I dislike the characterization that rich people are greedy and hate to give... Many rich people are extremely generous when it comes to giving. Many of the high-end donors are the super rich. The rich are also the ones that start charitable foundations, especially celebrities that can use their cultural status to give name-recognition to the organization, like the Reeves Foundation for Paralysis Research. One of the largest private charitable organizations is the Gates Foundation established and maintained by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda; the Gates Foundation has an endowment of over $30 billion. In fact Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, two of the wealthiest Americans and indeed in the world, are trying to start a philanthropic pledge of other mogul's to give at least 50% of their net worth to charity over the course of their lifetime or by their death. Sometimes charitable products and promotions are produced by the wealthy and business leaders where the profits go to support a particular charity, such as the song "We Are the World" and its more recent adaptation created for Haiti's earthquake victims. Businesses and the wealthy individuals also contribute much of the support during times of crisis; Heinz had donated about a half-million dollars worth of food-supplies and money to help people hit by Hurricane Katrina. Finally, although it isn't considered a charity in the normal sense of the word, the rich are the ones that produce employment for other people. Either they have the base capital in order to start new businesses, or they have a product or service that because of its demand has grown the company and as a result has made the founder wealthy in the process. In either case, as the company grows, it requires more people to be employed thereby providing a more permanent money-supply for people not as wealthy.
I also think that sometimes it is the poor or less wealthy that are the greedy ones.... They feel that they are entitled to money just for the sole reason that they are alive. They don't put in effort to work or will waste the money they do have on their vices like smoking, drinking, gambling (including the pull tabs), etc. but demand that the wealthy give them money. To me, greed is the selfish taking of money with no regard to how they get the money. So the idea that you are entitled to money just because you exist sounds more greedy than a person that works hard and earns a lot of money from their hard work, ingenuity, or risk taking. Couple that with the amount of charitable giving that the wealthy usually provide, and I'd say that many of the wealthy are more self-less and generous, not selfish and greedy.