If you do, have you developed a relationship with Him? Do you believe you are saved? If you don't, do you know what happens to you when you haven't accepted God?
Let me first state that I intend no offense by my response here - I am simply responding to your questions honestly and openly.
Yes, I believe in God. No, I haven't developed a relationship with "Him"; I have developed a relationship with God, because to call God male or female is to limit God. I don't believe I have any right to say I am "saved" as that is presumptuous and, quite honestly, not what my faith is all about. I don't really care what happens after I die; I am here, and I am now, and God is with me here and now. I do say that I have eternal salvation because God's grace and salvation have touched me here and now.
Lastly, have you died and come back from the dead? I'm guessing not; I don't know anyone alive and walking the earth as a human being today who has. If you haven't, then you cannot say you know what happens to you after death, whether or not you have "accepted God." Life is more than accepting God, and living a faithful life is not about accepting God but allowing God to change and shape you from the person you are into a person who lives an abundant life.