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  • daily Bible verse 3 21
Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 251239 times)


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1470 on: October 05, 2012, 08:12:29 pm »
You're full of superstitious nonsense and illogic; every member of FC is using a screen name here, you idiots.

You are absolutely right! 
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1471 on: October 05, 2012, 08:14:49 pm »
Spreading such religious propaganda is, however, offensive to others who aren't faith-blinded.  It's rude and disrepectful propagandizing of empty superstitious beliefs and propagating it is intentionally obnoxious.

You have done what Jesus has asked us to do - to spread His Word to those who would believe.  
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1472 on: October 05, 2012, 08:15:58 pm »
All members of FC use screen names in compliance with FC's posting policies, (no personally identifying information).  That means everyone, (including someone using a "jedi" 'nym), is "hiding" or no one is, you mental midget.  Brain-washed followers of religious superstitions are "hiding" behind empty faith fear; that makes them the true cowards.

Someone who hides behind a screen name to badger people who share their love of Christ has no business calling anyone a coward.
In red above, this is considered a personal insult to a person's real life choices with how they live their lives, in the Lord.  You have no business saying this kind of rude/personal thing to anyone - if you have any decency for mankind in general.  This, to me, is breaking TOS and going too far, and yes, it is my deeply held opinion on the matter.  There was absolutely no following the "golden rule" in that comment.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1473 on: October 05, 2012, 08:20:28 pm »
What's occurred is not as you imagine; those who choose to proselytize their religious blind faith here do not have a free pass to do so unopposed.  If you ever learn that, you can take it or leave it.

You are absolutely right.  

Like I need you to verify that when reason is all that's needed to do so.

Any of us, who are believers, will stand for Christ, when and wherever needed, and will stand up for others, who need support and encouragement.

The FC forums are not specifically platforms for religious proselytization.  Although that's not expressly prohibited by FC policies, neither is standing opposed to such attempts to inflict faith-blindness on others.  Here's what is likely to occur; you mind-blinded empty-faithers will continue to spew superstitious nonsense and others will choose to oppose it.
No they aren't.  But they also are not forums for atheists, such as you, yourself, to constantly slam the believers in the ground for what they believe, either.  Don't open the thread; ignore; skip; start your own - then you won't "feel" offended and insulted.  You entered - you let yourself be offended and insulted to the point of blaming believers for having "specifically made platforms for religious proselytization."  That's your problem and you need to deal with your own conflict about this.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1474 on: October 05, 2012, 08:22:25 pm »
... this is considered a personal insult to a person's real life choices with how they live their lives, in the Lord.

Tough.  The INITIAL proselytizing of religious superstitions and attempts to propagate the same blind faith which resulted in the crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, Westboro wackos and terrorists flying planes into buildings is offensive, (to say the least).

You have no business saying this kind of rude/personal thing to anyone ...  

Since religious 'faith' is belief without evidence, it is blind faith and the remarks reflect that.  It's my position that you fundies have no business propagating your toxic/harmful superstious beliefs.  Yet, that is permitted on FC, just as opposition to deplorable 'religions' is permitted here.
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Re: daily bible proselytizing verse
« Reply #1475 on: October 05, 2012, 08:27:12 pm »
Then don't open the thread ...

Don't open the replies opposing your religious superstitions then.
That's ridiculous.  You are the one opening the thread and slamming believers.  I am already in the thread, as a believer, responding in the thread, and will already see your responses, and will respond accordingly.  Your logic and reasoning is slipping a little with this particular concept.

For example:  *If you don't open the thread, then you aren't insulted or offended.  Then you don't make slamming comments; then you don't have to be rebutted; then you don't have to tell someone not to "open" the replies of yours, when that someone is already active in that very thread.

*Disclaimer - I realize this sounds sarcastic.  However, when one seems to be sarcastic, then sarcasm would seem to be the better response, for the original sarcastic poster who slams believers, so that poster can maybe better understand the original illogical comment made at the beginning of this post.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1476 on: October 05, 2012, 08:29:15 pm »
The FC forums are not specifically platforms for religious proselytization.  Although that's not expressly prohibited by FC policies, neither is standing opposed to such attempts to inflict faith-blindness on others.  Here's what is likely to occur; you mind-blinded empty-faithers will continue to spew superstitious nonsense and others will choose to oppose it.

No they aren't. 

Yet, that's how you religious adherents treat it; as if it's a platform for unopposed proselytizing.

But they also are not forums for atheists ...

Actually, the forums are for anyone; atheists, non-theists, xtian fundies, buddhists, wiccans, satanists, santeria, muslims, hindus, native american shaman, etc..  The forums are not exclusively xtian, as the constant proselytizing by xtians would make it appear - were it not for the opposition and dissenting viewpoints of non-xtians.

Don't open the thread; ignore; skip - then you won't "feel" offended and insulted. 

Take your own 'advice' and don't open opposing replies, ignore them, skip them and avoid feeling offended/insulted when your irrational superstitions are rejected.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1477 on: October 05, 2012, 08:31:27 pm »
What's occurred is not as you imagine; those who choose to proselytize their religious blind faith here do not have a free pass to do so unopposed.  If you ever learn that, you can take it or leave it.

You are absolutely right.  

Like I need you to verify that when reason is all that's needed to do so.

Any of us, who are believers, will stand for Christ, when and wherever needed, and will stand up for others, who need support and encouragement.

The FC forums are not specifically platforms for religious proselytization.  Although that's not expressly prohibited by FC policies, neither is standing opposed to such attempts to inflict faith-blindness on others.  Here's what is likely to occur; you mind-blinded empty-faithers will continue to spew superstitious nonsense and others will choose to oppose it.
No they aren't.  But they also are not forums for atheists, such as you, yourself, to constantly slam the believers in the ground for what they believe, either.  Don't open the thread; ignore; skip; start your own - then you won't "feel" offended and insulted.  You entered - you let yourself be offended and insulted to the point of blaming believers for having "specifically made platforms for religious proselytization."  That's your problem and you need to deal with your own conflict about this.

Would you please stop trying to repress other people's ability to express their opinion? I have yet to see anyone try and stop you from expressing your opinion by being personally insulted by what you say. Although we may be insulted, we don't tell you to stop posting like you are doing here. Being insulted is a good thing, and its a good thing we express our dissension by arguing against what you believe in, instead of telling you to shut up. On the contrary, most of your opponents want you to respond. You have no business to tell us to stop posting because A. You did not start the thread, and B. You are not a moderator/admin for this site. If the owners of this site wanted us to stop posting they would tell us to do so. If they think this thread has gone too far they would close it. None of us has broken to the TOS as far as I can tell, so stop saying we have.


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Re: daily bible proselytizing non-verse
« Reply #1478 on: October 05, 2012, 08:34:17 pm »
That's ridiculous.  You are the one opening the thread and slamming believers.  

On the contrary, you faith-blinded 'believers' are the ones posting such religious propaganda and then want to restrict/censor
opposing/dissenting responses.  That's not going to happen because the FC forums are not a repressive religious theocracy.  If your 'faith' s too weak to withstand rebuttals, maybe you should re-examine what the phrase "blind faith" actually means, (not what you wish it meant).
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Re: daily bible proselytizing verse
« Reply #1479 on: October 05, 2012, 08:40:08 pm »
*Disclaimer - I realize this sounds sarcastic.  

No, for that to occur, the remarks would have to fall under the definition of sarcasm; yours don't.  Your inane remarks fall under the definition of ignorance since you're still attempting to repress/censor dissenting points of view by 'suggesting' that dissenters not reply to superstitious religious proselytization.  That's not going to happen, in these forums or in this country because neither are fundamentlist dictatorships.

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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1480 on: October 05, 2012, 08:45:48 pm »
... this is considered a personal insult to a person's real life choices with how they live their lives, in the Lord.

Tough.  The INITIAL proselytizing of religious superstitions and attempts to propagate the same blind faith which resulted in the crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, Westboro wackos and terrorists flying planes into buildings is offensive, (to say the least).

You have no business saying this kind of rude/personal thing to anyone ...  

Since religious 'faith' is belief without evidence, it is blind faith and the remarks reflect that.  It's my position that you fundies have no business propagating your toxic/harmful superstious beliefs.  Yet, that is permitted on FC, just as opposition to deplorable 'religions' is permitted here.
You sound like a poor little man who wants to complain about something that can be avoided in the first place, by not opening the threads that "insult or offend" you.  This forum is not based on only what falcon9 thinks is "toxic/harmful" - thank goodness for that.  Everyone has an interest in different topics - just because YOU don't like one particular topic, you have to constantly nag, whine, and complain, when the answer is so obvious and logical - don't open the thread.  Participate in threads you like; make your own; and/or "ignore" (one of your favorite advice giving comments.)  Sad, sad, sad....


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1481 on: October 05, 2012, 08:51:17 pm »
The speciously-empty opinion of a faith-blinded supertitious believer is of little to no consequence since it ignored the previous points to keep harping on an inherent desire to have relivious proselytization go unopposed.  It won't; others will oppose it if they so choose and you can do nothing whatsoever to stop it.  Why do you persist in trying to repress dissent, fundie?

You sound like a ...
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1482 on: October 05, 2012, 09:01:15 pm »
You're full of superstitious nonsense and illogic; every member of FC is using a screen name here, you idiots.

You are absolutely right! 
By golly, you are slipping again.  You are completing twisting the context of my response to Jedi's comment; and not only that, calling names.  I haven't called you an idiot.  People in the service are usually some of the most disciplined people with maintaining control towards others they have issues with.

Since you took it out of context, I am re-posting what was said by Jedi, and my response to him, and what it meant.

Quote from: falcon9 on Today at 04:28:01 pm
Yes, I served in the U.S. military and was honorably discharged.  Yes, I mind if you ask what is none of your business, fundie coward.

Quote from: hitch0403 on Today at 04:21:18 pm
Hey were in the armed forces correct?Mind if i ask you when and did you do battle?

Quote from: JediJohnnie on Today at 04:45:45 pm
Someone who hides behind a screen name to badger people who share their love of Christ has no business calling anyone a coward.

Quote from: jcribb:
You are absolutely right!


I was agreeing that no one should call anyone else a coward when hiding behind a screen name - because the one hiding behind the screen name is a coward themselves.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1483 on: October 05, 2012, 09:03:36 pm »
Spreading such religious propaganda is, however, offensive to others who aren't faith-blinded.  It's rude and disrepectful propagandizing of empty superstitious beliefs and propagating it is intentionally obnoxious.

You have done what Jesus has asked us to do - to spread His Word to those who would believe.  
Then don't open the thread.  You CHOOSE to open it, and then CHOOSE to be offended.  AVOID what you don't like.  Go have fun in your wicca thread - you tolerate their choice.  You are like a poor little man who is so sad...


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1484 on: October 05, 2012, 09:05:36 pm »
... this is considered a personal insult to a person's real life choices with how they live their lives, in the Lord.

Tough.  The INITIAL proselytizing of religious superstitions and attempts to propagate the same blind faith which resulted in the crusades, inquisitions, witch hunts, Westboro wackos and terrorists flying planes into buildings is offensive, (to say the least).

You have no business saying this kind of rude/personal thing to anyone ...  

Since religious 'faith' is belief without evidence, it is blind faith and the remarks reflect that.  It's my position that you fundies have no business propagating your toxic/harmful superstious beliefs.  Yet, that is permitted on FC, just as opposition to deplorable 'religions' is permitted here.
Then don't open the thread.  Ignore (like you tell others.)  Move on and participate where you do enjoy things. 


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