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Topic: is the world coming to an end?  (Read 15531 times)


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2011, 10:07:27 pm »
I believe that some time in the future, some where on earth, a lot of people will die. Does this make a prophet?

An unspecific reference of time, with an certain but vague location, along with a very probable but ordinary outcome.

By today's standards, yes. This does make me a prophet.


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2011, 10:54:54 am »
The world won't just "come to an end"......... "MAN" will destroy it!   :'(
  slowly but surely it is. you can the signs of times happening now with a little help of self destruct.

Yes it's all a self fulfilling prophecy :P(sarcasm)
Post FC CHECKS in Payment area not debate areas Teflon LOL


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2011, 11:08:23 am »
Silly people
No the  WORLD is NOT going NOWHERE....JUst the particles, peoples, Animals,Fishes, amphibians,Birds, buildings vehicles, homes, trees, etc on the surface that isnt of GOD is going to be be more precise   WHEAT and TARES .....sifting process   meaning       to not eliminate the Wheat (righteous people) GOD have to Shake everything up and about to Weed out the TARES (Unrighteous people) that might hide amongst the Wheat (righteous people)...Is how he will clear up and clean off the EARTH..Look at the religious people mixing with other religious people ...blending to hide to be saved on that terrible.....YOu can run but NO one can HIDE..from Gods eyes....he knew us before we were born and know exactly where we are at at all times............Jeremiah 1: 4
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 11:14:12 am by lynn426 »


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2011, 11:47:35 am »
Here's some "pseudo" science for ya. The Spanish flu killed 20% of the world's population in 1918, it was the biggest death from pestilence ever recorded. World war 1 and 2 combined had more people killed then all the wars since the beginning of time!!!

"Between 50 and 100 million died"
"Even using the lower estimate of 50 million people, 8% of the world's population (1.8 billion at the time[9]), died of the disease. Some 550 million, or 32% (¡Ö1/4) were infected."

Let's say you lived between 1338-1351. Bubonic plague kills over 100 million people. That's not including other parts of the world like it sprouting up in China. There were an estimated 300 million people on the planet then, so that's over 33% and that's a much larger percentage than the future death tolls. And look at the Plague of Justinian! That was in the year 541!
Aside from all of this, you could compare your vague prophecies to diseases and wars back then. So yeah- what you stated was partial pseudoscience and you've again demonstrated self-fulfilling prophecies. If in the near future there is a plague and/or a big war, I could bet a lot of money that religion would use that as the next SF prophecy.

Considering there have been hundreds of deadly plagues and diseases throughout history and that we have the knowledge now to erradicated many of them and fight them off decently shows vast improvement of life. So things are much better than they were in the past. What's your point? You're constantly falling for these self-fulfilled prophecies here and you have yet to prove one thing that does not escape that obvious broken and vague reasonings. Not to get personal but JW's have predicted the end 8 times in the past, ruined lots of lives due to it, and have always been wrong and have never "manned-up" to say that they were wrong to people and they just brush it off like it never happened or reword it to make it sound more legit (a self fulfilling propechy). So I'm not really surprised at all that you're falling for this stuff.

I can't find those bubonic plague statistics anywhere!! As for predicting the end of the world meh none taken they probably did, what I know is that some thought they were going to get to heaven before the end came and I do know the society bought a "house of the princes" in 1935. You still have to explain world war's 1 and 2 though :)


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2011, 04:04:04 pm »
I can't find those bubonic plague statistics anywhere!!

That's why I supplied links. Do some more research outside of the WTBTS. Also add smallpox to that list-- it killed well over 300 million people which is well above the death toll of ww1 and 2 combined. It was killing an average of 400,000 people per year in 18th century Europe. Keep in mind that it wasn't erradicated till 1980.

As for predicting the end of the world meh none taken they probably did, what I know is that some thought they were going to get to heaven before the end came and I do know the society bought a "house of the princes" in 1935.

I have no idea what you're getting at here.

You still have to explain world war's 1 and 2 though

A huge war started in 1914 and ended in 1918 just as huge wars had come and gone in the past. But then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. Thing is, the "prophecy" was completely wrong from the get-go and JW's kept pushing it further into the future. And then it was wrong again. And again. And again. get the picture. But did they admit their mistakes? Did they apologize? You see, JW's trip themselves up with their own literature and then cover their tracks of false prophecies which is just a failure of epic proportions. I've experienced this first-hand when talking to them-- how they simply work their way around the facts. This easily proves that their history of such things makes them world champions of false prophecy. But don't take my word for it-

Here's a link with an mp3 download so you can hear it from the mouths of the higher-ups during an assembly. There really is no big difference between the predictions your religion made and what Harold Camping is doing right now. Sorry to break it to ya, but the world ain't endin' for billions of years. Hopefully we'll be out exploring the stars and terraforming other planets by that time  8)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 10:04:13 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2011, 11:51:05 am »
It's already started, since mother nature is  :angry7:  at us for causing all this chaos and pollution on her earth.   :peace:


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #51 on: May 20, 2011, 01:24:17 pm »
I feel that if the world is ending then by god I am ready to meet my maker! Who am I to say that it is or not! If so K if not more time with family it is!


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2011, 01:19:07 pm »
Not anytime soon! people should quit being so perrnoid and just live their lives! if the end of the world really was next year, i would hate knowing that i spent the last year of my life worrying about the end when i could have been living it up! nobody is promised tomorrow and we are supposed to live each day as if it were our last anyways! so stop worrying and just live!


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2011, 02:32:41 pm »


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2011, 11:51:57 am »
I can't find those bubonic plague statistics anywhere!!

That's why I supplied links. Do some more research outside of the WTBTS. Also add smallpox to that list-- it killed well over 300 million people which is well above the death toll of ww1 and 2 combined. It was killing an average of 400,000 people per year in 18th century Europe. Keep in mind that it wasn't erradicated till 1980.

As for predicting the end of the world meh none taken they probably did, what I know is that some thought they were going to get to heaven before the end came and I do know the society bought a "house of the princes" in 1935.

I have no idea what you're getting at here.

You still have to explain world war's 1 and 2 though

A huge war started in 1914 and ended in 1918 just as huge wars had come and gone in the past. But then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. And then there was another. Thing is, the "prophecy" was completely wrong from the get-go and JW's kept pushing it further into the future. And then it was wrong again. And again. And again. get the picture. But did they admit their mistakes? Did they apologize? You see, JW's trip themselves up with their own literature and then cover their tracks of false prophecies which is just a failure of epic proportions. I've experienced this first-hand when talking to them-- how they simply work their way around the facts. This easily proves that their history of such things makes them world champions of false prophecy. But don't take my word for it-

Here's a link with an mp3 download so you can hear it from the mouths of the higher-ups during an assembly. There really is no big difference between the predictions your religion made and what Harold Camping is doing right now. Sorry to break it to ya, but the world ain't endin' for billions of years. Hopefully we'll be out exploring the stars and terraforming other planets by that time  8)

1. All the links I used to support my statistics was outside the WTBTS.

2. I'm saying that most or some or maybe all(I don't know) thought that they will be going to heaven(raptured up) before the end of the world came in 1925 and the then president Rutherford bought a house for the princes in 1935 for faithful men of old he thought was going to return.

3. You still haven't shown some statistics that out do the world wars  :)


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #55 on: May 24, 2011, 06:34:26 pm »
All the links I used to support my statistics was outside the WTBTS.

I skimmed the thread and, unless I'm wrong, I don't see one source from you aside from quoting the bible. Your statistics were way off anyways.

I'm saying that most or some or maybe all(I don't know) thought that they will be going to heaven(raptured up) before the end of the world came in 1925 and the then president Rutherford bought a house for the princes in 1935 for faithful men of old he thought was going to return.

During the great depression too. Nevermind all of the poor and suffering people-- especially those who sold all of their belongings subscribing to this false prophet. Wow. How is this not delusional douchebaggery?

3. You still haven't shown some statistics that out do the world wars  

Why do I need to at this point? I've already proved the prophecies wrong from the get-go. The information has already been posted.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 09:10:36 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #56 on: May 25, 2011, 10:57:40 am »
All the links I used to support my statistics was outside the WTBTS.

I skimmed the thread and, unless I'm wrong, I don't see one source from you aside from quoting the bible. Your statistics were way off anyways.

I'm saying that most or some or maybe all(I don't know) thought that they will be going to heaven(raptured up) before the end of the world came in 1925 and the then president Rutherford bought a house for the princes in 1935 for faithful men of old he thought was going to return.

During the great depression too. Nevermind all of the poor and suffering people-- especially those who sold all of their belongings subscribing to this false prophet. Wow. How is this not delusional douchebaggery?

3. You still haven't shown some statistics that out do the world wars  

Why do I need to at this point? I've already proved the prophecies wrong from the get-go. The information has already been posted.

1. Srry about that here's some links below

2.  I don't disagree that he made an *bleep* of himself he even admitted it and it's in the watchtower CD  :BangHead:

3. You showed a flaw in the pestilence getting worse argument but ou have yet to do the same for the world wars  ;D


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #57 on: May 25, 2011, 11:06:43 am »
The preacher has changed JUDGEMENT DAY to 10/21/11.   :peace:


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #58 on: May 25, 2011, 03:33:12 pm »
Srry about that here's some links below

Getting infected isn't the same as dying from a disease. There have been plenty of diseases through history that make people sick but the body can handle it, fights it off, and the person survives and goes on about their lives. Again, you can apply that prophecy to any of the times there were plagues rising. It's the same with wars-- there were massive wars throughout history and considering the populations then were vastly smaller then they are now, the percentage of those killed probably would be around the same as the world wars. I used the same reasoning via the plague example earlier.
Granted the World Wars are still high on the list, look at the dates and losses of the others around them.

Ultimately these prophecies are still wrong because it does not give precise dates and in-depth descriptions of any of the events. Nostradamus has more weight in his predictions due to this simple fact. Both are still ludicrous though.

2.  I don't disagree that he made an *bleep* of himself he even admitted it and it's in the watchtower CD 

False prophet + *bleep* = spokesperson for any religion. Sounds about right! lol

3. You showed a flaw in the pestilence getting worse argument but ou have yet to do the same for the world wars 

Refer to my 1st paragraph.


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Re: is the world coming to an end?
« Reply #59 on: May 26, 2011, 12:24:19 am »
I'm going to just say no! LOL

What we are seeing is not the BIG's a little tiny slice of the Earth's vast history. Looking at the weather over the course of time that we have been recording it and making predictions is like peeing in the ocean taking a sample of where we peed and making predictions about the state of the rest of the ocean. Throughout the Earth's history there have been many many many ages, periods where the entire planet is almost tropical, entire continents have smashed together and broken apart again. IMHO it is conceited of us to think that we have such an influence over these things that it is "all our fault" maybe...maybe we are influencing it the slightest bit but I honestly believe that if we stopped all Greenhouse gas emissions, drilling, started conserving water, used solar energy etc etc etc that the planet would still be warming up, we would still be having earthquakes and extreme weather. If we stopped EVERYTHING we could possibly buy ourselves 20 maybe 50 years on the outside. I'm not saying that we shouldn't try to protect our planet and yes we are doing damage...mostly to other animals habitats but I think that it is a little much to say that we actually CAUSED this to happen!

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