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Topic: Do we need to pay taxes???????  (Read 11600 times)


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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2011, 07:07:00 am »
IF you want to know the TRUTH about income taxes----you should watch this film by that GREAT AMERICAN film maker, Aaron Russo.  Just scroll down the page on the right hand side. You will be amazed and mad as hell. :BangHead: :BangHead:

OR you can just Google   Joe Bannister    He is an Ex IRS Agent.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 07:15:13 am by freepcmoney »


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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2011, 07:23:54 am »
Those darn taxes!  :BangHead:


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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2011, 07:45:55 am »
According to soverign rights we are not supposed to have to pay taxes. It all depends on if people actually wake up and do what they call a standing. Change yourself from defacto to dejure status with the courts. There fore your no longer a capital letter person fictitious. Its something Im thinking about doing.  :dontknow: how to yet


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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2011, 08:21:32 am »
Taxes were only supposed to be a temporary thing... but greedy politicians continued it. It was only supposed to help during the Civil War here in America, in 1860/61 I think. Also when it was put into "law" at the time it was not meant for everyone, it was only at the time a small percentage like 2-3% of Americans who made over a certain amount of money, I think the amount was like $900.00. It was supposed to end, when the war ended, since it was only supposed to help with the war effort. Within 5 years of the tax being put into action, they had collected over 300 million. Now here is the thing to think about... if they collected OVER 300 million, in 5 years time, just by collecting from Americans who made like $900.00, and they were only collecting a itsy bitsy percentage... just HOW much do they collect now? Seriously think about it... I can not even fathom the amount the government collects from us Americans now... our hard earned money, yet our country is on the verge of bankruptcy so to speak? Ok I am done, LOL. I usually don't get this "educational" on here, but I actually was looking this stuff up a few weeks ago, when a friend of mine and I were talking about taxes LOL. I had told my friend about this, without the "facts", just told from what I remembered from learning long, long ago. Anyway I went online to show my friend the "facts" cuz he did not believe it was originally supposed to be a temporary thing.
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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2011, 04:34:24 pm »
what he said

Anything under $300 from any one source you can go without reporting.

of course you can heck with the IRS web and phone

This is incorrect. There is no $ figure per source.  They look at things in aggregate, so any income, from any source is reportable regardless of how much it is.


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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2011, 04:41:00 pm »
Everything that you report on your taxes is voulentarily reported by you. The fact that you even file taxes is voulenteered by you. NOW---That being said----Keep in mind that IF you work and they send you a W2 OR a 1099 at the end of the year, then they have already reported that amount to the IRS on your behalf. Sooooo when and IF you choose to file your taxes, then you better report everything that has already been reportd to them.

Fushion Cash will REQUIRE you to fill out tax information papers after you earn $600. However I do not know IF that is $600 TOTAL, or $600 in any given year. I think it should be $600 in any given year, but you can check with support on that.

My question to you is---IF you find a penny on the street and pick it up, are you going to report that on your taxes?? I know that I AM NOT!! The dammed government would just take and give it to some foreign government, and illegal alien, some lazy *bleep* who won't work, or some Washington burearecrat!! :BangHead: :BangHead:

It's not really voluntarily when it's the law.  Sure, you can voluntarily decide to break the law, but we all know that there are going to be consequences.


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Re: Do we need to pay taxes???????
« Reply #51 on: May 01, 2011, 07:45:54 am »
Yes, Render unto Ceasar what is Caesar's which means YES you have to pay taxes... oh well, life is hard... but FusionCash is FREE money!!!

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