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Topic: Planned Parenthood  (Read 16296 times)


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #60 on: April 18, 2011, 01:15:11 pm »
I find it interesting how you went from this:

Miscarriages and unviable pregnancies are the result of biology. People do not choose to have a miscarriage or choose to have a fertilized egg not attach to the uterine wall.

to this:

Since the mechanism by which mammals reproduce has been known for at least the last 150 years, any biologist in the world can tell you that a mammal’s life begins when the sperm from the father unites with the egg from the mother.  This process is called fertilization, and when the DNA from the father and mother have combined, the egg is called a fertilized egg, or zygote.

Is what you call "biology" separate from god, or is it not?  At what point does god instill a "soul" into said fertilized egg....only after it looks like it will be a successful pregnancy, or what?   :confused1:
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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #61 on: April 18, 2011, 04:39:37 pm »
Is what you call "biology" separate from god, or is it not?

God created the human body. It is miraculous and complex but not perfect. People get sick, cells deform, people have miscarriages.

Doesn't change the fact that killing a zygote or fetus which is considered human, is killing a human. You are simply killing it in a particular stage of it's development.

You said killing an adult wasn't the same as killing a fetus. I showed how it was. Stop trying to bring God into it simply because you know I'm a Christian.

I'm not arguing pro life from a religious POV.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #62 on: April 19, 2011, 08:52:52 am »
I don't believe in abortion to just do it because you made a "mistake". I do believe thou if a woman is raped, it is incest, if it is jeopardizing her health and/or the baby's she should be given the option.

PP is a wonderful organization dedicated to helping women (and even though they do provide abortions, they inform fully about the procedures beforehand, at least in the offices I've been in; no one is forcing abortion on anyone in a PP office because the women make their own choices).

And I'm with Amy, Planned Parenthood helped me awhile back, I haven't had insurance for 3+ years and even though I make approx. $20k a year I am too rich for assistance. I needed another form of Birth Control besides condoms and the appointment and prescription was wayyy cheaper than it would have been had I gone to my Womens Clinic. Anyway, all their material in there was not towards abortion it was towards abstinence and/or education on what to use if you decide to be sexual active.

What people don't understand is there are other places out there that help as well. When I did end up getting pregnant I went to a place called the Pregnancy Resource Center, they are religious based not government funded and well they will discuss abortion with you as well but again that is not what they promote!! The good thing about them thou, if I understand right, if you think of abortion they make sure you understand your adoption rights too. :wave:


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2011, 11:20:41 am »

In this news interview a clip is shown of an actor with a hidden camera going into planned parenthood saying he is a pimp and he has underage girls who need an abortion. This clip shows Planned Parenthood aiding the trafficking of little girls and giving them abortions to keep them on the street.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2011, 03:42:00 pm »

Be it ANY political party, it is NOT okay to take upon ones self to decide what race or class of people have the right to reproduce. I am against ANYONE thinking that one human life is less valuable than another because of race or culture. It's sickening. And that is Planned Parenthood's agenda and it is the liberals who are in support of it's federal funding. Regardless if conservatives in office contributed to the sickening behavior of sterilizing native americans, conservatives ARE against Planned Parenthood.

I am against Planned Parenthood, not because of abortion alone, but because of it's political agenda of peddling abortion to minorities in order to control the population of people who "they don't want too many of". Anyone who is a minority and anyone whose race has suffered an attempt at being wiped out should be outraged that this is the governments intentions. NOT for women's health, NOT to give women a choice but to CONTROL. Control the population of people they consider as offensive as crap on the bottom of their $500 shoes.  :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :angry7: :angry7: :angry7:

Sherene, I am afraid to ask from where you received your information.  Planned Parenthood is not what you seem to think it is.  I've volunteered at a local office (as local as you can get in my rural area), I've traveled and been inside PP offices, including in Washington, D.C. as part of a reproductive rights seminar I attended in college.  I know you well enough to know that you honestly believe what you are saying, and it makes me sad.  PP is a wonderful organization dedicated to helping women (and even though they do provide abortions, they inform fully about the procedures beforehand, at least in the offices I've been in; no one is forcing abortion on anyone in a PP office because the women make their own choices).

I urge everyone with doubts about PP to check out their website, including the "about" section.  Here's a link:

what if your mom had aborted you?


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2011, 06:31:07 pm »

Be it ANY political party, it is NOT okay to take upon ones self to decide what race or class of people have the right to reproduce. I am against ANYONE thinking that one human life is less valuable than another because of race or culture. It's sickening. And that is Planned Parenthood's agenda and it is the liberals who are in support of it's federal funding. Regardless if conservatives in office contributed to the sickening behavior of sterilizing native americans, conservatives ARE against Planned Parenthood.

I am against Planned Parenthood, not because of abortion alone, but because of it's political agenda of peddling abortion to minorities in order to control the population of people who "they don't want too many of". Anyone who is a minority and anyone whose race has suffered an attempt at being wiped out should be outraged that this is the governments intentions. NOT for women's health, NOT to give women a choice but to CONTROL. Control the population of people they consider as offensive as crap on the bottom of their $500 shoes.  :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :angry7: :angry7: :angry7:

Sherene, I am afraid to ask from where you received your information.  Planned Parenthood is not what you seem to think it is.  I've volunteered at a local office (as local as you can get in my rural area), I've traveled and been inside PP offices, including in Washington, D.C. as part of a reproductive rights seminar I attended in college.  I know you well enough to know that you honestly believe what you are saying, and it makes me sad.  PP is a wonderful organization dedicated to helping women (and even though they do provide abortions, they inform fully about the procedures beforehand, at least in the offices I've been in; no one is forcing abortion on anyone in a PP office because the women make their own choices).

I urge everyone with doubts about PP to check out their website, including the "about" section.  Here's a link:

what if your mom had aborted you?

I wouldn't know the difference.  And, according to your religion, I would be safe and cozy in heaven right now.

Your point is?


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2011, 12:24:41 pm »
Is what you call "biology" separate from god, or is it not?

God created the human body. It is miraculous and complex but not perfect. People get sick, cells deform, people have miscarriages.

Doesn't change the fact that killing a zygote or fetus which is considered human, is killing a human. You are simply killing it in a particular stage of it's development.

You said killing an adult wasn't the same as killing a fetus. I showed how it was. Stop trying to bring God into it simply because you know I'm a Christian.

I'm not arguing pro life from a religious POV.

Thank you for being a believer... this is a real dark world and I am with you.
However, anyone who believes PP is primarily concerned with the health of women and girls needs to look at the record.
Those of us who are wise enough to look at the facts know abortions are preformed
when babies are 8 months in the womb and older. ever witnessed how they kill them? by sticking a sharp object into the back of their
skull. that is not painful??? they use these same baby parts for soap, in make up, etc. almost the same as what the *bleep*'s did at the holocaust
and if someone can defend that, they are heartless.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2011, 12:44:18 pm »
Is what you call "biology" separate from god, or is it not?

God created the human body. It is miraculous and complex but not perfect. People get sick, cells deform, people have miscarriages.

Doesn't change the fact that killing a zygote or fetus which is considered human, is killing a human. You are simply killing it in a particular stage of it's development.

You said killing an adult wasn't the same as killing a fetus. I showed how it was. Stop trying to bring God into it simply because you know I'm a Christian.

I'm not arguing pro life from a religious POV.

Thank you for being a believer... this is a real dark world and I am with you.
However, anyone who believes PP is primarily concerned with the health of women and girls needs to look at the record.
Those of us who are wise enough to look at the facts know abortions are preformed
when babies are 8 months in the womb and older. ever witnessed how they kill them? by sticking a sharp object into the back of their
skull. that is not painful??? they use these same baby parts for soap, in make up, etc. almost the same as what the *bleep*'s did at the holocaust
and if someone can defend that, they are heartless.

There are a great many religious figures that you have just blanketed with your statement, including Jewish ones...the ones who know about the *bleep*'s and Holocaust.

You really should choose your words more carefully.  You're anti-abortion?  Good for you.  This topic is about Planned Parenthood, and how 97% of their services are not abortion and are there for helping women without looking down on them.  Believe differently if you will.  Try, however, to keep from spreading your vitriol.  There is already enough of it in this world.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2011, 08:00:34 am »
Those of us who are wise enough to look at the facts know abortions are preformed
when babies are 8 months in the womb and older. ever witnessed how they kill them? by sticking a sharp object into the back of their
skull. that is not painful??? they use these same baby parts for soap, in make up, etc. almost the same as what the *bleep*'s did at the holocaust
and if someone can defend that, they are heartless.

Hmm, pulling a logical fallacy as per usual I see (Fallacy: Biased Sample or Inductive Generalization).  I defend legal abortion, not illegal abortion.
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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #69 on: April 30, 2011, 04:46:44 am »
Here are my thoughts on Planned Parenthood.  They are the single most leader in providing abortions, period.

Here are my thoughts on abortion.

Abortion is so wrong and sinful that I cringe everytime I think of the procedure being performed.  Go to and actually see what I'm talking about. The embryo/fetus is an innocent, human life who, believe it or not, has the unalienable right to life given to us by God our Creator and set forth in the Declaration of Independence. 

Abortion is not only the intentional killing of an innocent life and, therefore, murder, but also absolutely contrary to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

We need to pray, fast, and weep on our knees begging God to have mercy on our Country for allowing the horrendous and tremendous evil that abortion truly is.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #70 on: April 30, 2011, 11:59:06 am »
We need to pray, fast, and weep on our knees begging God to have mercy on our Country for allowing the horrendous and tremendous evil that abortion truly is.

The solution is EDUCATION. Not quickly crying, praying, and getting on your knees infront your god's crotch. This is why I said religion shouldn't be introduced in this thread. Ugh...


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #71 on: May 01, 2011, 09:10:26 am »
We need to pray, fast, and weep on our knees begging God to have mercy on our Country for allowing the horrendous and tremendous evil that abortion truly is.

The solution is EDUCATION. Not quickly crying, praying, and getting on your knees infront your god's crotch. This is why I said religion shouldn't be introduced in this thread. Ugh...

We have a stray, Falc, who apparently didn't read the thread.  Someone else who seems to be posting for the purpose of posting, like those who talk just to hear their own voices. 

It would be different if the religious overtone added to the thread, like it does when Sherene posts, rather than being a brick weighing the thread down, IMHO.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2011, 10:13:35 am »
It would be different if the religious overtone added to the thread, like it does when Sherene posts, rather than being a brick weighing the thread down, IMHO.

Agreed. Very true.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2011, 10:38:58 am »
I personally am against abortion, there is no need for it.  If you happen to get pregnent and you do NOT want any children, you could easily give them up for adoption.  Abortion is a killing of a child. I would give them ip for adoption if I was in a situation of this sort. ;)


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2011, 01:48:03 pm »
If you happen to get pregnent and you do NOT want any children, you could easily give them up for adoption.  Abortion is a killing of a child. I would give them ip for adoption if I was in a situation of this sort.

Read the thread, n00b.

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