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  • daily Bible verse 3 21
Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251242 times)


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #780 on: September 09, 2012, 02:09:18 pm »
Having to explain sarcastic humor reveals something concerning the request however, Jullette was indicating that the 'bible' contains as much historically-factual information as it does pizza.  Does the 'bible' contain any pizza?

I would say it's fair that you agree with Penn Jullette since you posted his quote.  If so, has he ever shown the actual "equal amounts of fact, history, and PIZZA?"  If not, then have you even shown that to be so?  If not, what's so smart about that quote other than it's little extra "mocking" word of PIZZA?  
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 02:39:44 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #781 on: September 09, 2012, 06:12:33 pm »
Having to explain sarcastic humor reveals something concerning the request however, Jullette was indicating that the 'bible' contains as much historically-factual information as it does pizza.  Does the 'bible' contain any pizza?

I would say it's fair that you agree with Penn Jullette since you posted his quote.  If so, has he ever shown the actual "equal amounts of fact, history, and PIZZA?"  If not, then have you even shown that to be so?  If not, what's so smart about that quote other than it's little extra "mocking" word of PIZZA?  
I'm just being sarcastic about the sarcastic humorous quotes you so enjoy posting.  You don't seem to understand sarcasm of sarcasm...


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #782 on: September 09, 2012, 06:25:52 pm »
Having to explain sarcastic humor reveals something concerning the request however, Jullette was indicating that the 'bible' contains as much historically-factual information as it does pizza.  Does the 'bible' contain any pizza?

I'm just being sarcastic about the sarcastic humorous quotes you so enjoy posting.  You don't seem to understand sarcasm of sarcasm...

There was no 'meta-sarcasm' in your reply, (simple-minded mocking isn't equivalent to sarcasm nor, to meta-sarcasm). That is, your remarks failed to be sarcastic about sarcasm and therefore, your alleged intention failed.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #783 on: September 09, 2012, 09:10:57 pm »
King James Version (KJV)
33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #784 on: September 09, 2012, 09:13:59 pm »
Having to explain sarcastic humor reveals something concerning the request however, Jullette was indicating that the 'bible' contains as much historically-factual information as it does pizza.  Does the 'bible' contain any pizza?

I'm just being sarcastic about the sarcastic humorous quotes you so enjoy posting.  You don't seem to understand sarcasm of sarcasm...

There was no 'meta-sarcasm' in your reply, (simple-minded mocking isn't equivalent to sarcasm nor, to meta-sarcasm). That is, your remarks failed to be sarcastic about sarcasm and therefore, your alleged intention failed.
Ah, yes, to you it failed.  You cannot be the one who loses, so you always must be in power and control.  It's both humorous and pitiful with your need of always being right, in power, and having the last word.  Ha ha!  Whatever makes you happy in your little world - go for it. 


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #785 on: September 09, 2012, 09:20:36 pm »
The propagandizing of religious superstitions promotes mind-blindness.

(KJV) 33  
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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #786 on: September 09, 2012, 09:27:32 pm »
I'm just being sarcastic about the sarcastic humorous quotes you so enjoy posting.  You don't seem to understand sarcasm of sarcasm...

There was no 'meta-sarcasm' in your reply, (simple-minded mocking isn't equivalent to sarcasm nor, to meta-sarcasm). That is, your remarks failed to be sarcastic about sarcasm and therefore, your alleged intention failed.

Ah, yes, to you it failed. 

No, it failed because it wasn't meta-sarcasm according to the meaning of that word, (which I didn't define).
You cannot be the one who loses, so you always must be in power and control.  

It isn't a matter of 'winning or losing', (except, perhaps to your ego).  It's a matter of accuracy; your characterization was inaccurate, (as usual); not because 'I say so' but, because it did not constitute meta-sarcasm.  The use of logic has nothing to do with your strawman projections concerning "power and control" however, your false accusation reveals more about your xtian point of view, (seeking power and control through blind faith in a superstitious religion), than you intended.
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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #787 on: September 09, 2012, 10:34:38 pm »
The propagandizing of religious superstitions promotes mind-blindness.

(KJV) 33  
Wow - seems like I've heard that come back so many times, I forget how many exactly.


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #788 on: September 09, 2012, 10:37:40 pm »
I'm just being sarcastic about the sarcastic humorous quotes you so enjoy posting.  You don't seem to understand sarcasm of sarcasm...

There was no 'meta-sarcasm' in your reply, (simple-minded mocking isn't equivalent to sarcasm nor, to meta-sarcasm). That is, your remarks failed to be sarcastic about sarcasm and therefore, your alleged intention failed.

Ah, yes, to you it failed. 

No, it failed because it wasn't meta-sarcasm according to the meaning of that word, (which I didn't define).
You cannot be the one who loses, so you always must be in power and control.  

It isn't a matter of 'winning or losing', (except, perhaps to your ego).  It's a matter of accuracy; your characterization was inaccurate, (as usual); not because 'I say so' but, because it did not constitute meta-sarcasm.  The use of logic has nothing to do with your strawman projections concerning "power and control" however, your false accusation reveals more about your xtian point of view, (seeking power and control through blind faith in a superstitious religion), than you intended.
You are so funny trying to speak professor talk over the simplest of things that you have to have control over.  I'm actually enjoying your attempts to try and squash me - I don't know what, exactly, you are trying to prove here, but at least you are providing some great entertainment to many.  Thank you for that!


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #789 on: September 09, 2012, 10:44:55 pm »
The reposting of religious propaganda has been read over and over again.  Why would a thumper expect something new when they keep posting old proselytizings?

Wow - seems like I've heard that come back so many times, I forget how many exactly.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #790 on: September 09, 2012, 10:49:10 pm »
The reposting of religious propaganda has been read over and over again.  Why would a thumper expect something new when they keep posting old proselytizings?

Wow - seems like I've heard that come back so many times, I forget how many exactly.
But the posting of Bible verses, quotes, inspiration, etc., aren't the same thing over and over - they all vary with new verses, prayers, quotes, inspiration, etc.  The thumping of certain come backs, however, are indeed the same boring ones over and over - that poor horse - it should be illegal to quote/beat a horse to death like that.


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #791 on: September 09, 2012, 10:55:03 pm »
It's the same, repetitious bible-thumping wherein the thumpers seem 'hell-bent' on reposting the entire propagandizing texts.  Since these are available elsewhere, the continued propagandizing of religious superstition is an offensive attempt to brain-wash the weak-minded and annoy the rationally-minded.

But the posting of Bible verses, quotes, inspiration, etc., aren't the same thing over and over - they all vary with new verses, prayers, quotes, inspiration, etc.  The thumping of certain come backs, however, are indeed the same boring ones over and over - that poor horse - it should be illegal to quote/beat a horse to death like that.
The "dead horse" here is the mindless repetitions of specious religious propaganda.
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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #792 on: September 09, 2012, 11:03:40 pm »
It's the same, repetitious bible-thumping wherein the thumpers seem 'hell-bent' on reposting the entire propagandizing texts.  Since these are available elsewhere, the continued propagandizing of religious superstition is an offensive attempt to brain-wash the weak-minded and annoy the rationally-minded.

But the posting of Bible verses, quotes, inspiration, etc., aren't the same thing over and over - they all vary with new verses, prayers, quotes, inspiration, etc.  The thumping of certain come backs, however, are indeed the same boring ones over and over - that poor horse - it should be illegal to quote/beat a horse to death like that.
The "dead horse" here is the mindless repetitions of specious religious propaganda.
Poor thing - I am so sorry that you find Christian posts to be so offensive.  Your rude comments/opinions are offensive - so stalemate there.  It just looks pitiful for you to get so riled up over "religious" posts when no one is forcing you to enter them in the first place.  I honestly wonder if you like putting yourself through so much "offensive" threads because it gives you something to do and someone/others to practice your "professor big talk words" with.  As long as you enter threads you don't like or don't enjoy, you have no one to fault but yourself.  But that's your choice, right?


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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #793 on: September 09, 2012, 11:12:08 pm »
I am so sorry that you find Christian posts to be so offensive. 

I don't believe you and base such disbelief on your record of previous posts archived.
Your rude comments/opinions are offensive - so stalemate there.  

Not quite; the rudely offensive religious proselytizing posts preceded my responses, (not the other way around).  That means you're objecting to the responses to your Initial offensive posts, which is hypocritical.
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Re: daily Bible inverse
« Reply #794 on: September 09, 2012, 11:20:11 pm »
I am so sorry that you find Christian posts to be so offensive. 

I don't believe you and base such disbelief on your record of previous posts archived.
Your rude comments/opinions are offensive - so stalemate there.  

Not quite; the rudely offensive religious proselytizing posts preceded my responses, (not the other way around).  That means you're objecting to the responses to your Initial offensive posts, which is hypocritical.
Who really and honestly cares?  You are the one making the big deal out of all of the "religious" posts, anyway - it apparently soothes your ego to do so, so whatever.

I don't care if you believe me or not - it's just pathetic and pitiful how hard you are hitting your head on a brick wall  :BangHead: (so to speak, not literally, in case you think I'm being stupid again) over Christian posts when you don't have to read them in the first place.  You choose to come in; you choose to "not" ignore; you choose to provoke; and then you whine with your remarks over all of it because you think it's offensive.  Poor confused thing  :crybaby2:    :dontknow:


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