With kids are getting sexually active so early....now a days 10 to 14 yrs old. With sexual diseases being transmitted at a young age; as well as pregnancy increase between teens. I think parents should go back to the old days & not have dating at all. It's so bad here in florida one of the schools was tested as the most teens diagnosed with some kind of sexually transmitted diseases. The school wanted to have a med van at the school for tests & meds or contraception/birth control or to get information to medical questions. The idiotic Radically religious community voted no that passing out condoms will make teens to want more sex. So this little county in florida will risk their kids to sexually transmitted disease for religious stupidity! For sure next year, this school will again win the School with the most teens diagnosed with some kind of sexually transmitted diseases. I'm sure those parents are so proud. Or much better this little hick town will win the Darwin Award & completely wipe themselves out of the human race thus saving us from them reproducing more stupid people into the world. Those teens with sexually transmitted diseases will more likely die in their late 30' early 40's. Hello, kids we still don't have a cure for AIDs. I, just heard this news recently. Had to vent.
If it's me doing the rules on dating. I'd make it that no school child will date until they graduate. Any dating would be something like I did a lot when I was young: we did group dating. Bunch of friends hang out together. Even so, there will always be a responsible grown up to supervise the kids. If worst comes to worst we could always bring back to the Iron maiden under wear. Where a girl will be able to keep her virginity in tack because no guy can get pass her iron underwear, I mean literally Iron underwear!!!!LoL