I looked at this discussion shortly after it began - waaaay back when. Then I looked at it a few days ago when I realized it was still going. That is when I made a comment. I don't mind if people call me names (although I thought that was not allowed on the forum).
In which replies were you called names? Your complaint had no specific references and made an unspecified claim.
However, it is interesting to me how vitriolic people can be when it comes to this subject. It makes me wonder why people expend so much energy on a subject when neither side is likely to be swayed. And, after all, you are entitled to your own opinions, as am I.
As mentioned, there is significant difference between an unsupported opinion, (religious belief), and a substantiated one. Your 'entitlement' to an unsubstantiated opinion remains however, it still cannot be conflated to one which has a substantive basis. It is somewhat revealing when religious proponents comment that they are unlikely to be swayed, (by reason opposing their 'faith').
I also wonder how many people have done any in-depth studies on the subject - and I mean higher education, not just the Internet. Have you really studied ancient Greek and Latin to find out how the languages have developed to the modern day, and thus many of the customs? Have you studied archeology?
Yes, yes and yes. I found my comparative religions courses to be remarkably similar to mythology studies. The evidence showing how different cultures "borrowed" various beliefs and modified them was particularly emphasized by xtian cultural thefts.
More and more of the modern archeologists have said that their work is proving that Biblical narratives and locations are more accurate than many people have believed.
Which ones; what references support your claim?
Have you studied ancient history up to the modern day to see how countries and customs have evolved? There is so much more involved than just taking a theory that someone has put forth and repeating it as fact.
Yep, have you, (not including any parochial schooling)?
Many years ago when I was a teenager I had many questions about the Bible and how certain things and events could have really been possible. I have learned much since then after studying in college and doing personal research. When you know how ancient writers wrote and how the Bible has been translated again and again, you realize that, although much of it is written in the symbolism of the day, the core of the message is always the same. I am not a literalist; I have a brain. I hope you guys can find something more constructive to do than throwing slurs and calling people names and passing judgement on people you don't even know.
Again, what "slurs and calling people names" are you referring to? This 'injured martyr' bit isn't uncommon when those making unsupported religious claims are challenged to substantiate their claims.