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Topic: Planned Parenthood  (Read 16308 times)


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2011, 01:54:22 pm »
Amy I quoted the founder of Planned Parenthood in my first post. I quoted the liberals who are pro abortion and their warped reasons for being so. Yes Planned Parenthood helps women, but that's the nice face they put on it so they can continue their attempt at controlling undesirables in the population. Abortion to them is simply politically correct modern day eugenics. They don't insist on funding it simply to empower women for the health etc. I showed the links to the study about effects of legalized abortion on racial crimes. And working at Planned Parenthood isn't going to open anyone's eyes to this issue. They don't have orientation where they tell you what Margaret Sanger said, or what politicians say about not wanting minorities and poor people reproducing.

Yes I believe what I'm saying and it came straight from the horses mouth.

The quote from Sanger came from Pivot of Civilization.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 02:00:22 pm by shernajwine »


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2011, 02:07:41 pm »
Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she also spoke of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.

This video talks about a woman who was forcibly sterilized and stood trial, being portrayed as a moron, a *bleep*, and "unfit" to breed. When in fact she was on the honor roll and her child was the result of rape.
Planned Parenthood was founded on a model of genocide called eugenics.

Here is a video where a guy called Planned Parenthood asking if his donation could specifically be used for black people because he thinks there should be less of them in the world. The woman from Planned Parenthood taking his donation said this was the first time she had someone ask this and she was very excited.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 02:27:32 pm by shernajwine »


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2011, 02:19:23 pm »
I was responding to your youtube link.....
That's what you got out of it?

I got that people think they have a right to decide who is valuable to society and who isn't and it makes me mad? What was it you expected me to get from it?
Great, that in a nutshell was what I got.

I apologize, I got from your response that somehow you thought I was blaming liberals verses conservatives. I blame it on the ongoing genocide of Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island, and who ever has a superioristic mindset. (yeah I know that word isnt in the dictionary...welcome to America, now everyone speak Walks....)

I don't really study your political process....we have people who do that but it isn't me.

I'm pretty pissed about it too. We have 1% of the US population, C'mon, the world can stand a few more brown babies atleast.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2011, 02:29:22 pm »
Sorry Walks. I was emotional because it really makes me angry enough to smash things that people have this mindset. And it makes me angry that the government uses women's health through Planned Parenthood as a front to continue their war against people they consider useless.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2011, 02:33:58 pm »
Sorry Walks. I was emotional because it really makes me angry enough to smash things that people have this mindset. And it makes me angry that the government uses women's health through Planned Parenthood as a front to continue their war against people they consider useless.
((((Mrs. Sherna))))


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2011, 02:36:22 pm »
i here that,but people should realize that life is come'n wheather or not.People of all kinds will have babies period.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2011, 02:52:27 pm »
Amy I quoted the founder of Planned Parenthood in my first post. I quoted the liberals who are pro abortion and their warped reasons for being so. Yes Planned Parenthood helps women, but that's the nice face they put on it so they can continue their attempt at controlling undesirables in the population. Abortion to them is simply politically correct modern day eugenics. They don't insist on funding it simply to empower women for the health etc. I showed the links to the study about effects of legalized abortion on racial crimes. And working at Planned Parenthood isn't going to open anyone's eyes to this issue. They don't have orientation where they tell you what Margaret Sanger said, or what politicians say about not wanting minorities and poor people reproducing.

Yes I believe what I'm saying and it came straight from the horses mouth.

The quote from Sanger came from Pivot of Civilization.

So I suppose this is another area where time and adaptation doesn't change things?  Many people believe the worst of Margaret Sanger, and many don't.  Same with the Bible, isn't it?  I am a pro-choice liberal, but I am not a proponent of "politically correct modern day eugenics".  Seems this viewpoint is the same that many take issue with when it comes to anyone who believes that all Christians are one thing or another. 

People can focus on the bad if they wish.  The fact is, only 3% of what PP does is abortion, and those abortions are performed because the woman chooses for the abortion to be performed.  Is that 3% and the words of a woman who died in 1966 really significant enough to negate all the good performed by PP?


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2011, 02:55:53 pm »
Is that 3% and the words of a woman who died in 1966 really significant enough to negate all the good performed by PP?

Did you watch the last video? That video wasn't made in 1966. The quotes from the others were not from 1966 either.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 02:57:46 pm by shernajwine »


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2011, 03:02:41 pm »
I'm glad that Planned Parenthood is going to keep it's funding. I am pro-choice but that isn't even the reason that I support Planned Parenthood. There are many women that cannot afford to go to an OB/GYN to receive annual exams, birth control, or treatments for STDs. Planned Parenthood is able to provide these services BECAUSE they are federally funded. If they created a law that said that federal funds could not be used in the operation of their abortion clinic I would be okay with that and I'm sure that they would be able to work that out with a little extra paperwork and donations from people who believe that a woman should be able to choose whether or not to have a baby conceived by rape or a baby that will be addicted to drugs or even a baby that has a fatal congenital illness (notice I said fatal).

In response to the comments about poor minority babies.... there are prejudiced people everywhere. They come from every religion, every color, and every socioeconomic status. The comments of the few (even the few that are higher up in the ranks) should not be taken as the attitude of the whole. I am pro-choice because I believe that it is wrong for other people to decide what is correct for someone else, it comes down to quality of life for me and I'm not about to tell a woman that she HAS to have a baby that is going to have a horrible quality of life. I am NOT pro-choice because I believe that there will be less Black, Hispanic, Asian etc. babies in the world because of it.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2011, 03:15:21 pm »
Is that 3% and the words of a woman who died in 1966 really significant enough to negate all the good performed by PP?

Did you watch the last video? That video wasn't made in 1966. The quotes from the others were not from 1966 either.

Did you look at the link? 

Contraception (including reversible contraception, emergency contraception, vasectomies and tubal sterilizations): 4,009,549 services

Sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment: 3,955,916 services

Cancer screening and prevention: 1,830,811 services

Other women’s health services (including pregnancy tests and prenatal care): 1,178,369 services

How many abortions were performed? 332,278 procedures, and less than 1% of those take place after the 20th week.  Of course, poor people are the ones utilizing services at PP...the rich can afford to have a therapeutic abortion performed elsewhere.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2011, 03:22:33 pm »
I'm 100% against abortion. It's a human-life taken away. There are a slew of pictures all over the internet of what these babies look like after they're aborted. It's horrific to look at. If you(generally speaking) don't want the child, just give it up for adoption. I understand that some women may have been raped and it's a child that they didn't desire but it's not that child's fault. I just couldn't be that heartless as to take the life of a child away. This is still such a hot topic but to each their own. If a woman decides to do it now and then later on regrets it. It's too late, she'd have to live with that decision the rest of her life. 


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2011, 03:32:12 pm »
I'm 100% against abortion. It's a human-life taken away. There are a slew of pictures all over the internet of what these babies look like after they're aborted. It's horrific to look at. If you(generally speaking) don't want the child, just give it up for adoption. I understand that some women may have been raped and it's a child that they didn't desire but it's not that child's fault. I just couldn't be that heartless as to take the life of a child away. This is still such a hot topic but to each their own. If a woman decides to do it now and then later on regrets it. It's too late, she'd have to live with that decision the rest of her life. 
Oh so if she adopts she can change her mind? There are many times more unwanted children then there are those willing and able to adopt. So 18 years in an institution is the answer?


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2011, 03:55:08 pm »
There are many women that cannot afford to go to an OB/GYN to receive annual exams, birth control, or treatments for STDs. Planned Parenthood is able to provide these services BECAUSE they are federally funded. If they created a law that said that federal funds could not be used in the operation of their abortion clinic I would be okay with that and I'm sure that they would be able to work that out with a little extra paperwork and donations from people who believe that a woman should be able to choose whether or not to have a baby conceived by rape or a baby that will be addicted to drugs or even a baby that has a fatal congenital illness (notice I said fatal).

PP doesn't use the funds for abortions.  That money comes from the other 2/3 of their operating budget.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2011, 03:56:32 pm »
I'm 100% against abortion. It's a human-life taken away. There are a slew of pictures all over the internet of what these babies look like after they're aborted. It's horrific to look at. If you(generally speaking) don't want the child, just give it up for adoption. I understand that some women may have been raped and it's a child that they didn't desire but it's not that child's fault. I just couldn't be that heartless as to take the life of a child away. This is still such a hot topic but to each their own. If a woman decides to do it now and then later on regrets it. It's too late, she'd have to live with that decision the rest of her life. 

Carry a baby and give it up for adoption?  Why, that is riskier for the woman than an abortion is.


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Re: Planned Parenthood
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2011, 05:21:48 pm »
I am a pro-choice liberal, but I am not a proponent of "politically correct modern day eugenics".  Seems this viewpoint is the same that many take issue with when it comes to anyone who believes that all Christians are one thing or another. 

I'm not saying that every person who is pro choice or liberal is in agreement with genocide by eugenics. What I am saying is that anyone supporting federal funding of Planned Parenthood should be aware of the people in the government who are using it as their own personal weed eater of society. And it goes ALL the way back to it's founder, who started for the very reason of weeding out the population.

Also read the following:

In Planned Parenthood's 1985 Annual Report, its leaders proclaimed that they were, "Proud of our past, and planning for our future."

How could anyone claim to be proud of an organization when history records that its founder wrote of the necessity of "the extermination of 'human weeds'...the 'cessation of charity'...the segregation of 'morons, misfits, and the maladjusted' and...the sterilization of 'genetically inferior races?'"

How many abortions were performed? 332,278 procedures, and less than 1% of those take place after the 20th week.  Of course, poor people are the ones utilizing services at PP...the rich can afford to have a therapeutic abortion performed elsewhere.

Thus making the perfect cover for the agenda for those in government and their supporters who wish to eliminate "unfit" breeders. Although they not even that quiet about it apparently:

In The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell said, "At present the population of the world is increasing...War so far has had no great effect on this increase... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others...If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full...the state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of it? Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially that of others."

Negative Population Growth Inc. of Teaneck, New Jersey recently circulated a letter stating their long-range goal: "We believe that our goal for the United States should be no more than 150 million; our size in 1950. For the world, we believe our goal should be a population of not more than two billion, its size shortly after the turn of the century."10

This amount is impossible to achieve by means of normal attrition and birth control...

Finally here is something truly shocking, a confession of a woman who worked for Planned Parenthood in a trailer for a documentary called Blood Money.

And to specifically address one of your statements here is an article to read:
Planned Parent-Hood – Still Racist Today?

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