Julie, it's "falcon9", (so as to avoid conflating respondants).
Enough is enough. People have had more than enough of your "big words" and "know-it-all" attitude.
Conversely, while there's been enough attempts to suppress/censor dissent, I have not proclaimed any similar intention to silence the evangelising religious opinions which are being challenged.
Who cares if you look at "empty" assertions and opinions?
'Care' is irrelavent; if an opinion or assertion is empty, (lacks veracity), I'm as free to challenge it as the OP is to delare it publically.
Who cares if people post and go post something somewhere else? They aren't required to come back in unless they so choose. Who cares if you call it not backing some up?
For someone who is using that word repetitiously, one might conclude that _you_ "care" enough to try a 'so what?' "rebuttal". Such does not actually constitute a rebuttal; it's a non sequitur. To reiterate; it is not mandatory/forced/required/polite for anyone to back up an empty assertion/opinion. It is also not mandatory/forced/polite/required to "accept" such at face value nor, to let such go unquestioned/unchallenged.
Who cares, who cares, who cares? You seem to be the only one who cannot handle letting things go and letting people voice things without being challenged in the same ole recorded ways and words.
If you don't "care", one solution is to actually "ignore" such challenges and dissenting opinions as cause sufficient discomfort to "ignore" them by not ignoring them. This is your choice. If the choice is made to keep posting the same old religious beliefs over and over and over again, the ones doing so seem to have the oddly unreasonable expectation of different forms of dissent/challenge. Maybe it isn't all that odd, given other inherent/pre-existing unreasonable expectations possessed by so many religious adherents.
Many are concerned at the way you treated tigerlily's thread when she wanted prayer for something. Yes, you can post where ever you want.
Gee thanks; good to know I have your unneeded permission to do so. Until the religious adherents came after me in that thread, my sole contribution was to suggest more viable alternative practical solutions. Apparently, such a suggestion was considered by some to be less helpful to a generalized problem than some really vague wishful-thinking, ('prayers').
However, kindness and decency to another human being struggling with something and asking fellow Christians for prayer is courtesy and respect -
Why is it that a more pragmatic suggestion to seek viable solutions is considered by xtians to exclude "kindness and decency"? After all, xtians don't have the market cornered on such attributes and it is extremely presumptuous to implicitly assume that non-xtian suggestions were 'unkind'/'indecent'/'rude', etc.. In fact, I could consider such presumption to be rude and unkind of the xtians stating implying it.
you should not have to be told, like a little kid, to mind your manners.
Whereas you "should" not have to be told that attempting to impose your personal notion of "manners", (a misnomer for an attempt to suppress a dissenting viewpoint), on others.
You could have eased back out of that thread since you yourself say you are not a Christian ...
That could have been done; if the thread was an exclusive xtian country-club. Alas, it isn't; it was publically posted in an open forum, (not a private list, whether or not a declaration excluded non-xtians was made).
or you could have at least said something kind, such as hope all is okay, etc.
Again, a suggestion to seek more viable solutions than well-wishing wishful-thinking was made to be helpful and "kind". After all, no one forced me to reply at all; that was my choice. Your attempts to censor my choice notwithstanding.
Just because we post in this forum, doesn't give anyone the right to be discourteous to others like tigerlily, and to others who wish not to go so far in debate with you because you dissect to the point of confusion for some and ridiculousness for others.
The characterization of being "discourteous" is largely subjective, (especially in this instance of religious bias, as opposed to non-religious dissent).
One solution to avoid debating empty opinions/assertions is to not engage in them, (rather than trying to suppress/censor what you find confusing or, challenging point of view).