Acc to Wikipedia
"Taylor was married eight times to seven husbands. When asked why she married so often, she replied "I don't know, honey. It sure beats the h@ll out of me.""
"The husbands were:
Conrad "Nicky" Hilton (May 6, 1950 – January 29, 1951) The marriage was unhappy and ended in divorce after nine months.[7]
Michael Wilding (February 21, 1952 – January 26, 1957) Wilding was 20 years older than Taylor.[7]
Michael Todd (February 2, 1957 – March 22, 1958) Todd's death ended Taylor's only marriage not to result in divorce. She later called Todd one of the two loves of her life, with Burton.[7]
Eddie Fisher (May 12, 1959 – March 6, 1964) Todd's best friend, Fisher, consoled Todd's widow, Taylor, after his death. They began an affair while Fisher was still married to Debbie Reynolds, causing a scandal.[7]
Richard Burton (March 15, 1964 – June 26, 1974) The press closely followed Burton and Taylor's relationship before, during, and after their 10 years of marriage, due to great public interest in "the most famous film star in the world and the man many believed to be the finest classical actor of his generation." Taylor hoped to focus on her marriage over her career, and gained weight in an unsuccessful attempt to not receive film roles.[7]
Richard Burton (October 10, 1975 – July 29, 1976) Sixteen months after divorcing they remarried in a private ceremony in Kasane, Botswana, but soon separated and redivorced in 1976. Burton disagreed with others about her famed beauty, acknowledging her "wonderful eyes" but saying that calling her "the most beautiful woman in the world is absolute nonsense. She has...a double chin and an overdeveloped chest, and she's rather short in the leg."[7] He stated, however, that when he first saw Taylor in 1952, "She was unquestionably gorgeous. I can think of no other word to describe a combination of plentitude, frugality, abundance, tightness. She was lavish. She was a dark unyielding largesse. She was, in short, too *bleep* much."[27]
John Warner (December 4, 1976 – November 7, 1982) As with Burton, Taylor sought to be known as the wife of her husband, a Republican[41][42][43] United States Senator from Virginia. Unhappy with her life in Washington, however, Taylor became depressed and entered the Betty Ford Clinic.[7]
Larry Fortensky (October 6, 1991 – October 31, 1996) Taylor and Fortensky met during another stay at the Betty Ford Clinic and were married at the Neverland Ranch.[7]"