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Topic: Why are people so against health care for everyone?  (Read 1445 times)


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Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« on: May 18, 2011, 01:07:59 pm »
I would like to know why so many people are against health care that would provide access to everyone and people would not go into deep debt just to have health care? ???


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 02:46:41 pm »
The Obama health care program is costly and it will penalize people who refuse to participate in it. That's against the constitution.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 09:56:20 pm »
I am not against everyone getting health care. I am not against everyone getting food and clean water. I am not against everyone getting a house, a bed to sleep in, and their own plot of land. I am also not against everyone on Earth getting exactly what they need to survive, and live the life they want to without having to do anything for it. It would be nice if food, water, and shelter just appeared out of nowhere and everyone lived in paradise. But we don't live in paradise. Food, water, and shelter do not just appear out of nowhere. All of these things came from the hard work of those around you. They came from the farmer, who grew the food. The plumber who provides us access to water. The construction worker who provides us shelter. All of these people receive money as a means of exchange for their efforts, time, and hard work. It is with this money that they can then effectively trade their labor with the labor of others. This is how a basic economy works. The entire reason the economy exist is because resources are limited. Even renewable resources like trees are limited by time, labor, and space. It is when groups such as governments and banks that distort our economy by providing us with nothing in exchange for our goods and services. It is when companies that provide nothing, and only exist to make money distort the economy and everyone who actually worked for their keep is harmed. This is why its becoming harder for those to receive health care. This is why it is becoming harder to receive food. This is why its becoming harder to pay for anything with these rising prices. Its not just health care. Giving away health care isn't an answer when people not just around the world, but people who live within your own neighborhood are starving to death because they cannot buy food.

It was a bit lengthy (but still over simplified). Hopefully this helps to answer your question.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 01:22:25 pm »
because the people that work hard to pay for their health care would be the ones paying for other people to have health care through their taxes! tat is ridiculous


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 05:58:11 pm »
As usual, Flackle tells it how it is.

Understand people that it wouldnt be gov't healthcare. It would be the gov't stepping into insurance companies and making sure they play fair. The fact that states are broke shows a severe lack of planning and economically-viable spending and the fact that they think taking more money from the people will fix it is ridiculous. They can't even get the basic things right, so how does one think this healthcare idea will be any different? It's just spoiling the gov't the same way parents can spoil a child.

Personal story- I'm from IL. They recently raised income-tax from 3% to 5%. I feel that loss every time I get paid. It's almost to the point where I'm practically saving little to nothing in my bank accts. Even today I had to cancel a small trip because it wouldn't have fit into my budget.  :( Add another large tax onto it and that's gonna burn me bad.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 07:22:04 pm »
Flackle has said it right!! Although He/She is sounding like a economics 101 professor. Someone has to pay for this so if 25 percent of the country that does not choose to pay for health care is burdening the 75 percent that do. Universal health care does not work, then the government can madate that you pay 50 percent of your paycheck to healthcare to pay for the people that do not pay, is that fair to the people that work?What type of incentive would that give for people to work. It also does not give much incentive for People to get into Medicine. It takes a Doctor 8 years, 6 years of school and 2 yrs residency to become a licensed Dr. When a Buerocracy tells doctors what they can charge for services, you wont have anyone going into medicine, this I hear is already happening.
I don't know what the answer is but, the politicians better figure it out soon. Universal health care does not work. Is not working in Europe or Canada. I had an uncle-in-law in Ireland that it took 8 Mos for a hip operation, My father-in-law is here in the states, it took him 2 weeks from diagnosis to operation back in 1989, now that he is on Medicare probably would take longer but, while he was working he had a great health care plan.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2011, 02:15:42 pm »
I support it.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2011, 11:41:40 am »
I think people do want everyone to have health care they just dont want to be the person to pay for it. People may think I struggle to pay for my own I work 2 jobs I have to pay for my own health insurance I do not want to pay for the person who is lazy and living off the government and I have to pay for it. I think if they were not going to be the ones to pay for it they would not mind.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2011, 05:53:51 am »
If the gov't got out the way then health care would be much more affordable. The whole notion that the gov't should be able to pay for everyone's health care is absurd. It's a good idea in theory, but not practical in reality. The gov't has nothing to do anything with. Anytime they come up with some program to help the "poor" so to speak, they have to take/steal from someone else to do it. Taxation is pure theft. Think about it, you work your hours at your job, before you see your check the gov't has already taken from your labor and was nice enough to leave you with just enough to get by on. Up until the early 1900's there was no personal income tax and the country got by pretty good.

Anytime the gov't gets involved with any industry the prices go up, look at college as exhibit A. Now look at electronics, the gov't isn't involed and prices go down over time. The same is true for healthcare. I work in healthcare and I think it's overpriced as far as services, supply and equipment goes. After having worked in a Military hospital, you'd be shocked at how much money is wasted. I didn't obamacare and I really don't support gov't run healthcare in any fashion beyond them passing a law saying that if your insurance company doesn't cover a procedure for whatever reason, then that company has to refund you what you've paid in. Would keep them honest and in the event they didn't cover you, you wouldn't necessarily be in the poor house, you'd have something for it.


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2011, 06:23:13 am »
As usual, Flackle tells it how it is.

Understand people that it wouldnt be gov't healthcare. It would be the gov't stepping into insurance companies and making sure they play fair. The fact that states are broke shows a severe lack of planning and economically-viable spending and the fact that they think taking more money from the people will fix it is ridiculous. They can't even get the basic things right, so how does one think this healthcare idea will be any different? It's just spoiling the gov't the same way parents can spoil a child.

Personal story- I'm from IL. They recently raised income-tax from 3% to 5%. I feel that loss every time I get paid. It's almost to the point where I'm practically saving little to nothing in my bank accts. Even today I had to cancel a small trip because it wouldn't have fit into my budget.  :( Add another large tax onto it and that's gonna burn me bad.

You know, as someone who is actually in favor of health care programs similar to what Vermont just implemented, this opposing argument is probably the clearest, most coherent rebuttal I've read. I really hear what you're saying, and can completely agree when it comes to tax increases. State income taxes really hurt, which is one of the benefits of living in Tennessee where there is no state tax.

Here's my question. When you add up what your annual health insurance premium is, your annual deductible, your co-pays, do you feel it's less than what a tax increase would be for coverage? And how much of an increase are Vermont residents going to face, does anyone know?


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Re: Why are people so against health care for everyone?
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2011, 09:39:34 am »
1. They like spending 18% of our Gross Domestic Product on a chaotic, inefficient system that doesn't serve 20% of our population.
2. They would hate to be spending between 9 and 12% on an organized system that serves 100% of the population, such as the systems that exist in every other 1st-world industrialized nation.
3. If we had universal health care, what would happen to all those medical dramas & movies in which a person dies, or nearly dies because he/she lacks access to decent care?
4. Americans enjoy staying in jobs they hate just to have health insurance.
5. They're hooked on the constant adreneline rush that comes with the daily fear on losing their insurance if they lose their job, or their company changes owners or gets pressure from stockholders to increase profits.

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