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Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251616 times)


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #990 on: September 23, 2012, 04:34:16 pm »
I smell smoke.

Watch out, falcon.  There, on the horizon, a mob carrying torches.  Like pious medieval christians, they're coming to *bleep* you and burn you at the stake.

<The bleep word was similar to"snadch," I guess I should have used "grab" instead.>

They've tried for years and always fail.  This is because the reason of the one outweighs the empty faith of the many.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #991 on: September 23, 2012, 04:48:19 pm »
Not a bible verse...but as a Gnostic I found enlightening...

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy which studies the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge. Knowledge is, from an epistemological standpoint, distinguished from mere belief by justification, warrant, or other such property the having of which is conducive to getting at the truth.

Knowledge in the sense of "understanding of a fact or truth" can be divided into a posteriori knowledge, based on experience or deduction (see methodology), and a priori knowledge from introspection, axioms or self-evidence. Knowledge can also be described as a psychological state, since in a strict sense there can never be a posteriori knowledge proper (see relativism). Much of the disagreement about "proofs" of God's existence is due to different conceptions not only of the term "God" but also the terms "proof", "truth", and "knowledge". Religious belief from revelation or enlightenment (satori) can fall into either the first category, a posteriori knowledge, if rooted in deduction or personal revelation, or the second, a priori class of knowledge, if based on introspection.

Different conclusions as to the existence of God often rest on different criteria for deciding what methods are appropriate for deciding if something is true or not, including

    whether logic counts as evidence concerning the quality of existence
    whether subjective experience counts as evidence for objective reality
    whether either logic or evidence can rule in or out the supernatural
    whether an object of the mind is accepted for existence
    whether a truthbearer can justify.


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Re: daily nonbiblical non-verse
« Reply #992 on: September 23, 2012, 05:12:02 pm »
Not a bible verse...but as a Gnostic I found enlightening...

"Epistemology is the branch of philosophy which studies the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge. Knowledge is, from an epistemological standpoint, distinguished from mere belief by justification, warrant, or other such property the having of which is conducive to getting at the truth.

Knowledge in the sense of "understanding of a fact or truth" can be divided into a posteriori knowledge, based on experience or deduction (see methodology), and a priori knowledge from introspection, axioms or self-evidence. Knowledge can also be described as a psychological state, since in a strict sense there can never be a posteriori knowledge proper (see relativism). Much of the disagreement about "proofs" of God's existence is due to different conceptions not only of the term "God" but also the terms "proof", "truth", and "knowledge"."

The unattributed material you've quoted emphasizes the difference between "gnosis", (claiming merely 'to know'), and a reasoning process.  That difference is the one between an a priori declaration, (e.g., claiming 'to know'), and a reasoned conclusion.  Many religious attempt to 'hide' behind vague definitions of "g-d", "truth" and "knowledge" under the false impression that, if these terms are not definitive that they can dodge substantiating their claims.  Such constitutes weak sophistry and the supernatural claims/attributions made by religious adherents remain empty, (unsupported by an evidentiary basis).

"Religious belief from revelation or enlightenment (satori) can fall into either the first category, a posteriori knowledge, if rooted in deduction or personal revelation, or the second, a priori class of knowledge, if based on introspection."

"Religious belief" is blind faith exactly because it has no evidentiary basis.  A declaration of 'knowing'/"gnosis" is not equivalent to actually knowing a it remains an unsupported claim.  "Introspection" without an evidentiary basis or based upon logical reasoning remains an unsupported claim.  The concept of "personal revelation" is revealed as an unsupported declaration of subjective 'gnosis' which has no basis in evidentiary fact, (e.g., it is faith-based and as such, lacks supporting evidence).
"Different conclusions as to the existence of God often rest on different criteria for deciding what methods are appropriate for deciding if something is true or not, including:

    whether logic counts as evidence concerning the quality of existence ..."

Conversely, one must decide whether illogic, (blind faith), "counts as evidence concerning" "existence".

 "... whether subjective experience counts as evidence for objective reality ..."

By definition, "subjective experience" is not equivalent to "objective reality" and therefore, cannot serve as objective evidence.

    "... whether either logic or evidence can rule in or out the supernatural ..."

That would be a false dichotomy since the methodologies of logical and the parameters of evidence either substantiate or, fail to substantiate allegedly "supernatural" phenomenon.  That is, it's the obligation of those who propose that a supernatural exists to produce logical evidence of it, (rather than a faith-based declaration, sans evidence).  The dichotomy becomes more apparent if one considers that anything posited without evidence either "is" or "isn't".

    " ... whether an object of the mind is accepted for existence ..."

Mental concepts are insubstantial when they ramain "an object of the mind", (thoughts).

   "... whether a truthbearer can justify."

Claiming to be a 'truthbearer" does not make the claimant a "truthbearer"; only evidence of "truth" can do that, (not declarations of "truth").
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #993 on: September 23, 2012, 05:42:02 pm »
Pretty lame answer Falcon.Thats why Gods people are in over 250 lands preaching Gods kingdom as hope for the righteous and meek.

Just a reminder,the name Jehovah means,"He causes to become"

Youd have a better chance stopping a locomotive in your wheelchair then stopping Gods purpose

I also forgot to mention the millions attending the Lords Evening meal <the Memorial> back in April or Nisan 14th Jewish calendar

Please look up definition of "fail"


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #994 on: September 23, 2012, 05:42:51 pm »
1 Thessalonians 5:14

"And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone."  (NIV)

 2 Thessalonians 2:3

"Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction."  (NIV)

2 Thessalonians 1:6

"God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you."  (NIV)


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #995 on: September 23, 2012, 05:47:35 pm »
2 Thessalonians 2:3
"Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction."    

That includes the ones promoting religious propaganda too; otherwise it's a hypocritical admonishment.

“He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom.”
-- anonymous
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #996 on: September 23, 2012, 06:00:48 pm »
Pretty lame answer Falcon.

Pretty lame non-rebuttal to a reasoned reply on your part, fundie.

Thats why Gods people are in over 250 lands preaching Gods kingdom as hope for the righteous and meek.

That's the insidious missionary proselytizing of religious superstition that needs to opposed and resisted at all costs.

"There is a story, which is fairly well known, about when the missionaries came to Africa.  They had the Bible and we, the natives, had the land.  They said "Let us pray," and we dutifully shut our eyes.  When we opened them, why, they now had the land and we had the Bible." 
~Desmond M. Tutu, "Religious Human Rights and the Bible"

Just a reminder,the name Jehovah means,"He causes to become"

Here's another reminder; the Aegyptian concept of "xpr", ("coming into being"), predates any hebrew/xtian plagiarisms of the concept by thousands of years.  The "xepera" concept, depicted as a scarab beetle was intended to partly convey the idea of 'self-creation' or, 'by coming into being, the act of becoming comes into being'.  This is not a xtian or judiac concept but, an expressly pagan one which was co-opted by non-pagan thieves.

Youd have a better chance stopping a locomotive in your wheelchair then stopping Gods purpose

I'm not in a wheelchair, you intellectually-crippled fundie.  As to "stopping" the rampant spread of religious fundamentalism, we'll see.

Please look up definition of "fail"

Why, does your agenda or the "jw"s appear under that definition?
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #997 on: September 23, 2012, 06:08:19 pm »
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
Romans 12:11


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #998 on: September 23, 2012, 06:11:35 pm »
A religious zealot is blinded by their own faith and lack of reasoning.

Romans 12:11

One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #999 on: September 23, 2012, 06:16:32 pm »
When gas prices go up its cos Falcon oiled his wheelchair.

Hes also running low on radishes.


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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1000 on: September 23, 2012, 06:24:32 pm »
For the newbies...the radish reference for Falcon is a double entendre.Radishes make you repeat and Falcons posts are very repetitive.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1001 on: September 23, 2012, 06:25:21 pm »
When gas prices go up its cos Falcon oiled his wheelchair.

When invalid assumptions are made by faith-blinded fundies, it's because they've based them on false premises.  For instance, one doesn't oil wheelchairs with gasoline nor do petroleum by-product usages impact fuel prices as much as the demand on refinery output, (and oil company gouging), does.  Secondly, disparaging those in wheelchairs is considerably worse than lying about those who aren't in one.  This means that 'ole 'trailer-hitch' has just self-declared as a liar who discriminates against the handicaped.  What a shining missionary for his specious religious cause, aye?

Hes also running low on radishes.

Nominally, I would have suggested you were running low on wit however, since you started out as as a half-wit, you'd be bereft of it completely by now ... what do you know, you are out.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1002 on: September 23, 2012, 06:27:30 pm »
For any faith-blinded fundies like 'trailer-hitch' who repeat specious biblical requotes endlessly; why expect that opposition to such should consist of different refutations to the same unsupported religious contentions?

For the newbies...the radish reference for Falcon is a double entendre.Radishes make you repeat and Falcons posts are very repetitive.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1003 on: September 23, 2012, 06:32:34 pm »
Oh really that as bad as sending out JWs in advance in war to get shot and killed?

Of course i realize your value of them so dont even bother answering.

Sounds like you woulda made a good wheelchair salesman too.I just put a deposit on 1 after i heard that intro.


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Re: daily nonbiblical universe
« Reply #1004 on: September 23, 2012, 06:35:20 pm »
Oh really that as bad as sending out JWs in advance in war to get shot and killed?

Anyone involved in warfare, (military or civilian), runs the risk of injury or death.  Why should "jw"s be an exception to this?

Sounds like you woulda made a good wheelchair salesman too.I just put a deposit on 1 after i heard that intro.

If you're on any anti-psychotic medications, you may want to consult your physician regarding dosages.  If you're not, you may want to consult your physician regarding dosages.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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