The whole agenda behind "d&d" is for trolls to lure in believers on the premise that they are "searching for the truth", while they do what they can to try and provoke believers to insult them, lose their temper, get them to do anything that is not "Christ-like" so they can get their "kicks".
Conversely, the "agenda" on my part is and has been to challenge the unsupported declarations of religious "trolls" whose "agenda" appears to consist of trolling the forums with empty assertions, (essentially, opinions sans evidence). It isn't productive to speculate about possible motivations for them doing so, other than the apparently common one of expressing such "beliefs" as (empty) opinions which somehow are 'immune' to questioning.
They freely indulge in reusing the same words of their opponents and in turning those words against them.
They always will sound as if it is the responsibility of believers to provide evidence that what the forum is all about is legitimate because they have no evidence of their own.
It is the responsibility of the claimant to provide evidence to support their claims, (not to shift the burden of proof onto those who challenge the veracity of such claims). Requesting 'proof' that something doesn't exist is a logical fallacy and such requests most often originate from those who have no understanding of reasoning, (and are actively eschewing it). Religious adherents who make initial claims concerning their religious beliefs are engaging in such attempts to shift the burden of proof because they have never been able to provide accurately-attributible evidence to support their claims. That's what makes their claims empty, nothing else.
D&D is where trolls LOVE to post conflicting information ...
First, designating those who question empty religious claims as "trolls" is extremely disengenuous, (e.g., an out and out lie). Secondly, to what "conflicting information" do you refer? While there is no expectation of an answer which would substantiate such an accusation, the question is asked to emphasize the tendency religious adherents demonstrate for making baseless assertions and then failing to support those with substantiating evidence, (e.g., making false claims). This is, in fact, a characteristic of actual "trolls"; posting such 'hit-and-run' inflamatory accusations sans evidence.
question believers in an insincere manner ...
How is sincerity being determined, (other than by unsupported opinion)? A counter-assertion is that the questioning is 'sincere' until proven otherwise so, if there is evidence of insincerity, post it. If not, the accusation cannot be justified by evidence and the default conclusion is that it is false.
start flaming discussions, try to turn people against each other...
This is simply not true; the vast majority of such discussions have been begun by the religious adherents complaining when their baseless declarations are questioned. Questioning baseless declarations is not "flaming", "flaming" consists of the name-calling which a number of religious adherents have engaged in when questioned. Evidence, (including message IDs), is available to support this contention however, when faced with such evidence as contradicts their declarations of "faith", these same religious adherents start posting more irrational nonsense instead, (such as this particular post by "Sheryls", which consists almost entirely of a 'trolling' post under the actual definition of "trolling").
"innocently" harass forum members that don't agree with them, and not have to worry much about warnings from Admin.
No doubt falsely characterizing the challenging and questioning of 'blind faith' is inaccurately considered as 'harassing' by those religious adherents who unreasonably feel that their empty beliefs are someone immune from questioning. They are not; especially when evangelized in a public forum, (and most especially when publically-posted in the D+D subforum).
If you've noticed, they even freely take the negative emotions they've tried to stir up on some threads and carry them into other threads trying to "keep the drama going" in any possible way that they can.
Any "negative emotions" extant belong solely to those claiming to have them. Such constitutes a 'false martyr' position where merely questioning is considered to be 'persecution'. As far as carrying discussions into other threads, there is evidence of some religious adherents doing so and of replies to such "drama" subsequently following. That means such instances of "drama" can be shown to be propagated by all participating parties.
Their true aganda is to find the believers that are "new", the ones that aren't grounded in the "Word" ...
Conversely, there is no such "agenda", (despite such unsupported accusations), and the objective, (at least stemming from my own intentions), is one of questioning empty assertions - religious or otherwise.
If they can get them to question their beliefs...and with them not being grounded in the "Word", they will begin to have doubts. If they don't get the answers in time, they may have reason to abandon their faith, abandon God.
By not questioning one's "beliefs", one avoids considering whether such really are merely 'convictions' and 'opinions' which lack substantiation, (and this is, in fact, what "faith" is - simply a conviction regarding what is 'belived in', sans evidence). Conversely, by questioning such empty convictions, one takes the first steps in moving away from self-delusions, (no matter how comforting an illusion such appears to provide, without the actual substance). Given the overwhelming evidence of the harm such religious self-delusions can cause, (millennia of deaths and suppresion of reason, etc.), which is laid directly at the feet of specious religious 'beliefs', questioning them is more prudent than simply accepting them on blind faith.
Many have wondered why people that don't believe in God would spend so much time in "religious" discussions conversing with believers, when they consider them to be 'lunatics'. It's because they are "preying".
No, it is because questioning irrational blind faith can sometimes prevent others from falling into the same self-delusional trap as the religious adherents are clinging desparately to. These same religious adherents are "preying" on the insecurities, desparations, gullibility and unwillingness to accept personal responsibility of others to blindly accept irrational religious beliefs.
Consider their agenda before wasting much more of life's valuable time in d&d.
Dissect away "falcon9-troll", I've got better things to do with my time today!!
Indeed, no doubt you "feel better" having posted a pack of 'trolling' lies in a hit-and-run manner, (there being little expectation of a significant response to the refutations of your rant).