Who knows what you mean since you ended your previous post with a "goodbye". Apparently, this means 'keep trying to get the last word in', at least in 'Mackenzie-speak'. Everyone else must be mistakenly using the accepted meaning of that word instead.
Oh I will be glad to explain why I said goodbye.
I remain disinterested as to "why" you said it since I'm already aware of what the word means. There seems to be some confusion on your part as to what "goodbye" actually indicates, however.
I see you are still confused, I will restate it in a different way.
Your own confusion over what the word, "goodbye" means and your failure to 'confuse' me do not mean that I'm the confused one.
Whenever you implied that you would not reorganize your post into a readable form I assumed the conversation was over ...
There was no implication; I explicitly refused to comply with your demands. Any invalid assumptions you made from that remain your unsupported opinion.
I was not expecting another reply from you as you had implied you would not at all rephrase or reorganize into a more effective format and even called this a "terrorist demand."
Again, I "implied" no such thing; I directly and explicitly refused to comply with your demand because your inability to follow a discussion in which you are a primary participant is not my responsibility. This point was emphasized by exaggerating your repeated demand as a terrorist one, (alluding to a form of coerision you were attempting to use to get me to follow your 'instructions', 'or else').
Notice how this could give me the idea that the conversation was over. That is why I said goodbye.
Once again you've shown that you are unable to follow the course and _sequence_ of the discussion. Message IDs list the date and time of replies and these show that you posted your "goodbye" _before_ these subsequent contentions of yours --
« Reply #377 on: September 27, 2011, 03:37:31 pm » Message ID: 423049
Quote from: SurveyMack10 on September 27, 2011, 03:37:31 pm:
« Reply #381 on: September 27, 2011, 08:55:26 pm » Message ID: 423177
Quote from: SurveyMack10 on September 27, 2011, 08:55:26 pm:
"Oh I will be glad to explain why I said goodbye."
These posted replies of yours occurred _before_ I commented about not complying with your terrorist demands.
You then replied, showing that the conversation was either not over, or that you wanted the last word.
No, I replied with a speculation that _you_ were one of those people who feel the need to 'get in the last word' by stating who knows what you mean since you ended your previous post with a "goodbye". Apparently, this means 'keep trying to get the last word in", at least in 'Mackenzie-speak'. Everyone else must be mistakenly using the accepted meaning of that word instead.
Since you decided to reply after the initial goodbye the insinuation that the conversation was over was contradicted so the goodbye proved not necessary.
Rather, since such an "insinuation" was entirely a fabrication in your own mind, (as shown by the text itself, not your unneeded mistranslations of English), there was no contradiction on my part. On the other hand, your "goodbye", (followed by more blithering repetitions and denials), did serve as evidence that you contradicted yourself. Why was this a contradiction? Because if someone says "goodbye" to another and then keeps yammering away, that person's implicit intention is to be exasperating. It's unclear whether or not you've previously mistaken exasperation for successful debating however, that cheap trick is ineffective with me, (if it were effective, it would've worked days ago).