First, "they" (believers in Christ) are NOT shallow mind-blinded fundies, so stop the childish name-calling.
The terms accurate describe the basis for religious adherents making unsupported religious claims based upon blind faith alone and are therefore not "name-calling" due to such accuracy. That you disagree with the accuracy of the descriptors is largely irrelevant since those religious claims continue to remain unsubstantiated by valid evidence.
Next, they are posting to those who also enjoy those kinds of posts. You don't like it? Fine - no one is forcing you to open that thread or threads, and no one is making you place your fingers on the keyboard to respond ...
To re-reiterate the essential point; just as you religious adherents have the choice to spam these forums with superstitious nonsense, so too do those who have dissenting viewpoints have the choice to respond to that initial spamming with opposing points of view. This isn't a platform for unopposed religious proselytization, they're FC's forums, (not a private xtian reservation).
Go start your own thread, why don't you!?
I have and your intolerance of a non-xtian point of view is worth noting.
People are not putting up with your nonsense way of showing how the "golden rule" works.
The 'golden rule' does not inherently include the option to propangandize religious superstitions without opposition. This isn't a theocracy, it's FC.
You are an "initial spam starter" towards believers -
No, once again, the religious adherents started this proselytizing thread and continue to repeat the same propagandizing "verses" and then whine continuously when dissenting viewpoints are posted in response to such blind faith.
No, once again, you INITIALLY "spammed, trolled, mocked, etc.," inside threads that were of no interest to you, do not pertain to your dis-belief, and could have been skipped over or ignored (as you so love to remind believers of.) Once again, YOU CHOSE to enter the threads, KNOWING the subject is something you don't agree with, and instead, made it YOUR agenda to aggravate, spam, troll, and bother believers, just because they are writing about something that THEY like and want to share with each other, or whoever is interested in joining in.
YOU cannot, for the life of you, leave even a Bible verse thread or even an Inspiration quote thread alone, apparently, for fear of not being able to make yourself known as the big op-poser to others for your disagreeing. They know you don't agree - but you can't stop there - oh no! Basically, you are trying to censor believers' speaking to each other - just as you keep accusing believers of spewing Bible nonsense, and trying to censor you. You don't see it that way, of course. You only see things from your heady point of view.
You have done what you wanted to do - cause dissension in the Bible threads. However, it has not done what you really wish - shutting believers up with sharing their joy of God's Word with each other. That will never happen. You can never rob the joy of Christ from believers, no matter how hard you keep on trying - it's pathetic and sad, actually, how you are trying so hard being intolerant of believers, just because they believe in God. At the end of the day, where does it really get you? Maybe one day, you'll find the inner peace you seem to be searching for - it's a rotten shame, though, that you are trying to search for it by taking it out on believers.