Falcon,the 1975 ending of the world a real crock and NOT bible supported.You claim to know bible but obviously dont.Dont you remember Jesus saying only the father knows the end of the system?So wouldnt discernment tell you how would a mere mortal know?There are wolves among the sheep...get it? of them
Jcribb thanx for answering and i wasnt a bit surprised by your answers.The bible doesnt support any of them.Many scriptures show how God feels aboute eating blood.12/25 a pagan holiday.Jesus only said to memorialize his death NOT his birth.God intended for us to live forever on earth and that will be fulfilled.Only 144000 rule with Jesus in heaven.
Lord & god are titles.God has a personal name that means He causes to become.
You dont need to answer back i dont want this to turn into a debate.The Watchtower society has many publications that breakdown bible if u r interested.Mathew 24:14 being fulfilled for many years about preaching work.You never said what sect you are.
You have a habit of picking and choosing what you want to respond to. I respectfully disagree with you by your saying the Bible does not support "any of them." Your examples are actually ridiculous ("eating blood?") You said transfusions, not vampire sucking - I support blood transfusions for the purpose of helping to save someone's life. It's a real shame to know that if one of us in here needed some of your blood (with it being the same type) in order to live, and that you would actually let one of us die.
I'll see fit to answer or not answer, not because you tell me not to. Also, I've read your Watchtower publications and do not need to re-read them and do not need to go there on some things we disagree about.
Do you have a degree in Bible? I have a Music Education/General Education degree, as well as a degree in Bible Theology.
Why does it matter what sect I am? I am of the Baptist sect, if that makes you feel any worse or better. But there again, there are different sects within the Baptist - Southern, Independent, Fundamental/Conservative, Primitive, and many more. I've been in Southern Baptist Churches, and in Independent Baptist Churches.
My grandparents (on my mom's side) were Primitive Baptist and my grandparents (on my dad's side) were Episcopal (my grandfather had his own church) and later after he died, my grandmother moved onto the Greek Orthodox.
I wasn't allowed to go to church as a kid - my dad wouldn't let me until I was a Senior in high school, and then only because I was in a singing group, and he liked the director and his family (I babysat their children) and I could only go with them when they went.
I also couldn't bring up the name of God or Jesus in my home growing up, or would get a smack across the face/mouth for it. I learned to not say His name. On his deathbed, though, my dad did get saved, asked forgiveness to my mom, me, and others he had wronged and was ugly to. There is always hope for a loved one to accept Christ.