so according to the christian belief, god judges you based on what you believe rather than what your actions in life are??
sidenote. you guys keep saying "thinkin a sin is just as bad as doing it". well that means that thinking a good deed is just as good as doing it. that's why that part makes no sense to me. also, you cant say the degree of a sin dosent matter. saying there are none that are worse than others, that their all just as bad, is illogical in my eye. what if the legal system was that way, what if you got a life sentence for whatever you did. whether it be littering or murder. that makes no sense.
I can say a degree of sin doesn't matter because like I said, God is purely and completely Holy. Therefore there is no degrees of holiness to the Creator, so a sin of stealing is a complete offense to a completely holy God. God doesn't measure sin the way men do. Mens' views on morality are subjective, one man may see stealing as wrong no matter what, another may justify theft by saying that the people he stole from deserve it. It doesn't work that way with God. Therefore sin is sin. You can think it's illogical but you are asking Christians why they believe what they believe so they will use the bible to explain it because that's what we base our beliefs in.
Also the bible says that faith without works is dead (James 2:20). Men are not justified by works they are justified by faith however a person who has faith will show evidence of it by their works. "
By their fruits you shall know them" Mat 7:16It is a Christians responsibility to be a living example of God's love. We are his hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth and we are expected to use our lives as a witness, therefore good works are important in a Christians life, it's just that good works alone will not save you.
God judges the heart of men. What is the heart of men? The mind basically, our self that only we and God can know. If in your heart you want to kill somebody or rape somebody or hurt anybody in anyway, God sees that and judges that. If you desire good things towards people, and your heart is focused on God then you will act on those things and it will be second nature. So there is no need for a provision to "think a good act and it's as good as doing it".
also, dosent that "god putting things into your heart and mind" thing poke a huge hole in the "free will" theory?
No and I'll give you an example. A year or so ago I was driving home and I live in a big city so it is common place to have people pan handling at highway intersections and various places. Some of them are scammers some of them are not you never really can tell. So sometimes I give them my change or (once I gave a man my kolaches I had just bought) other times I ignore them.
Well this one particular time I drove past a man who had a sign that he was hungry. I got a few feet down and I felt a VERY strong urge to go back and help him. I felt that God wanted me to take him and get him something to eat....I pulled over on the side of the road and struggled internally with this decision for nearly 10 mins. I had heard enough stories about women being murdered by men they picked up on the side of the road and I was afraid. So I ignored that strong urge and went home without helping him. I did not trust God at that point. And even though he "put it in my heart" to help that man, I "told" him no with my actions of disobedience.
So, God put it in my heart, I had a choice to listen to him or not. God knew the choice I would make but he did not force what he wanted on me. Therefore, nothing, including him being "all - knowing" has violated my free will.