One could also lump in Home Schooling into this topic, or even "christian" education. As an example, my church has a Christian School, and just last week, nearly half of the school went on a field trip. The other half simply had a "fun" day watching Tom & Jerry cartoons in the main auditorium. Not much educational value in that, IMHO. Yet, these kids do this frequently, and they'll acquire a diploma when the time comes. Is it worth anything in the real world? This particular school offers no Trig or Calc courses, or any college preparatory courses either. Their foreign language courses are limited to Spanish 2. That's it. What's the value of their diploma? One is left to wonder. And this is only one school. How does Home Schooling stack up to a public brick & mortar education? (shrug). I would wonder about this too.
My personal thinking is Online Education these days is in it's infancy stage. It's like comparing Smartphones with Commodore 64 computers. Commodores and Atari's were just the beginning of a computer revolution in our country. Yet, they gave rise to much more powerful technology that today is unparalleled to just decades ago. I think Online Education is comparatively in the same stage of evolution. I would hope someday that it would evolve to the point of totally replacing brick & mortar education altogether. And I would put money on 20 years from now we'll see Online Education as the front-runner in how education is delivered.
And once that happens, well then Home Schooling might carry more weight as well. As far as Christian Education goes, well, that's just a joke to me.