many times God told the Israelites to first offer a peace treaty to a targeted nation, but if they refused peace, then war was granted
You're talking about an ancient time where this god was showing up 'physically' and doing stuff to uneducated people. All a kind and loving deity would need to do is shake his fist at these targeted nations. Instead he willingly allows bloodshed. There's really no way of getting around the obvious- for either side, this is extremely immoral and tyrannical behavior that any person with an ounce of morality can see. Why the believers can't see this is ridiculous and it says a lot about them. When you introduce a medium that has the ability to end suffering, but willingly does not, that is dispicable.
As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure.
-Jacques Chirac
If the war had not taken place, how many more millions would he and his supporters have murdered and had killed?
Much like the verses, Hitler marched into neighboring nations (Poland for example) that refused his offers of peace via them bending over for him.
If it had not been fought, how much longer would African-Americans have had to suffer as slaves?
Your god condones slavery.
it's a very unjust war or nation of certain people who would strap bombs or dynamite to their children, so the children walk wherever told, and they sacrifice their lives to kill the "enemy" that the nation doesn't like. Where in the world is their compassion for their own children? That is cold-hearted and evil, for sure.
May I remind you that the same people you talk of here believe in the same god you do and use it to justify these killings (just with a different off-shoot of the mythology surrounding it). Though some do it for what they deem "the greater good", to not say both viewpoints are wrong is extremely immoral.
Pointless picture
Who's talking about atheism? We're talking about questionable ethics here. Get back on track, shortround.
But what you are implying would be to say it was okay for the Midianites to continually kill the Israelites, their children, and their livestock, take their food, etc.
The Midianites had been warned repeatedly by God to stop their wicked behavior to the Israelites, and they refused to stop. The Israelites offered a peace treaty and the Midianites refused. So, the Israelites did what they had to, to stop the evil happening to their people.
As with Hitler, those people he ruled over were not hurting anyone for him to do what he did, only because he wanted a "pure" race. Rather, Hitler was similar, in wickedness, to the Midianites. He was the evil one. The Midianites were the evil ones. You cannot take a portion of scripture and only discuss and blame the situation when there is more to the story.
According to New Testament, God does not condone slavery. Even in the Old Testament, slaves under people who followed God, still had rules about how they were to be treated from their owners. They were to be respected and treated kindly. There's a lot to learn about slavery in the Old Testament compared with the New Testament. Yes, there were slave owners who were mean, just like before the Civil War in America. They were in the wrong to be treated as such from the mean ones.
The group who tie bombs or dynamite do not accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Christ is our way through to God. They don't believe that. They are still living in the Old Testament ways of doing some things. Christ says we are to also "love our enemies," and they refuse to follow that commandment because they refuse to accept Christ. So, they are not worshiping God as Lord - there's a divide there between them and God, and until they accept Christ, they are not even serving God as Christians know God to be.