jk, girrrl.
I'm glad you replied. Do moreso here in D+D. You're just pretty much telling it how it is, so I don't see why anyone would freak out at you. Please continue if you want, but you need to understand one thing that I'm starting to see all over-- the logic the believers use is pretty far-fetched no matter where you go. What I see a lot of is there's this emotional blanket that covers most logic/rationale/skepticism. If that's the case, it's usually pointless arguing correctly because you're going to strike the emotional chord and just get showered with fallacies left and right.
Mass murderer or church attender, good deed doer, if you do not believe in Jesus Christ, seek his sovereignty in your life, you get no "credit". Unless you live life for God, in His name, you are not going to heaven. And forgiven child molesters and mass murderers are walking in glory. Bu t once you go through Christ all is forgiven. Clean slate.

I never said I was not Christian. I am a Catholic, and YES I DO believe in GOD, YES I believe in Jesus, and that he died for our sins. YES I know the Bible, YES I have faith, YES I have a personal relationship with GOD. This is all truth, HOWEVER I have a hard time believing in a lot of things that MAN has done in regards to this, and things that MAN has said, and DOES say in regards to this.
All I know is when I die, You die, every single person walking this earth dies, THEN, and only THEN will you find out the REAL truth. Then you will find out if you go to heaven, or hell, or stay in limbo, get reincarnated, or etc... Only then will you possibly find out that molesters and murders are filling up heaven, OR if they are all in hell. Only then will you even find out IF there really IS a heaven/hell. For all we honestly know, when we die our "souls" or spirits could be transported back to the alien mother ship, LOL. I am not saying I believe this, I am just saying NONE of us really know for sure, UNTIL we die and find out.
You can call me a fake if you want, or say I am not a true believer, I do not care, it is not anyone's place to judge me on this, and it does not matter, because those people are NOT going to be the ones to decide what happens to me when I do die. I just strongly have issues with "MAN" not GOD. And yes the Bible is one issue I have problems with in some aspects, but again that is because I believe MAN wrote it, and that it is not 100% accurate to possibly what GOD might have wanted put in it, or not put in it.
An example of this... in the old testament it clearly says for example you are NOT supposed to work on the sabbath day, or 7th day, or we can say Sunday. Yet as times changed, and people could no longer just sit home and do nothing so to speak on that day, when the NEW testament came out, suddenly it says in there that you CAN work on this day. I TRULY believe that this was changed by MAN, to accommodate the times, and to accommodate MAN. Other examples... what about eating anything with "hoofs" aka pigs? What about touching, being with, hell even being in the SAME room as a woman who was on her menstrual? These things were SINS, and not allowed in the old testament. Then suddenly in the NEW one they are allowed? WHY? Because man decided eating pigs was ok? Because man did not want to have to stay away from women while on their periods? Though based on how some women act while on their periods... I don't know why in the world they would want to change that one, LOL.
As for those who want to preach that the Bible was written word for word what was told to them... LMFAO, ok here is something to think about... again I repeat what I mentioned in another post, nothing written in the Bible was written BY the person who went through it, saw it, experienced it. It was all "handed down" knowledge. So HERE is the questions... have you ever played that game in school or etc... where the teacher lined up all the students, then he/she whispered something into the ear of the first person, then that person whispered it to the second person, then second whispered to third and etc... THEN at the end, after all the students did this, the last one would say out loud what they were told? Ever notice that it is rarely IF ever the exact SAME thing the first person was told? Think about it... Another question, what about Noah's arc? Are we to believe that when GOD wiped out the world with that water, but only Noah, and his family were spared on the arc. SO the point here is, that every story in the bible before Noah, was remembered and passed on BY Noah? Every detail, fact, and etc...?
Ok last thing: I believe GOD is all knowing, and etc... So if GOD is perfect, infallible, AND all knowing... then WHY, are there contradictions in the Bible? Why are there things inaccurate in the Bible? Why are there things NOT in the Bible that IF it was written as GOD wanted it written then he WOULD know and have those things put in it? This just does not make sense, but what DOES make sense, is that MAN wrote the Bible as he wanted, based on what he was told, I believe he forgot, or just left out things that he wanted to leave out, or added things he felt personally should be in there. I believe the reason some things were left out, is because MAN is NOT all knowing, and at the time he did not know about them. I could give examples of this as well, but I will leave it alone for now, and end this post. Any feedback is welcomed, and I hope some of you really read and think about the things put here.