forever.

Another thing RE says shepards were out with their 12/25 is a cold rainy way theyd be outside.And dont forget what king Herod he wanted to kill Jesus and wound up killing all the 2 yr olds in the land when astrologers never reported back to him.Such a happy event.

Wake  up all of you.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1144 on: September 25, 2012, 06:26:25 pm »
I didn't realize that Hawking resides in a wheelchair.  Do you know if it's permanent or temporary, or what happened?

Hawking has a motor neurone disease related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a condition that has progressed over the years. He is now almost entirely paralysed and communicates through a speech generating device.
Thank you.  Falconer02 also answered and I answered a little more detail with that.  It's a real shame anyone has to suffer like that.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1145 on: September 25, 2012, 06:31:22 pm »
Bible says  ... as bible says.
The bible says says ...

Wake  up all of you.

Such an admonishment from a faith-blinded fundie who is intellectually 'asleep' is ironic.

"It's fair to say that the Bible contains equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza."
--Penn Jillette
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1146 on: September 25, 2012, 06:39:47 pm »
You Suck Badly! Person before me. Bless us all. Sometimes things just happen. LOL just had to put that in there no matter what this person Im sure they suck badly and I dont even have to read it. Cause if you say God BOOM Lighting strikes. Just the Devil getting his a** whipped. HaHaHa. :angel12:
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 06:42:32 pm by vp44 »


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Re: daily non-biblical converse
« Reply #1147 on: September 25, 2012, 06:42:18 pm »
Apparently, such things as not ignoring the posts of someone allegedly on 'ignore' sometimes happens too - especially if the person is ignorant of what ignoring means and "sucks badly" at it.

You Suck Badly! Person before me. Bless us all. Sometimes things just happen.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1148 on: September 25, 2012, 06:44:47 pm »
I dont understand why those that think they will go to heaven when they die.So why not jump off a bridge now instead of pro-longing your life on earth.Pretty silly.

Bible says at death we dont exist and go back to dust.What did Lazarus say after Jesus resurrected him?He spoke of no heavenly bliss or hell fire.He was thoughts as bible says.

The bible says meek shall inherit the earth and the earth lasts forever.

Another thing RE says shepards were out with their 12/25 is a cold rainy way theyd be outside.And dont forget what king Herod he wanted to kill Jesus and wound up killing all the 2 yr olds in the land when astrologers never reported back to him.Such a happy event.

Wake  up all of you.
When it's our time to die, we will die.  Some who try to kill themselves don't always succeed.  Why?  It wasn't God's timing.  And some, unfortunately, are maimed or messed up and never the same afterwards.  Why would anyone want to go and jump off of a bridge right now, if God has provided a family, friends, children, etc., for us to enjoy being with?

The meek will indeed inherit the earth - A new earth and heaven, and will last forever.

You are forgetting that Christ wasn't necessarily born in December - he was born in a different country and time zone, which means the seasons could have been opposite between here and there.  The Bible isn't clear on what calendar month and date Jesus was born on.  

You apparently have chosen to pick and choose out of the story of Hered killing the male first borns, omitting any reasons or understanding of why it was done, why we find it horrible and can't figure out why God would allow that, other than He has his reasons, knows the full picture that we don't, and more.  Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, changed the course of things with the New Testament Law.

Just exactly what do you believe anyway?  It sounds like you don't believe in God, but yet act like you do, don't believe you are going to heaven, and you know some events in the Bible, but are critical of them, unless the verses are only something you agree with.  And you cut other believers down who don't agree with you.  What's the deal exactly with you?  Do you believe Jesus is the way to God?  You seem to waver back and forth between verses and issues - it's actually kind of confusing of what you really think or believe.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1149 on: September 25, 2012, 06:45:50 pm »
You should be happy for Hawking...soon he will be in heavenly bliss


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1150 on: September 25, 2012, 06:49:13 pm »
Jcribb...lets end this please.I am feisty and support Jehovahs organization.They give free bible studys and have free literature if interested.


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Re: daily non-biblical converse
« Reply #1151 on: September 25, 2012, 06:49:33 pm »
You've submitted sufficient tangible evidence that you're mentally-unstable by now, congratulations.

You Suck Badly! Person before me. Bless us all. Sometimes things just happen. LOL just had to put that in there no matter what this person Im sure they suck badly and I dont even have to read it. Cause if you say God BOOM Lighting strikes. Just the Devil getting his a** whipped. HaHaHa. :angel12:
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Re: daily non-biblical inverse
« Reply #1152 on: September 25, 2012, 06:50:54 pm »
No, you're merely another mind-blinded cultist who is blindly proselytizing his cult's specious beliefs.

I am feisty and support Jehovahs organization.They give free bible studys and have free literature if interested.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1153 on: September 25, 2012, 06:54:29 pm »
That's not how Hawking sees it:

"The question is: is the way the universe began chosen by God for reasons we can't understand, or was it determined by a law of science? I believe the second. If you like, you can call the laws of science 'God', but it wouldn't be a personal God that you could meet, and ask questions."

You should be happy for Hawking...soon he will be in heavenly bliss
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1154 on: September 25, 2012, 06:56:20 pm »
And you are merely a non-supporter of a CREATOR with the most ridiculous views of life i have ever heard of.


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