I am not "flooding" this forum with threads;
That's a bit disingenuous since there is a great deal of archived evidence that you
are "flooding" the forum threads with evangelical religious
there are a great many posters who are making threads - it all adds up. There are many who make threads, apparently not understanding that they can include their posts within a same thread.
That's true however, you omitted the part where you've added posts to such threads, thus contributing to the "flooding" of evangelical religious posts to the forums.
Some are frustrated because of personal insults; then get scolded for making a call out thread. Though I don't agree with call out threads, I can still feel their frustration.
Once again, that is a false characterization since dissenting viewpoints have focussed upon opposing the specious religious contentions made rather than primarily upon those making them. Further, some of those "calling-out" threads have been supported by you through posting in agreement and 'egging them on'.
Another thing, are you really saying that there is constant cramming down the throats of religion in here? Maybe some do, but I don't think that cramming is the right word - they just want to share things and talk about it with others.
What religious evangelists may 'call' "just wanting to share" remains religious evangelism, rephrased.
What makes it start looking mean is the constant opposition, though allowed, that extends the threads into quarreling. I made a recent thread for November Blessings - people who like it or don't like it will and will not comment. You can ignore it since it seems to bother you. It does NOT mean I am cramming my religion - I'm not inviting anyone personally to the Lord - I am sharing my thoughts and views, and in that one thread, my thanks and blessings in my life.
Once again, there's no provision on FC for
unopposed "sharing" of religious evangelism. If such evangelism is permitted by FC, so too are opposing viewpoints.
I am not the one following most every single religious thread and I'm not seeing the cramming you are speaking of - they are sharing their verses and views.
It may very well be that religious blind faith also blinds those holding it to reason since the concept of 'no provision for unopposed religious evangelism/proselytization exists on FC, (which therefore allows for dissenting viewpoints, whether characterized as "following most every single religious thread" or not).
Other posters are tired of "atheistic" views being cra ...
Viewpoints expressed in oppositional
response to initially-posted religious opinions do not constitute "atheistic views" being forced upon anyone, (because, once again, there is no provision for unopposed religious evangelism/proselytization on FC).
Of course, those who dis-believe, will deny this and with many they are absolutely right - they are not cramming but sharing their thoughts and views. There are a couple who do indeed oppose and make it extremely obvious, to the point of making people angry.
Opposing is not "cramming". Your false characterizations are religiously-biased, false and tedious.
...won't sit back and just let you roll over me with mis-guided assumptions and accusations laid at my door that are not correct.
Yet, you'll apparently continue to post "misguided assumptions and accusations" about other FC members rather than argue points of contention which
you and other religious adherents raise, (and mischaracterize dissenting oppositional posts in a manner constituting outright lies).