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Topic: God is a Fake  (Read 138513 times)


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2011, 01:20:14 am »
so you really believe you are your own GOD? did  you make yourself? can you catch the wind? a star? can  you breathe life into another?

No. But I can catch wind with wind turbines, study stars in this vast beautiful and very messy universe, and I have the capability of making life with another. I'm content with that. No need to strive to be a god-- most people don't understand that living forever would be a horrible curse.

yes there are some awful things in the Bible, they are put there for us to learn - as examples.

Precisely. Like stone your kids to death if they talk back to you or sell your daughters into slavery. Ohhh the lists go on and on and onnnn....


Different version. I assure you it should be around that chapter unless they edited it out.

Neither did they wish to hear it in the Bible, some heard & were saved. while others went into hell. that is not my opinion but the words of the Bible. I had rather seek my favor with GOD, not man

So your god wants you to walk around and be a pompous nuisance to freethinkers and a fearmongerer to the weak-minded? Wow, great deity ya got therrrr  ::) If you're gonna seek favor with your deit...i mean GOD, maybe you should just be quiet around man. It's the decent thing to do.

YES THIS WAS ORDERED AS A WARNING OF PUNISHMENT... This nauseous piece of cookery he exercised publicly  so that they might be more effecged wiht the calamity approaching. To show in teh extremity of a famine approaching, that they will not have any thing good, but nothing clean. This was meant to be a warning. There are many warnings in the WORD, our problem is we either choose or we are blinded to the warnings. There are conditions for living in light and shalom for all eternity and the earth is a testing ground. We either wise up or we walk in darkness.

Nice try walking around the point. It's contradictory to preach about a book when it talks about having to eat poop in such a serious and detailed manner.

guilt trip? not really. encourage other to read the WORD of GOD, learn for themselves rather than fall blindly into the pit.

If you think telling people they'll burn for eternity if they don't read your ancient writings and bend over for your god is encouraging, you're deluding yourself. That's a threat that you just don't want to accept the definition of.

why is the way I speak any different than yours? you may accept or not. Not my problem, I am told to be gentle as a dove yet wise as the fox...  "pity" is a slant for compassion and my feelings have not & will not change. I began my message with I pity you. and I do pity you for getting so upset over what I said. would you be a dictator? Yes, I think  you would if you think  you have the right to stop what I say in favor of your message? Would you use your whip on me because of what I believe, if you could? Yes, I think you would

I'm sure your god loves how you're being so pompous and evil in the face of reason. Remember-- when you ASSUME, you make an *bleep* of U and ME. So go ahead and pity me for calling you out on your naive belligerent behavior. I'm not the one raising the whip here for no good or real reason-- that's you. I'm just snapping back in a weaker manner to show you what you're doing. I've explained this already, but you're obviously incapable of understanding the reality of it. If one could argue rationally with the religious, there would be no religious people.

Again, I've been with chrisitianity before. Though I'm probably not as well-versed as you are with it consdiering your age, I have studied the bible quite a lot in the past. But you know what I'm currently studying? Jainism. After that I'm not sure-- maybe native american beliefs. Am I going to join a religion? No! I'm starting to find that other religions are far more fascinating and interesting than your own. And admirably more deserving of respect.

HAVE A GOOD LIFE, it may be all the good you ever know because after you breathe your last breath, your choice will end.

You do realize your god's power does not even allow for choice, right? I know it says so in the bible, but it's completely contradictory given your god's all-knowing omniscience. They weren't really thinking too hard when they wrote that down now, were they?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 10:40:53 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2011, 01:26:22 am »
i'm religio romana so i believe in multiple gods/goddesses


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2011, 07:16:19 am »
Even Nietsche had issues with God/god.    

Um, Nietzsche was an atheist.
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2011, 10:54:03 am »
I don't think there is anyone who needs God's help & grace as much as I do. Sometimes I feel so helpless & weak. I think that is why God uses me. Because I cannot depend on my own strength, I rely on Him 24 hours a day.~Mother Teresa


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2011, 12:22:29 pm »
"The fool ahs said in his heart "there is no God!" I hope no one on FC believes there is no God, else, judgement day will be a terrible reality check.


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2011, 12:48:03 pm »
Well Falconer - all I can say is I am sorry I offended you. but we are all sinners and obviously you don't understand the Bible. Give it a chance. your anger and emotion speaks loudly. What I said bothers you more than Maria. have a great life Falconer, and I mean that sincerely. Chill out, this is still America and we all have the right to voice our opinion so laugh - my opinion shouldn't bother you at all, but the fact that it does - speaks.  

I understand the bible. I was a christian for 15 years. The problem you will never be able to grasp is that I'm beyond religious systems now-- that old way of thinking. I see them as part of a culture rather than truth-- each one usually preaching of mythical hero archaetypes, magical deities, vague prophecies, etc. Many beliefs share similar histories. Yours really isn't too different, but I'm getting too far ahead here...

where does the Bible say if you get your genitals smashed you can't go to heaven? I have read the WORD many times, and never found that.

I would not force my opinion on anyone, but it is not opinion - it's truth and actually I didn't make the claim. you are certainly opinionated - you can take your mythical heros and deities & vague prophecies with you when you go. I feel someone has to be really off in left field to believe all that garb but again, that is your right. All I am called to do to warn you. I won't be there at judgment and your blood won't be on my hands.
but I assure you  you have never me YESHUA or you would not be so angry.

There are tons and tons of awkward, disgusting, horrifying, and generally evil things in the bible. After reading it, you really aren't aware? I'll just stick with 2 of the disgusting ones I know of though-

Dueteronomy 23:1- “No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the lord"

Ezekial 4:12- "And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight. And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them."

have a great life Falconer, and I mean that sincerely. Chill out, this is still America and we all have the right to voice our opinion so laugh - my opinion shouldn't bother you at all, but the fact that it does - speaks.  

You can't have an "opinion" because an opinion is prone to change (it breaks the whole "faith" barrier). Since you're christian, it is my opinion that this is your adamant, undying, and unchangeable belief that you hold to be true. Either way, what you said was extremely rude to be tossed around in such a naive manner. You think people want to hear about accepting your beliefs or they'll burn for eternity? What an awful guilt-tripping tactic for luring in the weak-minded. "I'll pity you when you're burning in agony for eternity!" Stop trying to turn this around with saying I'm "fearful". The reason it bothers me is that people like you think this way of speaking is completely acceptable-- that it should be respected because it's what you believe. It was so in the past, but that is slowly diminishing-- people are starting to realize it's nothing more than something on par with a hateful political stance. So you'd better start getting used to being called out on your detestable behavior.

tl;dnr version- It's not nice to say mean things for no good reason.


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2011, 03:09:26 pm »
I would not force my opinion on anyone, but it is not opinion - it's truth and actually I didn't make the claim.

Didn't make the claim? Not forcing your beliefs on anyone? Let's go back a page and read your own cursing post-

I pity you when you meet GOD. today you have choices up or down. at  your last breathe you will no longer have choices. if there is no GOD we will all just be dead.... but if there is a GOD I am going up into the light, but for those who deny HIM, well you are going down into darkness. it will be to late to even consider, to read the Bible and prove everyone wrong who says there is a GOD. I will have lost nothing either way, while you gamble with your soul for all eternity in a fiery pit, as in forever & forever & forever & forever & forever & forever & -----..  get the picture?

Guilt tripping is an extremely rude method of forcing a belief on someone who is unable to see through the bs, and that is exactly what you're doing here. If you don't see it, you must have a major problem with core reasoning. And if it's truth, you'd have proof. Though seeing your reasoning within all of your posts, I know for a fact I will never find an ounce within them.

you are certainly opinionated - you can take your mythical heros and deities & vague prophecies with you when you go. I feel someone has to be really off in left field to believe all that garb but again, that is your right.

What the heck are you talking about? I don't believe in mythical heroes, deities, or vague prophecies. I just learn about them to get a better understanding of the world. Take a look in the mirror once in a while-- that's you believing these things. Adam and Eve, Noah, Jesus, Samson, the Abrahamic god, the book of u believe in any of these? Congrats-- you believe in these things I quoted above.

All I am called to do to warn you. I won't be there at judgment and your blood won't be on my hands. But I assure you  you have never me YESHUA or you would not be so angry. 70 years old and tossing around curses. Ooga booga boo to you too, maddam. Remember- I'm not part of your religion, and therefore not subject to your religious beliefs or law. Keep it to yourself. Oh, but your god told you to do it? Unless you can call him down and stand before us all, you are doing nothing but making christianity look ridiculous.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 04:42:24 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2011, 10:48:17 pm »
"I was an atheist until I realized I was god"  :P :thumbsup:

The atheist belief(whether you guys want to admit it or not) is making yourself a god by judging for yourself what's right and wrong.

@Marie: Your doing something called wild talk, don't get too discouraged we all do wild talk sometimes.
I am my own god........
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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2011, 02:39:01 pm »
I believe we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and our spirit(soul) comes from God.  I wasn't  spawned from something that is fake.  :peace:


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 03:37:34 pm »
I would not force my opinion on anyone, but it is not opinion - it's truth and actually I didn't make the claim.

Didn't make the claim? Not forcing your beliefs on anyone? Let's go back a page and read your own cursing post-

I pity you when you meet GOD. today you have choices up or down. at  your last breathe you will no longer have choices. if there is no GOD we will all just be dead.... but if there is a GOD I am going up into the light, but for those who deny HIM, well you are going down into darkness. it will be to late to even consider, to read the Bible and prove everyone wrong who says there is a GOD. I will have lost nothing either way, while you gamble with your soul for all eternity in a fiery pit, as in forever & forever & forever & forever & forever & forever & -----..  get the picture?

Guilt tripping is an extremely rude method of forcing a belief on someone who is unable to see through the bs, and that is exactly what you're doing here. If you don't see it, you must have a major problem with core reasoning. And if it's truth, you'd have proof. Though seeing your reasoning within all of your posts, I know for a fact I will never find an ounce within them.

you are certainly opinionated - you can take your mythical heros and deities & vague prophecies with you when you go. I feel someone has to be really off in left field to believe all that garb but again, that is your right.

What the heck are you talking about? I don't believe in mythical heroes, deities, or vague prophecies. I just learn about them to get a better understanding of the world. Take a look in the mirror once in a while-- that's you believing these things. Adam and Eve, Noah, Jesus, Samson, the Abrahamic god, the book of u believe in any of these? Congrats-- you believe in these things I quoted above.

All I am called to do to warn you. I won't be there at judgment and your blood won't be on my hands. But I assure you  you have never me YESHUA or you would not be so angry. 70 years old and tossing around curses. Ooga booga boo to you too, maddam. Remember- I'm not part of your religion, and therefore not subject to your religious beliefs or law. Keep it to yourself. Oh, but your god told you to do it? Unless you can call him down and stand before us all, you are doing nothing but making christianity look ridiculous.

Your choice and you are welcome to it. have a good life cause it is all you will have


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2011, 09:38:55 pm »
Your choice and you are welcome to it. have a good life cause it is all you will have

So you believe that this is the only life we have? You're an atheist now? Weird! lol


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2011, 04:56:34 am »
I wasn't  spawned from something that is fake.  :peace:

There should be mass-mandated logic classes.  You have a set of parents, do you not?
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Re: God is a Fake ( are you for real?)
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2011, 05:52:12 am »
Just ask yourself one question, How did we get here? Well I believe God put us here,because its in our history,and its a shame that one day you are really going to realize that when you come face to face with the devil,I am sure he would love to have you!!!


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2011, 09:23:48 am »
Well I believe God put us here,because its in our history


its a shame that one day you are really going to realize that when you come face to face with the devil,I am sure he would love to have you!!!

You go to your heaven and hell and tell your god and devil that they're next on my list and I'm comin' for them next! Mwahahahaaaaaa!


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Re: God is a Fake
« Reply #44 on: April 26, 2011, 12:32:46 pm »
so you really believe you are your own GOD? did  you make yourself? can you catch the wind? a star? can  you breathe life into another?

No. But I can catch wind with wind turbines, study stars in this vast beautiful and very messy universe, and I have the capability of making life with another. I'm content with that. No need to strive to be a god-- most people don't understand that living forever would be a horrible curse.
WELL I AM IMPRESSED THAT YOU CAN CATCH WIND WITH WIND TURBINE... can you catch it in your hand? can you see  your breathe? No because it is HIS breathe that HE gives you each morning. And HE can catch the wind, for it originates from HIM.

yes there are some awful things in the Bible, they are put there for us to learn - as examples.

Precisely. Like stone your kids to death if they talk back to you or sell your daughters into slavery. Ohhh the lists go on and on and onnnn....
HE does not cause us to sin, we do that on our own. HE did give us free will to choose.


Different version. I assure you it should be around that chapter unless they edited it out.

Neither did they wish to hear it in the Bible, some heard & were saved. while others went into hell. that is not my opinion but the words of the Bible. I had rather seek my favor with GOD, not man

So your god wants you to walk around and be a pompous nuisance to freethinkers and a fearmongerer to the weak-minded? Wow, great deity ya got therrrr  ::) If you're gonna seek favor with your deit...i mean GOD, maybe you should just be quiet around man. It's the decent thing to do.

YES THIS WAS ORDERED AS A WARNING OF PUNISHMENT... This nauseous piece of cookery he exercised publicly  so that they might be more effecged wiht the calamity approaching. To show in teh extremity of a famine approaching, that they will not have any thing good, but nothing clean. This was meant to be a warning. There are many warnings in the WORD, our problem is we either choose or we are blinded to the warnings. There are conditions for living in light and shalom for all eternity and the earth is a testing ground. We either wise up or we walk in darkness.

Nice try walking around the point. It's contradictory to preach about a book when it talks about having to eat poop in such a serious and detailed manner.

guilt trip? not really. encourage other to read the WORD of GOD, learn for themselves rather than fall blindly into the pit.

If you think telling people they'll burn for eternity if they don't read your ancient writings and bend over for your god is encouraging, you're deluding yourself. That's a threat that you just don't want to accept the definition of.

why is the way I speak any different than yours? you may accept or not. Not my problem, I am told to be gentle as a dove yet wise as the fox...  "pity" is a slant for compassion and my feelings have not & will not change. I began my message with I pity you. and I do pity you for getting so upset over what I said. would you be a dictator? Yes, I think  you would if you think  you have the right to stop what I say in favor of your message? Would you use your whip on me because of what I believe, if you could? Yes, I think you would

I'm sure your god loves how you're being so pompous and evil in the face of reason. Remember-- when you ASSUME, you make an *bleep* of U and ME. So go ahead and pity me for calling you out on your naive belligerent behavior. I'm not the one raising the whip here for no good or real reason-- that's you. I'm just snapping back in a weaker manner to show you what you're doing. I've explained this already, but you're obviously incapable of understanding the reality of it. If one could argue rationally with the religious, there would be no religious people.

Again, I've been with chrisitianity before. Though I'm probably not as well-versed as you are with it consdiering your age, I have studied the bible quite a lot in the past. But you know what I'm currently studying? Jainism. After that I'm not sure-- maybe native american beliefs. Am I going to join a religion? No! I'm starting to find that other religions are far more fascinating and interesting than your own. And admirably more deserving of respect.

HAVE A GOOD LIFE, it may be all the good you ever know because after you breathe your last breath, your choice will end.

You do realize your god's power does not even allow for choice, right? I know it says so in the bible, but it's completely contradictory given your god's all-knowing omniscience. They weren't really thinking too hard when they wrote that down now, were they?
HE does allow choice and you make it when you turn from HIM. it is called Freedom of Choice dear.

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