1. Why do radical atheists oppose, with such a vengeance, something they say doesn’t exist, and why does it bother them that someone else chooses to believe in Christ?
If you mean, why do _some- of the more radical atheists oppose some of the more radical xtians with such a "vengence", I could offer some speculative opinions, (numbered below, in correspondance with your numbered, multi-part questions). Here's the inverse question back at you; why do some of the more radical xtian react with such spiteful vengence when their "faith" is challenged? Is it that weak a faith? Why would such a challenge bother them in the least, were their faith as strong as they claim it to be? *
2. Why do athiests say Christians are too pushy and delusional, etc., (while we try to tell them that not all Christians are that way and should not be boxed in the same one box); yet can't admit that there are athiests who also are too pushy, delusional, vocal, and even threatening?
2. Again, I'd be speculating here however, I'd estimate a strong possibility rests with a combination of highly subjective perceptions of what constitutes "too pushy" and "delusional", (as opposed to reasoned, unemotional determinations as to what actually constitutes such descriptive aspects), and with there being _some_ of both on both ends of the religious/nonreligious spectrum.
Here is a new article that has come out: What do you think this "top athiest" means by saying we Christians need to be eradicated? Do you agree with this man? Is he psycho? Should Christians lump him in the same box as all athiests?
"e·rad·i·cate /ɪˈrædɪˌkeɪt/ Show Spelled[ih-rad-i-keyt] Show IPA
verb (used with object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
1. to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate: to eradicate smallpox throughout the world.
2. to erase by rubbing or by means of a chemical solvent: to eradicate a spot.
3. to pull up by the roots: to eradicate weeds."
(Sounds like a threat on Christians' lives, in my opinion)
3. If you really do want to take that tactic, I could easily come up with 'authortive xtian' opinions regarding nonxtians which are just as hostile. My own view on that matter of "eradication" of opponents is to do so through defeating their 'arguments' via reasoning, (as opposed to sophistry/pseudo-reasoning, or relying upon 'blind faith', for instance). Although I would be remiss were I not to point to the documented historical exaamples of religiously-based atempts to 'convert the nonbelievers by sword' on a much vaste scale than any uch attempts by "atheists" to convert 'believers' to atheism.
*-1) My own speculations on your first set of questions would be that some atheist/nonreligious persons might well view such vehemently- evangelical-fundamentaliist and faith-based opinions as offenive to critical thinking and reason. Again, this is merely speculation and the 'rationale' behind such opposition of 'blind faith' can, (and does), vary from person to person. I've seen a few of the excuses put forth by these evangelical fundamenalists however, in order not to assume yours, which one explains why you do it?