Thank you all and everything you all said I will try my best to comply. I have a beautiful daughter from this relationship and she is 7 now so its not like he and I really need to conversate about a lot. She is able to talk for herself. We are 2 states apart from each other. The crazy thing is he knows how I feel and I believe he plays on that. I have made up in mind this year though that I have to let this go. I have let him control me too long even though we are far apart. I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of false hope, I'm tired of still hanging on to the hurt of the past which keeps me from moving forward.
I just want to love and be loved again but until then, I know like one of you said, I have to learn to love myself and focus on being a whole mother to my daughter. It's not easy but with great advice from people like you all and prayer and involving myself in other activities, what seems like will never end will end. I will get completely over him and I will not allow my self to keep hurting over this spilled milk who did not recognize a prize.
Thank you all again.