I made 2 claims-
1) that I believe in God (not that he is real by fact)
Then by inference, if your belief is _in_ something which you are not contending is "real", your belief is _in_ something which isn't real. This inference does not constitute a contending claim on my part as it follows logically from your admitted claim.
2) that you asserted that God was not real
This claim from you has been proven to be false therefore, you did lie.
I have answered the challenges you made to both of these claims by
1) Proving that I do believe in God (by telling you)
That wasn't the challenge; that was you failed attempt at misdirection. The challenge was not to prove whether or not you _have_ any particular belief but, that you failed to substantiate _what_ that belief was in. You therefore failed to answer the actual challenge, as opposed to the one you fabricated.
I have not lied.
Your own words betray your lie. "you asserted that God was not real" - SurveyMack10
I have not attempted to divert the debate away from any claim as I answered all challenges to my claims (shown above)
There are numerous examples of your attempts to divert this discussion, (it is only half debate since I have been debating and you have been diverting), which can be requoted for you to ignore again. Therefore, your contention that you have not attempted to divert is once again betrayed by your own words.
My direct statements have been truthful and any comment made otherwise by you is false.
Your flat denial with nothing but your unsupported opinion is false and thus, you've lied again, (and once again provided evidence of your lie here). Further, your bare assertion that "any comment made otherwise by you is false" is an empty (unsupported) accusation. There is abundant evidence consisting of your own words to support the contention that you make many unsupported claims.
Whether or not something is truthful is not an opinion, so unless you are ready to show me where I lied then do not make that claim again.
Since I have demonstrated where and how you've lied, (by quoting your exact words, without 'translating' them as you are wont to do), I choose not to comply with your 'terrorist demands' to cease making you eat your own words. You're a proven hypocrit, prevaricator, liar and maker of unsupported claims. It's probably far too late to 'stick a fork in you' because you've been done (and overdone) for awhile.
If you feel that I have not answered any challenges to a claim please state so DIRECTLY (do not dance around the issue as you have been) and I will answer that claim now.
Claiming to believe in something is not the same as claiming it as fact. It is simply me saying I choose to believe in something (as I am free to do). I am not claiming it as fact and am acknowledging your choice to believe otherwise. I am not claiming God is real or not real, simply that I believe in him by choice. Point being, I am not trying to convince you of God’s existence as I cannot even pretend to care about your religious faith as it has no bearing on my life (as mine has no bearing on yours although you act as if it is offensive for me to have religious faith). So, to summarize my claim is that I BELIEVE IN GOD it is not that GOD IS REAL therefore I have proven that I believe in God, I have not proven that God is real because I have not made that claim.
Furthermore, if you are going to assert that by saying that I believe in God that I am claiming God is real then you are also asserting that when you claim belief is nonsense that you are claiming the belief in God to be nonsense. ( you cannot have it both ways) If I cannot claim to believe in God and without claiming he is real then you cannot claim belief is nonsense and say you were not referring to any belief at all but belief in general.
You equated God with invisible unicorns, so unless you are saying that invisible unicorns are real then you did assert that God is not real simply by equating Him with invisible unicorns. Therefore, I did not lie.
You say that I must prove that God exists. I know that you REQUESTED that I prove that God exists. However, since I never claimed that he exists I do not bear that burden. Therefore, I did not fail to answer any challenges to any CLAIMS THAT I MADE. I may have failed at a challenge to a claim I did not make, but since I did not EVER claim on this thread that God is real I do not have to prove his existence.
I have not lied as I proved were you asserted that God was not real multiple times, you just choose to ignore it and divert the attention away from being proven wrong by using technical terms that you feel are impressive but actually are not and can easily be recognized as a defense tactic.
Stating an opinion does not require proven evidence. I have openly stated that my belief in God is simply a personal choice. Holding this opinion does not require me to prove his existence to you as I am not claiming that he is real, simply that I choose to believe in him. You said that I lied by making unsubstantiated opinions. This does not make sense as opinions are simply that, opinions.
To summarize
-you did NOT prove that I lied as I have not lied.
(all you have proved is that anytime you disagree with an opinion of mine you call it a lie.)
-you did not prove that I was a hypocrite and actually did not even address that issue so adding that into your closing statement was based on no support shown in your argument
-I am not a (prevaricator, liar, and maker of unsupported claims) for all the reasons stated above. Also, it is unnecessary to use 3 diff words with the same meaning to make a point.
Your opinion that I am done seems more like a hope of yours because you cannot outwit me as you wish you could.
Also, I know you are not mature enough to agree to disagree, but it would be much more becoming of you to find the adulthood in you to admit I never claimed God was real and that I have a right to my own religion. Also, I am aware we are not going to agree in this debate- but I will not let you make defamatory marks about me and all of the things you are saying are completely false as I have proven repeatedly and you continue to ignore.