This is not a put-down or an argument, it is an observation. I find it ludicrous that anyone thinks God (or any entity), can possibly keep track of billions upon billions upon billions of predestined cellular/human activities, not to mention the thoughts that come into play. Even as a christian, I found this 'stand' ridiculous to possibly grasp. If you do do something, there is an argument re God to support that. If you do NOT do something, there is an argument re God to support that. If you thought about something and did it and it turned out well, there is an argument re God to support that. If you thought about something, did it, and it turned out bad, there is an argument re God to support that. On and on and on. Lets not even get into the 'degrees of sin'. Bad is bad and good is good in my world. There is no grey area for me to slide into and no one but myself to 'blame' when I do something I know is wrong.
This list can go on forever and it makes every single human being sound like a mindless, uncontrolled machine. If you read through this thread, in particular, you will see that not one 'religious' poster can actually answer a question put to them! It is all a circular argument. Headache from reading it? Small wonder - none of it makes an iota of sense in the actual world. What happened to common sense and self accountability? I'll tell ya what happened to it. It doesn't have to exist if you have something else you can say is running your life. Thanks, but no thanks, I will make my own decisions and take the consequences for my own actions.