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Topic: Media - do they distort the News?  (Read 4631 times)


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2011, 10:03:55 pm »
The madia is a business, they run it just that way. All the news is not reported to public, for many reason of which we are aware of, Now you think about why it is like don;t believe everything you read as the truth.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2011, 08:14:47 am »
do you believe all you hear from the Media?
What is your favorite News station?
You can never believe what they say in the Media now a days. The media can twist the truth just to get ratings & not to inform the public with the truth. Some stations for example pro Republican stations spew lie after lie about the president. Now look where we are with this moron rep governor who whats to fix things in FLA that is not broken. There should be a law in which reporters reporting the news are not allowed to express their political agenda into the the news. Their job should be to report the news without any bias. Any reporter coloring or twisting the truth should be fired on the spot. This law should be in the contract for any reporter reporting the news. I like the regular abc, I don't know, I'm so pissed off with these news people & their lies, the public should petition to redefined what reporters need to report. You know, the truth and make this requirement the same in all states! Thanks for letting me vent. :thumbsup:

I don't believe the media has to lie about the current president, his stories change and slant on the stories as fast as he changes his clothes. and they are always different. One day he says one thing and the following day he says something completely different, on the same subject. I wonder if he thinks we, the people are so stupid that we can not see that? just like telling us we would know the news before it becomes law. it has been just the opposite. So I really can't blame the media for that - but I agree all the news media slant the stories from their own point of view, rather than being objective. I am not sure they even know what 'being objective' means any more. But the President has changed his story so many times, i don't even like to watch him, not sure he knows the truth or this is just Chicago politics..


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2011, 02:19:38 am »
I believe that the news is getting distorted because most of the news outlets are politically biased.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2011, 11:05:47 am »
I don't believe the media has to lie about the current president, his stories change and slant on the stories as fast as he changes his clothes. and they are always different. One day he says one thing and the following day he says something completely different, on the same subject. I wonder if he thinks we, the people are so stupid that we can not see that? just like telling us we would know the news before it becomes law. it has been just the opposite. So I really can't blame the media for that - but I agree all the news media slant the stories from their own point of view, rather than being objective. I am not sure they even know what 'being objective' means any more. But the President has changed his story so many times, i don't even like to watch him, not sure he knows the truth or this is just Chicago politics..

Angelhome, I agree w/u but don't believe what you see on tv about the Pres,govern,or political parties. Now a days, anybody can alter video & film to make the person look like they are lying or contradicting themselves. They can cut out important information that will make the person look like a liar or a liar into a super candidate. I think the only way to fix this is to mandate a law that all reporters in all states report information the same way with the truth. Reporters should not bring their political,religious, or bias into the work place mainly reporting to the people. Reporters have great power over what they report. They should use it responsibly. There had been cases where a person killed themselves b/c some reporter twisted the truth around making the person look guilty. This is the reason why I too, have cut down in watching the news.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2011, 12:58:49 pm »
yes, I believe the what to think network tells us only what they want us to believe. that is why this internet connection is important to keep as we now know many truths that when we did not use the internet we did not know. however it is important to discern. Not to believe everything on the internet also.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2011, 10:06:02 am »
I don't believe the media has to lie about the current president, his stories change and slant on the stories as fast as he changes his clothes. and they are always different. One day he says one thing and the following day he says something completely different, on the same subject. I wonder if he thinks we, the people are so stupid that we can not see that? just like telling us we would know the news before it becomes law. it has been just the opposite. So I really can't blame the media for that - but I agree all the news media slant the stories from their own point of view, rather than being objective. I am not sure they even know what 'being objective' means any more. But the President has changed his story so many times, i don't even like to watch him, not sure he knows the truth or this is just Chicago politics..

Angelhome, I agree w/u but don't believe what you see on tv about the Pres,govern,or political parties. Now a days, anybody can alter video & film to make the person look like they are lying or contradicting themselves. They can cut out important information that will make the person look like a liar or a liar into a super candidate. I think the only way to fix this is to mandate a law that all reporters in all states report information the same way with the truth. Reporters should not bring their political,religious, or bias into the work place mainly reporting to the people. Reporters have great power over what they report. They should use it responsibly. There had been cases where a person killed themselves b/c some reporter twisted the truth around making the person look guilty. This is the reason why I too, have cut down in watching the news.

i seldom watch it either anymore... local perhaps to get weather, and local news. politicians well waiting to see what repubs do. the new ones seem to be trying to take our country back, the old line repubs. I want them to know, election is coming.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2011, 11:39:14 am »
Of course. you have to do your own research and conclude your own results based on your opinion not theres


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2011, 04:55:46 pm »
obviously. best just to do your own research and come up with your own conclusions


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2011, 03:48:29 pm »
Yes, the news is very biased from quite a few news sources. 
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2011, 12:11:49 pm »
The media needs to work for money too. How do they do that? by exaggerating stories and mixing up the credibility of their sources


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2011, 12:16:07 pm »
I only believe some stuff they say but that's only if I've heard it before somewhere else. I don't like how the media sometimes hides important news to the public, and who do you think controls the media?.... The government.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2011, 06:01:31 am »
obviously. best just to do your own research and come up with your own conclusions

Yes we must all learn to do that. but I find most run, stick their heads in the sand and choose
not to talk about it or think about it.


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2011, 06:04:10 am »
The media needs to work for money too. How do they do that? by exaggerating stories and mixing up the credibility of their sources

very sad and so mis-leading. we must take with a grain of salt and attempt to piece truth together. It is very strange to me how
the same story can be interrupted so many different ways. A brain bubble perhaps?


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2011, 11:46:18 am »
i believe they will lie or say anything to sell there news


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Re: Media - do they distort the News?
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2011, 08:55:13 pm »
Let's face it, most news outlets wether it be newspapers or video/audio media sells it's wares when the news is "catchy". Of course the media will "exaggerate" news stories to get that "wow" impact and is designed to suck you into a story.

I don't trust the media community at all. FOX is better than most, but even they can go overboard. If I really want to know the "truth" of something, I weigh all the reports and make up my own decision. If you do your own homework and research, you won't be hoodwinked by the public media. They are biased, untruthful, unscrupulous, and have no problems trampling on people's right to privacy. And don't even get me started on the gossip rags.....who buys those things anyway? Every time I'm in a checkout line at any store, they are right there in front of your eyes. Pure tripe!

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