I'm getting really annoyed by all the people hoping/speculating that the world is going to end soon. Do you know how depressing that sounds? And, of course, I need to point a finger at the religious out there because 99% of the posts with these threads contain religious aspects. My bro sent me a message tonight and I'm not sure where he got it from, but it had me laughing so I thought I'd share it here-
"The rapture (and similar things in non-christian religions) is like the saddest thing ever in christian religion. It's like the biblical version of that strange boy everyone knew back in school who lied about an uncle who was an ex navy seal and worked for Nintendo, and when you'd poke fun at him for his obvious lies, he'd tell you that his uncle would bring him the 'Super Nintendo II' with all the awesome games in the coming weekend and then you're gonna be sorry you ever poked fun at him. That's basically the rapture for these nutcases. I'm sorry dudes, Jesus wont show up and save you from all these smug normal people who enjoyed their lives while they where living.""Macho Man Randy Savage died for our sins. It is only through his benevolent sacrifice that the judgement day has been postponed. Thank you Macho Man, thank you for saving us all."Really think about the above. I don't know about all of you wishing the world will end, but do us realistic people a favor and be quiet about it. No reasonable person wants to hear your depressing proofless garbage. If you're going to say you know the precise date, you're an idiot and a false prophet. If you say you don't know and/or your religion states that the date is unknown, why even bring it up? Do you people get off on cursing and condeming people? Oh, you think you're warning them? You're not-- it's just a fear tactic to subscribe someone to your beliefs and you're absurdly naive to realize it. That's sad to even bring up if you've really got nothing to work with but irrational fears. So let's all enjoy our saturday together. Go out, enjoy the weather if it's nice, try to make a positive difference, and forget about all the earthquakes brewing in the Pacific-